>constant threads about nothing >1 post by this id >psyop point of view replacement operations all day >our chanells banning
You are clearly loosing this board. Remember THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION We are under attack. Hordes of degenerates are here. They laugh at you. There is nothing sacred for them, they will make you all like them. Without honor, without pride, without purpose and without homeland
This is the last place of the unification of the white race, if we lose it, we will not bring everyone back. Collect will into a fist. The only thing you need to do is disseminate information.
This is the last place of the unification of the white race, if we lose it, we will not bring everyone back. Collect will into a fist. The only thing you need to do is spread the information. Do not respond to stupid threads, do not waste time, spend time on work, family and spread the truth.
One extra line bro, it only shows that I am writing myself
Owen Bailey
Let me give you a rundown on why this board is the way it is. Internet communities are formed through common interests. Common interest begs for culture, culture requires that the network facilitates the former by the creation and spread of memes throughout that community. But there is no middle ground within a meme complex, virtual communities are always extremes. Jow Forums used to be Liberal, but the framework of memes was subverted by external sources, short catchy memes regarding right-leaning politics were injected into the sphere of Jow Forums and began to transform the culture of the board in a way similar to how a virus invades individual cells and causes the cellular processes to produce viral proteins that replicate it's genetic material. The right-leaning beliefs on Jow Forums were not bred through the unification against liberalism or corruption, they were born through memes.
There is no truth on Jow Forums, only memes. So fuck off faggot
>There is no truth It is certain there is truth. And it is that Hitler was the greatest man in history who tried to do everything right. Everyone who wants to live in an honest and healthy world should understand this and spread it.
Aiden Rivera
okay cuck either you stay here all the time to hold the ground you’ve “conquered” and expose yourself to more and more redpills or you leave after a day or two and we continue on as normal
so why do you not do any investigation adn instead just post memes that are deceptive because you have not done any research?
Easton Cooper
This place is lost for more than 4 years now, are you this dumb?
Gavin Torres
>live in an honest and healthy world
Samuel Watson
Jason Harris
they will all red pill themselves soon enough
Henry Bailey
How do you expect bots to do that?
Parker King
Actually i am do. MYSELF. about climate change and saw how all the (research) untrue. After that, my eyes opened and I checked the Holocaust. None of the Jews specifically destroyed, evicted in the 30s. >lol Whats lol about it faggot?
Logan Bennett
Thank you russian bro for your words, don't let yourself down and stay firm, resolute and strong.
Brody Robinson
Thank you, stay strong, fren Better times will come.
so you think the Einsatzgruppen were only joking about shooting a million jews ont eh eastern front? No jews at all died int eh camps. No jews died in the ghettos. all teh jews left germany int eh 30s... not true. all the jews left the entirety of Europe int eh thirties? utterly false. No jews from Holland, France, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, any occupied country of country in co-operation with the Nazis, died. Utter rubbish.
you may have looked at a denier site or two, but you have not done any research.
and anyone claiming that Hitler was the greatest man in history who tried to do everything right... is neither honest nor healthy.
Those who wanted left. And then further killings in the war? this is war. Germans and Russians died even more. They even burned the villages for their connections with the partisans. Russian villages, not damned jews who get paid for this for some reason. Also destroyed as the German population. Hitler was much more tolerant than his opponents then. What are you trying to hide? jews jews jews fucking everywhere money information history everything in their favor. and look at this grim world after? disaster
Liam Hughes
"we" didn't do any of that. "we" were not even born then.
This is a main difference. We do. it is our ancestors and genes. You are broken if you not understand this. Without tradition you are nothing, This is predesposition in genes
ok, so reading betweent he lines of that rant... you admit the Einsatzgruppen killed over a million jews, and recorded it, adn recorded it as different to partisan activity, recording men women and children (hudreds of thousands of children) as they were systematically killing all the jews int eh eastern territores.
but that isn't the holocaust.? that is what you are saying. the systematic genocide of the jews in eastern europe isn't part of the holocaust?
Christian Morgan
God you guys are stupid sometimes. Im going to spell it out for you:
>Theyre forcing you off the internet in means of consumption. >Theyre forcing corporate hands on very specific levels >pay attention to what
You really think they are betting in favor of jewish power, non-white demographics, and other leftist loudmouth minorities?
It looks like theyre betting on you.
Robert Garcia
God. All the second world was a holocaust. Why do Jews benefit? You know what the problem of modern society is. Rejection of tradition. All these fagots think of themselves too much, as if man had conquered nature. Hahaha If you step back from your path. You are nobody, nothing. You can watch it. As together with the crowds of fagots and trances along with the blacks, the white civilization will die. and her virtues. Science, culture.
Maybe. But a start was made through living and observing how bad the world is. If all these people politicians, businessmen are the best. And there was nothing else. We must burn this planet. But the other one WAS
Just had a Freemason lodging in Utah over this last weekend. You wanna know what a small group of 2000, watered down leadership egofanatics were talking about?
1. End of the year real estate crash 2. Radicalization of youth toward right wing ideologies
You wanna know how people responded? Everyone knew corruption in money, entertainment and politics was about to be purged.
Lot of shills again today, thank you for your work.
Jeremiah Anderson
go kys with this science. I am a scientist. over the years of my life I have seen so much supposedly science, which in reality is just empty talk. In fact, I just saw empty talk. I did not understand why Hitler expelled the jews from science. Then it all came together in one picture. my way - (climate change) - (holohoax) - hitler did everything right and actually genetic predispotion it is true even in (science) People could life only one way
Jackson Morales
Thank you too, bro.
John Diaz
Based and redpilled
Asher Brown
You may not know it, but I think you must understand you are helping passify people by keeping them here. Its a consumption problem. The key to change is action.
Your fight for the internet is a struggle for congregation, I get that. You wont win it unless you have money. I would start getting as many "redpills" and putting them into physcial archive spaces in your house. Then go out and make friends, brother.
Easton Ross
They're probably in overdrive because the whole Iran thing, trying to get people to not notice the jewish tricks. Dumb threads like this ain't helping tho.
I never said the jews should benefit. But do you not see a difference in teh murder of five adn ahalf million civilians on racial/religious grounds, targeted, systematic and often cruel, and the other mass deatha round them?
when three million Polish Jews were dleiberately killed, 97% of the polish jews, at the same time three million non jewish Poles were killed - about 10% of the population.
97% versus 10%? both are war crimes, but one is clearly different in some way.
98% of german jews, abotut he same for Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian jews. Over two thirds of all jews in europe. As a specific targetted group - as a war aim - as a target identified for the german war machne to destroy.
that isn't the same as the deaths of civilians in bombing raids on belfast or London, or Rotterdam. it isn't the same as the mass deaths of those in war ravaged eastern europe, from famine, disease, adn casual murder. it is a different, specific, war crime within the war.
denial tht it happened is simply counter factual, and serves no purpose.
you may as well be a flat earther or a moon landing hoaxer, or a 9/11 truther.
Evan Butler
What is the conversation about. Buy a flash drive and upload memes to it? This is also like the figures on warming. They look true. But games in numbers depend on how to count. I have seen enough of it. And everything else smells very bad and makes you think. And now we do not see and can not find where all these jews are. Yes, someone was shot, yes Hitler did not like them. I hate them too. Look at the pictures at least about porn. The white race is dying out because of them. And this is because they are degenerates. They hate themselves, we are much better than them. Therefore, they are always there, parasites. They cannot limit themselves, they are primitive and insignificant. When they work. they are not engaged in meaningfull business, only visibility of business for the sake of my selfish interests. Like many whites. But we can in another way. I lived for a long time and considered this horrible world to be the normal. Not going to have children, had no hopes. This is the world they have made for themselves; this is their world. In our everything is different. We are not like that. Thank God I had enough to understand everything in 30 years. Maybe I can still live traditionally.
and frankly, anyone rejecting climate science is again not doing enough research.
and you have not shown any reason to reject the holocaust.
sorry but is right
Benjamin Watson
I am an engineer, but a scientist by education. So it was because of what I am talking about. We have no science. With arguments about the climate, you can immediately go for a walk. It is an irrefutable truth that all these predictions are based on insignificant assumptions. These are just attempts to influence thinking, not real science. Real science is just an experiment. climatesceptics on reddit jonova The fact that a person like you believes in global warming is due to a person, although there is no evidence of this. also an indicator about the holocaust I really know how brains work, friend. In general, I doubt that a person can guess something and take advantage of logic. Only experiment and experience.
This is what all those liberated white women flock to. To the destruction of that, which allowed them to exist in public life. Which granted them liberties. Which brought civilization to this fucking world.