Kyke Kashuv has been rejected from Harvard after being accepted. Because he said Nigga in a school chatroom 2 years ago. The totally inclusive left wing are celebrating this on his twitter right now.
Kyke Kashuv has been rejected from Harvard after being accepted. Because he said Nigga in a school chatroom 2 years ago...
This kid is based and brilliant and is being persecuted.
Beyond ridiculous.
Apparently he scored a 1550 in his SAT
I like how these schools began life as basically Protestant seminaries and they've evolved to be progressive seminaries
>[Moldbug intensifies]
Maybe he shouldn't have been a racist two years ago? It's not hard lol, just don't be a racist piece of trash. I don't feel bad for these people. Most of his class is getting into ivy league schools because of the school shooting.
This has nothing to do with him saying nigga and everything to do with his stance on the 2nd Amendment. If this were Hogg literally nothing would have happened.
literally who?
Pretty sure he was the valedictorian, too.
I'm pretty sure Hogg has said nigger at least once in his life. He's a toxic white male after all.
Good. Now he can get into a real school.
>Oh no they won’t let me into the most prestigious uni I could think of boo hoo
Just go to a shitty hodunk one then, fuck em they don’t need your money
The lone voice of reason from Parkland High School.
A shooting hoax whining fag Harvard needs to be burned and the kikes that run that faghot inhuman pile of shit with it
Imagine this happening to one of /us/:
>user's acceptance has been rescinded because he said 'nigger' 378145 times on anonymous hate board known as 4 Chan.
Ummm maybe he shouldn't be a racist?
David Hogg got in, but he's actually doing something to make the world a better place unlike Kyle who wants to kill children in their classrooms
Jew supremacy is not ok
>he hasn’t said nigger more than 400000 times at least
>Because he said Nigga in a school chatroom 2 years ago
this is what Jow Forums actually believes
They should have to answer for why he was denied (after being accepted) but that crooked mouthed freak was accepted outright.
If he was so smart why did he say racist shit? Harvard is a private.institution and can do as they wish. If they dont want some hick screaming Nigger on campus they are free to rescind their invitation to attend.
This is a classic case of Freedom of Speech not being Freedom from consequences and I think Kyle will be mich better off after this lesson in civility and humility
This. He should just go to UF or Miami or FSU, much less cucked than Harvard, actually watchable sports, hotter girls
probably a newfag, what can I tell you ...
Harvard is an "elite" school, they produce "elite" graduates, any and all applicants must have a squeaky clean record
Oh no Little Benji's little protege might have to slum it at Yale for 4 years, this is so sad
Isn't that a black school? Why would any white man want to go there?
It's almost like Christianity and Jewish agendaism are directly linked.
Wrong, Harvard should be forced to accept him.
>Because he said Nigga in a school chatroom 2 years ago.
That's not why and everyone knows it.
Why should there be consequences for saying nigger? It doesn't hurt anyone.
>cuckservative fag who's only famous for having classmates murdered gets punished for doing the things he criticizes actual right-wingers for doing
That was the reason given by the university
This. Don't say nigger in a traceable/public format if you don't want to be Randy Marshed
He clearly demonstrated that he has changed since then. For a recent high school graduate he’s more mature than most adults.
No it wasn't
Then he is a successfuly indoctrinated goym, why not let him into kikevard
The only elite students at Harvard (or any other top-30 college) are white and male.
What is it?
That doesn't explain shit, nigger
That's not a reason that's an accusation. No example for anything was given. I'd sue for emotional damages.
You mean Anglo puritanism.
>he doesn't tastefully rotate his racial slurs like "pavement ape", "feral monkey man from the sweaty jungles of senegambia", "con college post-graduate coon", "crusty-ass negroloid" instead of just dropping the nigger-bomb every time.
Step your game up, Jiřek
Lol who cares
You guys don't usually have any empathy for people who have their opportunities taken away from them through no fault of their own.
Why suddenly start caring about a guy who actually did do something to get himself in trouble?
We all have to start somewhere, give it time, that number will climb.
Those are rookie numbers
"Kashuv's parents immigrated to the United States from Israel in the 1990s before he was born. He grew up in Parkland, Florida.[12] Kashuv considers himself to be politically conservative"
The jew though he had the n-word usage pass now he poses as unfair treated conservative to get the dumb goyim help.
Its well within their rights. If you dont like it start your own university.
Because it is a vile racial slur and doesnt reflect the university's commitment to an open, multi cultural society, free from hate.
Totally agree. Actions have consequences.
But he did in fact say it in the past. As a white man who has said the N word his presence coild be harmful to minority students
Thought crime is dangerous.
I kind of don't care though. I'm just going to kill as many fags as possible before I die. You people aren't worth the trouble. Better to just inflict mass damage as a lone madman.
This, I'd say they did him a favor because he knows what he avoided. Now he can go someplace less pozzed and save money.
He just said nigga in a chat. Woah the crime. Meanwhile illegal immigrants are welcome.
Niggers say it
more like semitaries
This has been beaten to death. Moldberg and his apologists are factually wrong.
>As a white man who has said the N word his presence coild be harmful to minority students
Today I learned that saying le spoopy n-word cloaks you with a mystical aura poisonous to black people for the rest of your life
>Harvard is a private.institution
Then I guess they don't need a dime in federal funding, sweatie
Harvard let David Hoggs who was rejected by Community college in, yet Kashuv had a 4.0 and was valedictorian.
they worry about smart ones of their own and especially the ones that say nigga as a joke. They might be a threat to social conditioning.
>start your own
I really wish the retarded Anglo cuckholds that ran this country could have seen these statements when they were considering relinquishing control of these ivy league schools. Huwhytes really should just submit to Allah.
Why are you posting shit from the 1960's? Puritan prog crossover happened in the late 1800's, retard. Kikes were just rats in ghettos back then.
David Hoggs was rejected by Community College.
>The absolute state of higher education
It really is a joke isn't it, serves all the oldfags right like this fucking homo, remember this fucking fag? It's his fucking fault, we were ironically all a white nation free of kikes when we were protestant. All (((catholics))) are faggots that ruined America
>Broward county
>Jewish boy
Hick is not the first word that comes to mind
Forgot the picture
>Wannabe nigger zoomed (Zwigger) gets BTFO.
Guys, the Zooms got it all figured out.
Racism is bad.
Harvard have the right to choose who gets into their university and who doesn't. If you think otherwise you're probably some filthy commie who hates the free market
This actually is very good. It diminishes Harvard in the eyes of the People where the power lies. They know people aren't being taken in on merit.
Those Anglo puritans were what was keeping this country white retard
this is what he gets, he can't act all high and mighty when he got people fired for similar reasons. the dude is a child that thinks he is a heavy hitter political agent
Hogg didnt toss around racial slurs.
It was Anglo Puritans that pushed the 13th-19th Amendments
Because many smart people hate niggers.
We'd have graduated by the time they were done compiling the evidence.
Lolbergs get the rope
Nope that was Roman Catholics
>David Hoggs
They have the right to decide, we have the right to criticize them for being cucks
The Ivy League is such a fucking scam. You pay thousands of dollars more and give up any chance at a scholarship in return for a name brand degree and slightly better job prospects. The smart play is to work hard in high school and take a full ride at your state’s flagship institution.
Guys, I'm a conservative wigger zoomed.
Kanye West is based.
Oy vey! Someone should tell L-a at Harvard Admissions that Kyle is one of the Chosen People!
I mean everyone already laughed when Hoggs was let in. Harvard is a joke.
Dig into Hoggs old shit and find him saying racist shit. Or that goblin.
Old style Puritanism died out after the disestablishment of churches by individual states and the emergence of New Light Christianity. The fact you conflate the two, while ignoring the principle actors in the sexual and cultural revolutions of the 60s is telling.
Don’t respond to this shill. He’s using all the tactics at once lol.
It's better to say "nigger" 6 gorillion times and suddenly stop
Run Nigger Run, the Paddy gonna get (YOU)
Kashuv is a cuckservative jew so good
You can’t even write in proper English? Who the hell are you?
>wanting to go to (((((Harvard)))))
These shitty far-leftist institutions ONLY have power because of the lemmings that still treat them as prestigious. Harvard is no longer an University, just a seminar for indoctrinating the next generation of far-left priests.
Real white men go to Howard, the ultimate school for whites.