What's dogshit Spain been up too lately? Just curious

What's dogshit Spain been up too lately? Just curious.

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They let actual communists take over their country without firing a single shot just decades after they killed them all in a civil war that was basically the prologue to WW2.

WOw anglo you seem to be well informed

you`ll have a problem for some years with jihadists stealing all the time.then the left will not exist again in espania.ave.

fpbp, just end us

you better be fucking right, plato

I was in Madrid a bit ago and I could not tell if I was in China or Mexico.

greece was much more in the left than espania.after 4 years of muslim invasion promoted by the left maybe we are ready for a civil war if it is neccesary.i come from a left family.i will be a fallagite till my death now.

who gives a fuck about your opinion?go suck a jihadist dick served by your crown.

Socialism and shit that doesn’t work

Greece hasn't existed for 500 years.
You actually thing the original Greeks had any power or control over immigration and population movement under 500 years of Turkish rule?
The Original Greeks do not exist anymore.

Do they have a government yet? The elections were ages ago.

economy crash later this year or next year will do that.

Looking around here, letting in too many migrants

>The (((ruling party))) just announced their support for a female teacher who said men should be systematically castrated
>They want to include a mandatory feminist subject in school
>The next elections are scheduled for 2023 so we are not getting rid of them for a while

Spain deserves everything bad that happens to it as punishment from God for not colonizing properly

>have rajoy government who sells out half the country, making economic recovery pretty much impossible
>vote him out of office to instead get some turbomarxists
you're just getting what you deserve for being cucks

Spain and Italy are the most European countries in today's time.
In those places European culture is still alive, traditions are kept.
You won't see this in the rest of Europe, where culture is only a tourist attraction for chinks.
It's honestly amazing.

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That guys is a D&C kike. He has been posting about South vs North a lot. But "the original Greeks don't exist anymore" thing has been debunked. Look up "Greeks racial reality" the site will point you to all the sources, tests and studies that have been done. Also, it was 400 years for some places, far less for others and some places (Maniots and Spartans, Ionians) were never under occupation at all.

what do you mean mexico?? Was it full of sudacas??

viva vox. I hear they're finally be recognized and allowed the same political rights as other parties. ...Manolo lol de pinga man.

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Probably Sudaca central. I read it's one of the reasons why they want to walk back Sanguine return laws.

Spain made a massively huge mistake by sending soldiers to South America instead of families. They should have shipped devout religious families/communities to establish colonies instead of a bunch of soldiers that hadn't been within 500 miles of a female for like 3 years. Can you imagine being trapped on a fucking galleon with a bunch of sweaty, shit-smelling conquistadors and one of the first things you see when you step off the ship is a tribe of native women literally ready to worship your cock and balls? The Spanish never had a reputation for maintaining control of their hedonistic impulses, so it was a recipe for disaster. So now instead of North and South America being stuffed full of white Europeans we have to deal with the Spaniards' mongrel offspring. All of this immigration bullshit wouldn't even be an issue.

Thanks a fucking lot, Spain. Karma's a bitch.

What's updog?

αντε τραβα γλυψε kανενα βορειο kωλαραkι,που σε λενε τουρkοσπορο ολη την ημερα kαι συνεχιζεις να τους μιλας φλωρουμπα υποταkτιkε.μεταkομισε αν δεν σ`αρεσει.ο δρομος ειναι ανοιχτος,δαπιτοπουστα.

I took the virginity of a Greek girl when I was in college. She was Pontian and had massive tits. 10/10, would let suckl my Anglo-Germanic cock again.

you mean "send families/communities" like we are sending right now into your country?


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Τα περισσότερα σχόλια δεν είναι kαν από Ευρωπαίους, αλλά από μετανάστες. Έχω μιλήσει με γkρουπ λευkών εθνιkιστών στην Ευρώπη, δεν πιστεύουν τίποτα από αυτά. Οι μόνοι που δεν θέλουν είναι οι Ελληνοποιημένοι Χριστιανοί που ήρθαν από την ανταλλαγή πληθυσμού μετά τον Ελληνο-τουρkιkό. Με τους kανονιkούς Έλληνες δεν έχουν θέμα. Αν νευριάζεις τόσο εύkολα με τις βλαkίες που λέγοντε εδώ, μάλλον έχεις πρόβλημα kαι πρέπει να το kοιτάξεις.

Yeah, pretty much. Fortunately American white people aren't retarded and riddled with disease, so when push comes to shove we'll either just slaughter you en masse or keep you as Uber drivers.

VOX are clowns. People's Party is still the true based and redpilled one.

so what?your cock is anglogermanick,but your ass belongs to the arab daddies,prostitute of jihadists.

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sleeping siesta and not working

En eso somos iguales a vosotros.

>Fortunately American white people aren't retarded
>American people aren't retarded
yeah yeah, sure!!

>mfw he insults himself

So you're saying Greek girls crave mutt penis?

That Greek girl rimmed me, so I'd say it probably belongs to her.

What's the most based province? Looking to move out of this shithole.
>inb4 everywhere's shit
Yeah yeah okay but I mean, comparatively.

Why you angry at him, he has a really good taste m8s

προβλημα εχεις εσυ μαζοχα που τη βρισkεις να σε λενε τουρkοσπορο.η νορβηγοπορνη πεταχτηkε σαν τη τσουτσου για να πει ποσο μαυρη ειναι η μαδριτη.αντε kαι γαμησου που θα πεις τουρkους τους ελληνες της μ.ασιας.τραβα kαι ψοφα,η αν εχεις τ`αρχιδια τραβα να το πεις σε kανενα ποντιο αυτο.παπαρια εθνιkιστης εισαι.τραβα kατα αριστερα μερια kαλυτερα.

How can one man be so based?

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Don't let Asturians convince you. They are the most commie province of spain

Albarreal de Tajo looks comfy
dude, meanwhile you talk big here, more and more "spics" are invading your country.

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Σε λυπάμαι, φίλε. Ευτυχώς οι μόνοι που σε παίρνουν στα σοβαρά είναι το ίδιο ηλίθιοι με σένα, άρα δεν πειράζει.

Euskadi. At least they take care of their race.

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I'm not angry, matador-bro. I'm just messing around. The other guy has been South vs North shilling for a while now, though.

τι να λυπηθεις βρε σkλαβε?kαι δεν ειμαι φιλος.

No they are not, there are many basc, really basc women who are matting with blacks.

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It's true but you're still even lazier

Mierda pues. I holded them in greater esteem.

Yeah that's why a half of your population is poor AF

Stop white posting.

They are becoming a liberal communist country and its all because franco picked the wrong succesor

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What's white posting? (I honestly don't know)

tl;dr "it's democracy only when we approve of it, otherwise it is terrorism and coup d'etat, enjoy life imprisonment for 8 seconds of sex- I mean 8 seconds of independence"
It's really faggy if it weren't so sad

When a Person/Amerimutt talks/writes like he is White.

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Fuck Euskadi, fuck proetarras and fuck ugly women. Fuck them all

Should I purposefully start making Russian mistakes in my writings?

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please don't talk in pedophile runes

Did you just make the term up? I have never seen it before.

Sorry, matador bro. We were just talking about people like him and (((north Euros))) who make serious south vs north threads/comments are D&C shills. (He disagrees)

Funny because that half of the population are the mutt children your ancestors did

>Fortunately American white people aren't retarded and riddled with disease
They fucking are. Every "white" "person" here is covered in tattoos, even fucking old people are coated in subhuman ink. Most of the young demographic are deadeyed bugman spics, urban "whites" are gullible cucks and rural "whites" are all EBT card carrying trash, basically white skinned niggers. Tons of women are in their second or third marriage. Dumbass parasite boomers live in their own irresponsible fantasy world until they die. Americans are garbage. This country has nothing, it's a fucking jungle.

who gives a shit about you too.fallagites would have cross you.

what about zaragoza

¿Qué hacemos con ellos, pues?

Si, estoy seguro, vamos, SEGURÍSIMO de que la clase dominante de tu país son los todopoderosos nativos. Suena super real.

> La mayoría de la clase media-alta de México es criolla.
> Odian a los españoles pero al mismo tiempo a los amerindios.
Sois unos genios.

Same here in Valencia, noticeable uptick in women wearing head coverings and their million little kids running around.

literally who?

The King is going to bow to Lizard Elizabeth today. He already had an session with Duke of Edinburgh and his son in their masonic lodge.

USA is trying to USS MAINE 2.0 Iran

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So someone violates the law and tries to destroy your nation but you just sit and let they do whatever they want?

Are you retarded?

Being irrelevant on the world stage as usual, with their language having been demoted.

Its been nothing but downhill since they got their shit wrecked by Napoleon