Why is Ayn Rand hated?

i see so many tards talking shit about Ayn Rand, like
>she greedy
>her philosophy doesn't make sense
and, those points don't make sense

you tards can explain me why?

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john oliver absolutly btfo all her arguments. never gonna return from that

libertarianism won't work without a white ethnostate.

John Oliver lol.

>It is (((current year))) and you're still asking why ?

Fucking Atlas shouldering the sky, is this what's built in front of the Rockfeller center?

She doesn't do anything to stop degeneracy.
The main character in Atlas shrugged sleeps with 3 dudes.
She is another Jew pushing atheism.

She is a jewish and a feminist. What more do you want?

>I'll feed you an ideology by laying crumbs out for you to follow and deceive yourself by believing you reasoned it all out yourself, and in the process strip all meaning off good things but without putting back on after the disassembly, leaving you a cynical and stuck up faggot that got fed a marketable-atheism.

>libertarianism won't work
Fixed that for you

i pushed athiesm on myself when I read the bible.

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>Rand asserted that "the essence of femininity is hero worship – the desire to look up to man" and that "an ideal woman is a man-worshipper, and an ideal man is the highest symbol of mankind."[9] In other words, Rand felt that it was part of human nature for a psychologically healthy woman to want to be ruled in sexual matters by a man worthy of ruling her.
Okay, i like objectivism.
That's what the west lost.

Fake and gay shill account. You newfag retards replying are just as retarded for not spotting the JIDF kike.
>pic related

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>you tards can explain me why?
Read atlas shrugged and talk with any objectivist for 10 minutes
You'll quickly start to suspect something

Her book was ridiculously long winded and every character was 1-dimensional. In real life, the noble capitalists use their control of the government to stifle innovation and competition. The evil takers actually do some work and get the shit end of the stick. That being said, I'm on her side of the argument, but the book was shit.

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>by a man worthy of ruling her.
That's feminism. Who decides which man is worthy of ruling her? The woman does, after trying a lot of men and seeing which one is worthy of it. After about 300 cocks and when she's 40 then she'll find a man worthy of ruling her.

>Although her personal view of homosexuality was unambiguously negative, considering it immoral and disgusting, Rand endorsed non-discrimination protection for homosexuals in the public sphere while opposing laws against discrimination in the private sector on the basis of economic freedom
>"I do not approve of such practices or regard them as necessarily moral, but it is improper for the law to interfere with a relationship between consenting adults."
I gotta say.. Nice.

>That's feminism. Who decides which man is worthy of ruling her?
Well, from that phrase, she is saydint that men and women are different, and that women should submit to men.
I mean, did i get that wrong?
Feminism on the other hand proclaims that it's men who should submit to women to give them an advantage so that they can be equal to men.
Cause women are superior ofc.
That's why we gott tear down men.

i'm not made of ash

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Well she is pro-rape, so I’d say she’s pretty based.

liberalism is the disease. Ayn Rand is a priestess of decay.

Libertarianism is the "conservative" equivalent to ivory tower liberals. The idea that giving freedom to people who want to take your freedom away is somehow good or moral is ridiculous at face value. Libertards are delusional if they think a free market can get rid of Jews or prevent immigration.

Alisha Rosenbaum is her name, kike

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M8, I've been searching threads on Jow Forums for a French person. I am having a huge problem with something I'm trying to mail-off to a Frogbro, and google and even Bing are no help to me.
If you are still ITT, can you help me with my question please? Unironically, I'm really fucking stuck. I just need help with a French address.

Try /fr/ on Jow Forums.

Ayn Rand was virulently anti-racist. She's yet another example of jews being promoted by the jewish media into leadership of all sides to make everyone's highest priority what's good for the jews.

The second it becomes viable for high intelligence, high productivity individuals to climb aboard a rocket ship and blast off leaving this shithole planet to the brown hordes to run, there will be a queue a mile long for that trip.

Ya because a centralized satanic globohomo death cult is better then small localized skirmishes...
