Why are women incapable of thinking logically

Simple question Pol, explain it to me.

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are you calling your mother stupid ?

First off, women have smaller brains.

Attached: Men v women brains IQ.jpg (1334x694, 530K)

theyre more geared to emotional thinking and understanding emotions of others rather than solid and straight logical thinking.

Women are like an animal tied to a tree. The tree is their emotions and the rope is their hormones.

They can be smart like math etc but seeing the bigger picture that’s what’s hard for them

Yes I am.

Secondly, their brains are designed different: like a larger corpus callosum joining the logical right half with the intuitive left.

Attached: Sexual dimorphism in the brain.jpg (687x429, 43K)

Agreed, she let you pop out of her rotten cunt you dumb fuck.

This creates difficulty in keeping cognitive bias from influencing reasoning; they are more prone to believing what they want to believe

Attached: Brain sexual dimorphism .png (1043x627, 408K)

a billion years of evolution to deal with our dumb asses

post more science


Because women are averse to confrontation. Consistent logic, invariably leads to confrontation.


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Post ta'tas!

lol shut up roastie before I report you to the sharia police for posting unaccompanied

This is g, the speed at which the brain operates. It is strongly correlated to IQ.
Women's brains tend to be a bit slower on average, and the standard deviation (how much it spreads out) is less.
This means you should find less women in occupations that require higher IQ.
It would also impact their ability to learn how to reason.
That said, One of the best books on reasoning I have was written by a Catholic Nun.

Attached: Men v women iq.png (644x362, 61K)



you think guys have it bad, the hormonal shifts that make semen are nothing compared to the hormonal shifts that make babies

There are plenty of women who can think for themselves just like there are men who cant. One of the biggest problem women face is being coddled at an early age by parents and boyfriends so they dont have the opportunity to flex the brain with complex thinking. Of course the same thing happens with guys where they just dont find opportunities for themselves for thinking hard about things. Working for so long in restaurants really shows the apparent evenness of the two genders, there are people of both genders that just can’t read a menu or think beyond pictures

>babies first naxalt

Lurk moar

Plz explain

They are like this because it is most likely to insure offspring survival rates. Women who say wait to reproduce until they are stable make less babies than ones who play fast and lose with contraception. The women who cared about what is fair got acess to less resources than women who "deserve that". The sad truth is these are the ones we got.

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What the FUCK is Pol

It was never needed, so it was never bred into them.


Nice pepe

Beer is estrogen in a bottle.