Another one bites the dust =P

>One of his posts said,"America has done wrong not sending black people back to Africa and opening the door to multiculturalism and inclusiveness." He also said homosexualsand Jewish people should be taken out of the country, an FDLE public information officer said.
Later, alt-righters! Nice knowing ya!

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's actually gonna be pretty funny when it all goes down.

So many on Jow Forums think cops are their friends, the government is magical, and the prisons only hold niggers .

They will discover the system was never on their side the hard way.

People think they can start this ball rolling and just check the back of their hand once in a while like "still white, they can't get me!" How wrong they are...

Jow Forums btfo!!!


>bond was set at $1,100,000 during his first court appearance
higher bond for saying kikes need to go back than defending a dumpster and actually killing someone

Kikes dont give a fuck if some random nog kills another random groid.

But inciting violence against jews terrifies them. The more society comes apart the more apparent it is how much they are in control

>Arrested for a bad goy opinion
Oh sayyyy can you seeeee

Welcome to the rest of the western world.

neither of those two statements are illegal so i wonder what he actually said that you or that story are not sharing

>be burger
>tell truth online
>bond set at over a million

my goodness

What do you think will happen of everyone is outed? Then this whole thing goes from the internet to real life. FL dude didn't get arrested for that statement, he clearly went over the line in calling for violence. Constitution is still valid as long as you have a lawyer.

>When a military boot crushes his balls — THEN he will understand. But not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization

What happened to free speech?


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Tell me about it

Unless he was trying to incite real life violence like saying how he was going to kill somebody the court can't do shit.

JIDF Detected.

They clearly have more compelling evidence of incitement or this is going nowhere.

How is he JIDF? If anything you are the Jew.

They're calling it "inciting violence" to get around it.
Pathetic, I know, but that's how they're playing it.
Once they convince normies that "hate speech" is violence, it's all over. Conform or be imprisoned.
This looks to be the start.

Based and redpilled.

We need another holocaust.

t. Brevard County

PS: hang all niggers

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I dont think thats the comment that got him in in the limelight, they dont seem to want to repeat what got him in trouble

>he clearly went over the line in calling for violence
It has to be specific too, not just some "Kill all niggers and kikes!" shit. It has to be something like "Show up to this specific synagogue located at such and such location at this time and kill the first kike you see!"

Yeah, you cant be arrested for quoting Abraham Lincoln, he said something else apparently

This cant be real.

This is not why he was arrested. That quote can not get you arrested in USA.

>$1,100,000 bond for a illegal weapons charge
wew lad, these retards need to calm down

forgot pic

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To all those wondering, a quick google search reveals he was a convicted felon and brandished multiple firearms in his videos. Thats why they were able to arrest him.

A man got arrested for stuff he says? Um this is wrong. Big time.

Most of these cases will get tossed out. This is just SJWs in the DAs office trying to test out new legal theories that will end up getting their districts sued because Ohio v. Brandenburg is still the law of the land.

So the headline is misleading people to believe it was because of his posts?

The article is globalist pilpul and dishonest, he was a felon with firearms, simple as

Okay, I read the full story, he wasn’t arrested for his social media posts.

>sending written threats to kill >possession of a weapon by a convicted felon

I was about to flip out. You can talk shit about kikes and niggers all you want in the USA.

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this will become the norm soon
the frog got slowboiled alive, say bye-bye to your rights


checkmarks call for violence against whites all day, any arrests yet?

He put his hands on her. I’m pretty sure there’s a video too.

I thought America had freedom of speech
Canada doesn't with one of the key caveats being incitement of violence.

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Yeah, possessing a gun if you're a felon is a huge NO.
This is why you possess a crossbow instead.

Read the story, dickwad. He wasn’t arrested for his posts.

this, its completely absurd unless this guy has a net worth of over a million dollars or unless he bombed a preschool

hate speech is not free speech

he literally didnt say a word

think about that for a second

Yes, only a jew would insist that you have to be self-aware as an individual and not believe obvious government lies.

It is. Get over yourself.

we have orthodox jews in brevard
they're ok minus literally every piece of property here is owned by them

Careful with that language goy

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niggers aren't people

>He wasn’t arrested for his posts.
It's what got the search warrant, which led to his arrest

At least the government is aiding in creating actual nazis, if only on accident

>that hair

Hate speech is free speech you fucking nigger

>alt righters
You're a little behind, nigger, try to keep up
>relying on the state to protect you and your beloved minorities
What a pussy ass movement.
Get rekt

>One of his posts said,"America has done wrong not sending black people back to Africa and opening the door to multiculturalism and inclusiveness." He also said homosexualsand Jewish people should be taken out of the country
Also that's absolutely Based and Redpilled

Free this man

The system is not on anyone's side but it's own.
Don't masturbate to the schadenfreude just yet.

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Problem is, you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride. His defence is gonna cost him a shitload of money and time, and the social shaming may cost him his job (if he has one). In the end, if he's found not guilty, it'll be posted on page16 near the obits, if it's posted at all.
This is designed to send a message, even if....especially if....the state knows the charges are bullshit and won't hold water.

Alt-righters when literally anyone else says anything at all:
>>relying on the state to protect you and your beloved minorities
>What a pussy ass movement.
Alt-righters when they get banned off YouTube:

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the only world minority are whites
racist kike

anybody who types that kind of thing online is literally a retard who doesnt know how to exercise self restraint and more importantly has nothing of value to contribute to any discussion
or theyre shills who try to bait others into talking like that too so they can be targeted

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This is pretty weird. One of these feds was trying to pin the Christchurch shooting on Russia.

Don't be fooled. The police aren't arresting people for their opinions. The police are arresting those that present a credible threat to do violence.

The leftist press doesn't want you to believe that though. They want you to be intimidated into complete silence by giving you the impression these people were arrested for "right wing" speech ( whatever that means). They want you to completely shut up by using the fear of the police.

The holocaust never happened, but it should have.

Stinks like reddit in here. I think I know why.

you came.

Speech is speech regardless of how some butthurt people want to label it. And it's either free or not. We still have the Constitution that says it's free.

>felon with guns

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Arrietty was a good film. Also jews should be deported.

the number of whites in prison is extraordinarily low.

Or a blackpowder musket. You can even get the musket delivered to your house.

I'm hoping Florida will get hot this election-cycle. I want a violent protest that isnt a day's drive away, damnit

that isnt going to stop anyone tho. so why even bring it up

kinda curious how they got a warrant

The court can do whatever a judge or jury chooses to do. Don't be a naïve faggot. If the guy has the resources to go to the supreme court, he would probably win with the current SCOTUS makeup, but that wont be the case when the composition of the court changes. Also, most people would be bankrupted trying to hire lawyers to appeal an unjust ruling up the hierarchy.

Are you looking in the JIDF mirror?

First post best fucking post. Cops are heroes of their own story. You’re just scum getting hauled in for wrongthink.

Yeah it is.
You're too fucking stupid to understand why.

>America has done wrong not sending black people back to Africa and opening the door to multiculturalism and inclusiveness." He also said homosexualsand Jewish people should be taken out of the country

There, come get me.

nigger the feds are incompetent, the insane majority of the "catches" are just to make you think they're in control.

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nice reddit spacing

Jewish question mark fag reminder pol is anti Jewish not smelly pieceznik zog feds get a life faggot

Can't really wait for the 49%, maybe that retarded shit will stop then. What are the stats for Fort Myers anyway, maybe whites are already a minority there.

>this low effort bait post again
its ok, we know you can't read supreme court rulings.

As Steve pieceznik said control us better you are run jabotinskyites and these adl fed peds and judenrat faggots are trying to stem a real cultural tide that isn't exactly as it appears to be call it Forrestals revenge

Native Americans to whites - Go back to Europe

That sound like that jibberish niggers vomit when they're being arrested. Talk normal.

He's a convicted felon who posted pictures of his handguns on social media while encouraging massacres. So...

So this is really a story about handgun possession.

Niggers call for the race war on social media all the time. Just look at the comments of any Tariq Nasheed tweet.

This is why DA/Prosecutor elections are so important.

Left wing floods that area of the political sector with donations so they can basically have prosecutors and Da's determine which laws they want to enforce/go hard on or play soft on.

Its no surprise that the courts go super super super hard on right wing people for simply saying things while ignoring leftists who say similar shit.

So? What's your point?

Literally fake news

play stupid games go to prison

The only possible way to respond to this is by going balls to the wall with the hatefacts. If any of you anons havent yet I would recommend reading through the posts of that confirmed glownigger. These faggots are obvious as it is but after reading his posts I noticed just how many shills are using the same fucking post structure as if they are operating off of a set posting format.

The reason I bring that up is because in noticing this it becomes obvious that there is a more concerted shill campaign going on right now than normal.

I would posit that the goal of this campaign is to stoke "fear of oppression" or something along those lines. Until a better idea is had I would say that the best thing to do would be for anons to familiarize themselves with these seeming posting formats and call them the fuck out when ever such posts are seen.

Why? As an example to newfaggots. It's rare that the fucking shills show proof of their shilling while there is an ongoing influx of newfaggots, and that makes this a good opportunity to redpill them. In the same fashion that remaining vocal while there are people being arrested for voicing their beliefs is a good way to reach the plebs. This point is a play right out of the commie playbook. No example of "injust oppression" is to be squandered lightly as it has historically proven the best method for getting plebs to think.

>the videos showed him
>with weapons
>convicted felon
This is the real reason he was arrested, you fucking idiots. The Judenpresse is just trying to scare you into silence like always.

Yes. As to intimidate you

YES. It isn't illegal to say fuck niggers fuck Jews.