Yellow Vest ASSAULTED a judge

The president of the Highest Justice Court in the French Judiciary System, was assaulted at her home.
Two men came to the magistrate's house and rang her door to deliver a package. When she opened, she was hit by a rubber bullet under her eye shot from the infamous LBD-40 used on Yellow Vest protesters which already made thousands of injured.

>For the moment, we can only confirm that this is a non-lethal weapon
>investigation for "attempted homicide on magistrate".

Minister of Justice immediatly reacted
>I learn with indignation and emotion the aggression of the president of the Court of Assizes of Versailles. All law enforcement are mobilized to find the perpetrators. All my support to the magistrate, her family and the judicial community of Versailles.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A reminder about Police violence against protesters :
from the 288 reported hit in the head, 17 have lost an eye

browse this account for more

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Can it be attempted murder if it's a "non lethal" weapon? Is this 4d checkers?

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Good we need more of this

yellow vests are commies

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plot twist, it was the police

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what's the matter? they told you to fuck off from their countyr?

Good. Nazbol rise up.

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Oh boy

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No no its ok if we shoot you with rubber bullets, its for your own good, and theyre harmless you big baby

Help Ive been shot! Attempted murder! I could have been killed or injured by a commoner, guards! Seize him at once

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Now she has can turn a blind eye to justice

A few weeks ago a Minister house was assaulted too. The video is hard to find because the government shut it down, officially to "not show where the Minister live" but it was in fact because the attack was harmless and the Minister over-reacted on social media.
>A group of yellow vests broke into the home of the Secretary of State for Gender Equality, on the night of Friday, May 25 to Saturday, May 26, at Le Mans. Marlène Schiappa denounced Facebook "threats" and a complaint was filed. It also states that it will "prosecute" any "publication of images" likely to identify his home.

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Oh oh oh m8
You are a baaaaaad goy.
You are attacking the (((Republic))) this way.
Baaaaad bad goy.
Stop it now.

>4d checkers?
Sounds like it


Well it's a non-lethal weapon, she can't possibly lost an eye.

When your government goes globalist you can't vote them out(Just look at Trump, do you see any investigation against Hillary or Soros or just a shitshow? His term is almost up!), so what do you do with them? Protest? Lose some eyes? That helped so much goyim.
Hahaha, when will you all learn?

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im not sure if you can put naz before bol about them

Enlight me burger. What shoud we do ?


Play like you're a jew and go to Israel, the true ethnostate
Find a remote town in Belarus.
Learn the language, become a politician and keep the niggers out.

I don't like taking advices from defeatists.

What happens when the EU turns into the United European Nations and conscripts every state in its borders into its own army and goes to war while enacting sharia law, killing everyone who has ever spoken out against Islam. You think you're not on a list for just visiting this website?
Face it, gentiles lost.
The rallies and the president was funny though, you're about to be right back to where you all were during Hillary/'s family being presidents.

Last warning

Based France, this type of stuff is the only way they will learn.

D.A.K 16.10.16

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We have a theory about the future of France. You see our intellectuals love to theorize what our country will become. And it fact it has become a science, we couldn't get so far without forecasting. The same author who predicted the Yellow Vest and the separation between rural-small towns and cities-suburb France said we are heading to "Leopard France" with as many independant states as there are stains on this animal.

In some part of our country, islamist are running everything from security to the economy, in other parts it's the roms who makes the law and in some parts it's the good old France where YV come from and wehre Macron would be guillotined the second the step a foot there. All this territories where the rule of law means nothing now are completly different from Paris and its suburbs.

It will happen. It won't be a sudden change, there will not systematically be violence, but some territories will slowly stop to pay taxes, have there own militias, become food and energy independant, have their own schools. Much like your gated communities in the US or South Africa but for all kind of social standards.

What you did to your monarchy.

>Rek the whole paris
>complain when police rek your shit .

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Better red than brown.

look, it's the terrorist know as yelow vest
beware of your luxury shops

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Fucking commie you should be shot for what you just said .
Dont you fucking worry your time will come .
The day of the rope for commies will soon come .

This is like toothpaste brands fighting on twitter.

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I know right, praise JVPITER

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Karma is a bitch. Can't wait for the day the GJs behead Macron.

Commie propaganda .

I cannot believe Macron still lets you protest .
If it was me an army will be in streets, protecting me and my rich friends, shooting commies .
Make your own wealth nigger .
You are not entitled to my wealth .

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Maybe if a party propose to reinstate death penalty for crime of high treason and promise to judge Macron under this charge.

What wealth ? There are no school, no doctor, no hospital, no postal service, no administration, no factory, no business. Rural France is a big nothing and all the money go to the racial suburb remarkable by its absence from all the protests.

>Secretary of State for Gender Equality
Post the police suicide stats links to sweeten our mood, Jean-Pierre. : )

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Crime aside, I have to admit it's a very poetic justice. Dante would have approved


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Nice try at D&C schlomo, but they're literally chanting that Macron is a puppet of the jews

If they were kosher, their wouldn't be a media blackout on them

Paris should be wrecked and the (((elite))) guillotined you fucking pussy

Sauce please .
Sauce me up with Rural France not having to eat and not having doctors and schools .
>Police suicides reach 'out of the ordinary' level in 2019
>Twenty-four police officers committed suicide in just three and a half months, raising fears of a "black year" as in 1996, when 70 suicides were recorded.

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Suck more jew cock, faggot


the powerful who are isolated away from the problems that they create must be made to live in the same fear they force everyone else to wallow in


>not killed

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>Sauce me up with Rural France not having to eat and not having doctors and schools .

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If it was British law and they managed to get the people charged with attempted homacide it would mean every yellow vest protester would have precedent enough to bring attempted homicide charges against the police.

I got a hunch that all the Jewish whores are preparing to spend their lives in a sunny tropical police state where globalists can be safe.

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I'll just leave this here.

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>not enough maternity, babies die

It's a start. When the headlines read "assassinated" then I'll do the happy dance. When those headlines include schumer feinstein pelosi etc then I will fap
>migrants get special 75% discount for public transportation in the racial suburbs, it amounts in thenth of millions

There, there. Even with all your niggers, faggots and faggot niggers, you have less HIV per capita. But data was 2010 and it's almost 10 years in the future now.

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The main problem I see with this theory is that the State won't allow it, they will do all they can do counter this scenario, because the day it happens means they will totally collapse. That plus the nuclear power plants

>This was an attempted homicide
>non-lethal weapon
>But when my so called police is doing literally the same thing, it's a harmless non-violent act.
>Signed, Macron

Macron will get the rope this year, right?

Nasty Jewish smelly baph fbi counts looking over their shoulder a lot these days

>His term is almost up!
6 more years

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should've killed her desu, nothing's stopping you anymore

And a jew to boot a judenrat judge getting what she deserves cant wait till Kagan has a kosher fed ex delivery

That's actually good. People will restart to give birth at home and grow independent on big pharma. They will get stronger

Holy shit ... more webms like this, please.

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>they will do all they can do counter this scenario
We can take the bet. We have a maximum of 50k police special forces. Is it enough ?

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The yellow vest party is still going on?`Nice.

Nothing new though

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>won't allow it
What are they going to do when 10 million refuse to work?
Start killing people?

The so called "state" is bluffing.
They can't do shit.
They can only do shit when it's a few people.
They are afraid of the population working together against (((them))), because in reality THEY HAVE NO POWER.

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False flags incoming

this is one is the best because it happens in rural France

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baguette where's your opinion polls please gibe

>The video is hard to find
Post it.

It's enough to securize big cities, and their main ways of communicating, and maybe launch some intervention to brake moral. It's not sustainable though, I agree. My main fear is with nuclear plants. Perdu pour perdu the state could do really nasty things like sabotaging one and accusing the rebels, or whatever new power emerges

Forgot to save it

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Why didn’t they use a real gun, I get the romanticized poeticism they were going for using the same rubber bullets but when presented with an opportunity, why squander it?

Good luck frenchbro's

World changing revolutions always start in France.

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last one

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bro I've been to Auvergne and Lyon is literally City 17 in terms of how desperate the situation is, everything France makes goes straight into Paris Metropolitan Area and rest of the country starves

because it's a non-lethal weapon so they can't be charged with murder and if they are actually charged with murder than, every police officer who ever fired with one can be charged with murder

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>>investigation for "attempted homicide on magistrate".
You mean she didn't die? What a bunch of fucking failures.

LOL, never saw those. That's when you see GJ are the actual good people. They could have killed them if they wanted, with no possibility of identifying who did it. But they restrained, because they don't want blood to be poored. They want freedom.

>Now she has can
This was your moment, your time to shine with the bants and you sperged the shit out of it.

False Vest. If everybody in France has a yellow vest how can you be sure it's s legitimate protester and not an agent provocateur?

>nuclear plants
Conspiracy theory:
Nuclear power is actually safe
Nuclear plants are actually safe
The muh dangerous talk is about controlling the population and making sure that there are just a few companies being allowed to use it and make tons of bucks by doing so

That would explain why the German "government" doesn't really take care of the nuclear waste
That would explain why wild life is having no problem around Chernobyl, although the press told us that there wouldn't be life anywhere near that for over 9000 years.
That would also explain why they are not afraid about mudslimes flying planes into them.
That would also explain why they are not afraid about terrorists taking control of some and then blowing them up

If you’re at the judges house already why not make more than a statement? Again, I understand the mentality but at that point just go whole hog these idiots could have set everything alight

I'm disappoint, Pierre.

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My cousin probably did it!

I usually give the police the benefit of the doubt but it's pretty obvious the government is no longer acting in the interest of the people (and have done some pretty vile things in enforcing those outside opinions) so this is all deserved. Keep fighting the good fight, Pierre.
Next step is figuring out ways to get you guys crates of cheap PSA ARs.

I'm talking about nuclear explosion, that kind of shit would shake any new born state hard enough to make crumble

Bruh, could have told u this a long time ago. Lee kwuan yew been going to the Bohemian Grove for ages. I've been to Singapore twice but never again, I always get followed when I land lol.

The elites dont target themselves in falseflags. This attack will generate no sympathy for the system and moat will either subtlety or overtly cheer it on - plus it makes other judges think twice before cracking down

This was an excellent target