eight years of lepage, no refugees
few months of democrat governor, 1000 niggers

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Let me guess, the governors a woman?

Yes she is!

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I guess?

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My wife and I were planning on moving there in a few years. Please tell me it'll be ok...

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Portland is and has been filled with niggers.


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Nope this state is doomed!

If you want it to end you just need to start getting whites to cross the border illegally.

I went to Portland once and got spooked when I heard the sound of ooga in the distance turned around and sure enough Africans

would be a shame if someone destroyed your 90% white state

Attached: weeeea.png (1200x756, 140K)

Niggers can’t into cold weather. They will leave in one year.

They already have!

Move to New Hampshire a lot less taxes

>crime increase in Maine
>experts baffled
Screen cap this. You all know it is coming.

Even Maine is BLACKED now. There is nowhere left to hide.

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Not the Portland I've seen. Beautiful city, probably the main reason they have to ruin it.

The northeast needs a wall keeping those shitheads in Massachusetts and new york from ruining everything.

For 200+ years anyone could have moved there on their own free will, they chose not to. Why must it be forced?

>"We're all in this together."

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There goes the neighborhood.

Good lord.


the dems are destroying my state in record time. With my money!

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Why didn't the governor of Texas stop them from entering at the border?

t. Mainer

Seeking asylum from what?

>National Council of Jewish Women

Doesn't Portland have a population of like 60,000 ?
So that's 1.5% or so instantly..

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Please tell me what you know, Julio.

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1.338 million, 94.7% white and dropping.
Apparently this kike's brother ran as the Republican candidate for governor twice before she got elected? Jews REALLY seem to hate white majority states.

Maine here.

EVERYONE is pissed about this, except Portland residence. They fucking love it. Now they want to send half of them to South Portland.

Sure you didn't look up
Portland, Oregan ?

66,882 Last census

damn I guess you guys won't be the safest state anymore :(

Yeah maine yeah maine...plenty of loybsters and clams

Nah, I regret moving here. Fuck this state.

Why would whites come to the US?

mb I was looking at Maine's population in totality, not just the city. Yeah if all the niggers are being shipped off to the same city, that's even worse.

Jow Forums is starting to change me... those jews clearly have an agenda all those can't be just fucking coincidences!

>wageslaving to save enough money to retire early in Maine
>the nigger spigot gets opened up fully
>not enough money to enjoy it while it still exists
>by the time I've accumulated enough it'll be Minnesomalia


Isn't Maine like 95% white? This is a good thing

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I used to live in Camden. Never saw a nigger, was comfy as fuck.

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How come they have the money to come to America, when they cannot even buy a cup of rice in Africa?

Seems to me like someone is giving them money.

How deep do you want to go, Swissanon?

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no shit

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I've become so numb

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Shouldn’t Trump be putting a stop to this blatant act of white genocide? What good is Trump?

Africa to Portland? Man, these guys must be the best swimmers on planet Earth.

It only gets worse too. Borderline comical honestly if it wasn’t for the whole get rid of whites schtick they’ve been jerking their mutilated dicks to for decades now

The contrast between 60% and 50% is way too high here

You are wrong. It is already ruined.

tell them to grab a few qurans at their local library and bookstore in the 95% white maine towns..
and take a home into the Appalachian mountains.
free bear caves , river water, fish, and moose droppings.

it aint the bears and moose you need to watch out for in the woods up there anymore..

At least they can see their family members on display in the Old Port

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The North East, our most educated and liberal moral betters, deserve far more than just hundreds of African migrants.

Yeah just like they left Minnesota

You'd think. When niggers have gibs, they can survive cold weather and adapt to raping and robbing people even at temperatures below 10 degrees.

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The population is over 650,000 so try not to be such a RETARD next time.

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nice bait, Sir

>those jews clearly have an agenda all those can't be just fucking coincidences!
Oh, they're not. Not even close.

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Is that black Korn?


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I'm a spic born in the US, how do I apply for refugee status for the free housing?

nah jews are cool it's just a meme!

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who could it be?

Attached: jew like you.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Fuck off, shill Trump has all of the Uniparty/Swamp, (((media))) and "intelligence" apparatus out to get him by by means available. You'd have lasted 30 seconds trying to stand up to all of that.

Any coastal state is shit.

Attached: Donald Trump's Jewish Cabal.jpg (1104x9958, 2.96M)

>who could it be?

Attached: Who Indeed.png (1037x551, 56K)

>Jews infested the government over 100 fucking years ago, the post.

Try harder.

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How the fuck is there a “we” with straight off the boat Africans?

You know what to do user.

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There are no safe closer destinations than the fucking US of A ?

i cant believe morons say cold weather will keep away nonwhites. there is zero truth to that. chicago and detroit are proof.

Stop being racist. They are human beings too. You idiots dusgust me.

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I'm just concerned about fucking Congolese carrying EBOLA AND HIV being released on their own recognizance to rape and murder where my family still lives. If I was up there, I'd be livid over this.
Someone, take your pick of conspirators, is funding this and it's going to cause hemorrhagic fever outbreaks among Americans. It's meant to cause an Ebola outbreak in places without the medical capability to handle it. Maine has 3rd world health care already, it could barely handle an influenza outbreak. This is deliberate.
We as Americans have a duty to get to the bottom of who is funding this and prosecute them.

“I don’t consider it a crisis, in the sense that it is going to be detrimental to our city,” Mr. Strimling said. “We’re not building walls. We’re not trying to stop people. In Maine, and Portland in particular, we’ve been built on the backs of immigrants for 200 years, and this is just the current wave that’s arriving.” #lovethiscity - Mayor Ethan Strimling


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Both sides are complicit in pleasing their kike overlords. Republican just keep it on the down-low. The only option is a third option

This is why I laugh my ass off when I hear Americans and Europeans boasting that they are free because they have democracy and elections, the Jew runs all parties involved, but first worlders refuse to accept that their governments are corrupt and that voters have no say in what really happens.

What's Mr. Mayor going to say when people are coughing up blood from Ebolachan?

Didn't (((they))) publish an article saying Maine needs diversity? Is this them taking action.

trump sent them. they crossed by the boarder with mexico you retard. trump sent them. he said he was going to do it

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Has a single man ever been so based?

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Maine has the lowest crime rate

But it's not "diverse".

We must fill it with Africans!!

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Absolutelety do not fucking move here are you kidding!!!??? this city is run by a group of masons working with gang from somalia that are hardcore communists.

Over 70% of the less than 5% population growth is immigrants.

There aren't even any normal african americans here. The people here are the most braindead awful elitists leftists on earth no fucking joke. The rightwing parts of the state are too retarded and christian to ever stand up to it. DEAD STATE

Bros maybe the freemasons are doing this to us, to mold us into barbaric amoral-at-best savages with a fully integrated subconscious, fully living out the Dionysian archetype of a warlike and conquering race.

You just described the nation

Thanks zognald!

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I can't tell if he's horrified or just playing it up for shits and giggles.

Hundreds of scientists and engineers! Maine is the future!

>They will leave in one year
lmao no. Maine has had niggers for more than decade and growing

Next stop should be Vermont.