sounds about right
Other urls found in this thread:
they died how they lived. in a shithole
>dies digging through curry shit in an underground pipe
an authentic indian death
Imagine being born and living your life in India.
I fell in a septic tank once. One of the worst days of my life so far I think. I was walking over the top of an old tank when it collapsed and all of a sudden I was chest deep in the ground, my bottom half in years of shit and piss. No running water on site, we were installing a new well pump. I literally started crying. We called a water truck to hose me down so I could drive home and shower. I was standing there naked while some dude and my co-workers sprayed me with firehose and laughed.
Imagine being a non Indian who purchases an airline ticket to willingly spend time in India
Imagine being a jew puppet good goy president who imports Indians to replace white people
Doh. Suicide thoughts I'm sure during that one.
what a shitty way to go
Or really any other anglospere head of state desu
what was the worst thing, the embarrassment or the smell/feeling of it?
the other guys were dicks to laugh about it, but desu I probably would have laughed if I were there
The worst part was driving home naked and trying to get in the house without anyone noticing. I was paranoid I would get arrested or something. The only thing I could find to wear was a raincoat, so i looked like a textbook pervy peeper
That's cause they have a very bad sewer system.
I immediately started to panic and worry I was going to fall all the way in. My coworkers first reaction was to laugh and take a picture. There wasn't any smell until they pulled me out, and i couldn't move because the feeling of my wet clothes. Taking everything off was pretty bad because I had to touch it.
Are their streets really that dangerous?
> concentrated indian poo
this kills the indian
>Live by the poo
Speaking of caste, how do foreigners fit into their whole system? Not that anyone would want to move there, just wondering
the horrors
look i know five people have died but someone has to clean that shit
>septic tank
>same thing
>who clean underground piss taverns
why did I read this?
Did you ever feel clean after it?
Call it kraptonite
Here is a video of a gay man taking a bath in a septic tank
Now that's some shit luck
I remember we had the old tank open in my parents house. It was an old metal tank that was gonna be replaced by concrete. My dog got too close and slid in. What a fucking mess getting the dog out and cleaning it off.
Sometimes it's ok to cry.
>Died cleaning a sewer
Proof that Indians DO use toilets
What are you guys?
Closed economy and secrecy? What are you know for anyway?
>no protection gear
No way that's legal. That shit is africa tier. India-bros you can do better.
That’s sad
> Press F to flush
Shithole in a’s shithole inception
>not so fast pajeet
Imagine how many poos would die cleaning septic tanks if the other 50% of Indians started shitting in toilets
>For you were made from poo, and to poo you will return
6 months until you're a super power pajeet, tick tock!
This is now a low caste death celebration thread
Thanks user. Now I can add another crippling fear to my plethora of crippling fears.
I thought they could breath when under poo water.
Hotels toilets are used by humans not Indians
The most shocking part of this story is they actually have toilets! ha
>What a shit way to go...
did you at least go and hug them
Still beneath the higher classes
I used to install septic systems on new homes. If you stick your body in one of the top holes once you go elbow deep you have to hold your breath. If not you will inhale methane. If you inhale methane your chest will seize and you will not be able to breath until someone forces it out of you.
yeah, i was gonna'd figure the septics tanks in india would be pristine.
Why are Indians so obsesses with poo?
they want to be german
No it's the other way round they come all the way from calcutta to use it & they worship it like a god! haha
>"Hey boss? you know how the last 6 dudes perished under the killing force of a quadrillion curry shits? Maybe I shouldn't go in"
How would you feel about being the 7th guy in there?
Out of sight, out of mind, just the opposite of that
God, this sounds horrible. I feel sorry for you.
Please everyone press F to respect every man working as a septic tank cleaner, sewer cleaner or whatever the fuck.
did you turn into an indian?
A poos life
isn't that considered a bath house there?
What is the point of having sewers when you just shit on streets?
>I literally started crying
I imagine someone had some spicy curry
A septic tank just flew over my house
Yea and your public infrastructure projects are a bunch of big ass statues.
thats how we plan to become superpower by 2020. More killing of our sanitary workers = More respect in social strata.
No we laugh at chutiyas like you in this thread.
>No way that's legal
Not leagal but people clean septic tanks only in this way, because autism.
SuPer PoWer By 2020
this is the only proper response
Indians are suicidal. They like to put themselves in sotuations average person can't imagine. Nothing new, see for example:
Pic related Indian Airforce wing commander Abhinandan.
Holy shit! A septic tank knocked on my door!
Palkistinians are garbage I'm glad the likes took your golan heights away