So why doesn't your president believe his own Military?

So why doesn't your president believe his own Military?

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He's to busy for intergalactic drama.

hes your president too you dumb fucking nigger
all fields

Because they were made by the nazi scientists we hired after WW2 you stupid piece of shit.

He has to choose his redpills carefully. He starts banging on about aliens and how he can't wait to meet them and it'll put a lot of people off him.

By definition, unidentified flying objects exist.
I know that's not a very original statement, but it always bears repeating.

Not true.

LOL lmaos arent gonna travel billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of miles just to play peek-a-boo with some seaman.

Why the FUCK would he confirm if that is real you illiterate retard? Even if it is why the FUCK would he say that on national television? This is something you don't blow the lid on until its 100% agreed upon by all involved in projects. FFS

>we hired
Hired? You mean kidnapped and dragged out of reach of the Russian kidnappers, threw them in prison, asked them questions, and then finally agreed to let them show us how because we couldn't figure out how to make nuke, rockets and flying saucers.

Why would you believe a group of people who suddenly and for reasons yet to be determined made a complete about face on a topic that they vehemently denied the very existence of for going on 80 years?

>get a load of this zoomer faggot spouting some sort of "AmeriKKKa is evil for carrying out Operation Paperclip" bullshit
All is fair in love and war

I actually think UFOs are just boring ass military stuff. The real aliens are interdimensional. They don't need fucking ufos.

Clickbait article abusing the popular misconception that ufo means extra-terrestrial. Nothing to see here.

I've seen Ur anus.

Absolutely on point fren.

Because he’s a hybrid and knows all about this subject. Don’t ask me how I know but we do not fuck with this guy

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Why are you acting like a fucking spazzed out autist right now? Calm the fuck down and think about what you just said because it's retarded.

Some of them are but a lot of what you see are legitimately spaceship sized alien eyes, but you’re so right about everything you said

He's Being tested

lol think about it. OP clearly is a wetback illegal immigrant. this is why trump is not his president.

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Why would he admit anything about secret United States vehicles?

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How can you be skeptical that UFO's exist? They are unidentified flying objects ffs.

>industrial complex
leaving out a few key words there solomon

Roasties would. They love semen.

Honestly, if UFOs came down today and had press conference with trump in the rose garden, would any of your lives change?

I would just wait for the smart ass who says “it’s just swamp gas”, I would chuckle and then head back to the cubicle.

Literally wouldn’t change my life at all.


>The president who everyone thinks is a conspiracy theorist Boomer nutjob saying he thinks aliens are real
They would twist his words to make him seem crazy again. It's bad optics either way, but the alternative is worse. Also the fact that if he said they existed, the people who trust him would believe that. We aren't allowed to have a disclosure.

This deserves more contemplation

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>What is project paperclip
Professional retard spotted

No, he's right. You're just bitter about being btfo'd so you're being obstinate.


Take your pills


There’s only two outcomes.

A) The gist of the whole Q thing is true and real, ufos/interdimensional etc..

B) The elite are simply putting on a show and clearing the chessboard for a new phase and tricking us.

The two look so similar that we will probably only know in 10-20 years.

He's protecting us from project blue beam

Someone just tell him it's his space force

Because Israel hasn't said he could. As soon as the ayys lmao hinder the zionist from taking all the land they want, then pic related will step in.
>We need a regime change in the intergalactic federation of organized terrorism.

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because he's also been briefed those are our flying vehicles.
aka: identified.
Trump plays multiple dimensional chess.

they were saved and given a good life

For Trump they are IFOs

>we couldn't figure out how to make nuke
>posting this on a Japanese anime forum

Based Trump shutting down project blue beam before it even starts. 200 IQ 4D chess.

What would aliens want with our racist planet that's going to burn up in 12 years?
Are they picking up the last bits of good left on this planet before it burns in hell fire?

Ayys are actually demons.

Earth is flat

Alistor crowley met them before.

They would if they actually did anything instead of float around. No one knows what they're really capable of.

How much do you bet that Trump believes UFOs= aaaayyylmao aliens?

It's going to become more climatically stable for them. We're going to see their cities and civilizations once the ice melts at the poles.

drown yourself in diarrhea

I thought Q was a faggot larping fuck until a couple of weeks ago when I started picking up on Team Trump parroting some things stated by Q. I dunno, the whole thing is a mind fuck but I stay positive because the evil interdimensional beings that the elite worship feed off of negative energy that is produced when you are anxious, scared, or angry. Those fucks ain't feeding off my vibrations.

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>the ayyys are demons
I hope they are, we could use some Argent energy right about now.

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All other fundamental forces can be manipulated, but to suggest gravity may also be manipulated someday is too crazy.

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>LOL lmaos arent gonna travel billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of miles just to play peek-a-boo with some seaman.

the travel is instantaneous so it doesnt really bother us .

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this. maybe

>i don't particularly believe in aliens
>REEEEeeee can you believe it Trump doesn't believe in martians its settled science cheeto drumpf!!!

Gravity only needs to be deflected to make things work. Of course also have blinking lights on the vehice and make it look cool.

There have been enough sightings throughout the centuries of odd vehicles flying in the sky or dive/rising out of the water, so there are some species of them that do depend on ships to travel to and from.