Now we need the videos too.
Female power!
Who's that?
is that an MtF?
Some disney girl turned instagram and snapchat whore.
Nah, just a drug abuser. She was normal looking back when she had her show on disney channel.
So, let's see the fire bush already.
>female "intellect"
lol, hollywood destroyed this chick. I bet she has been passed around to every producer and director in the industry.
a whole bunch of slags got the third wave of fappening pics released in the last two months or so.
wonder how long until the next one
It's on her twatter. There's some nip.
Literally who?
Not like she dresses half nude anyway oh wait.
Obviously the "hacker" is made up. this thot just wanted attention by posting nudes and acting like shes a stronk and empowured womyn for standing up to the patriarchy by being "so brave" enough to post the nudes herself when a man threatened her... nobody dresses this skanky and actually cares if nudes get posted. No hacker, fake news from an attention whore.
lol this dumb bitch probably just got the fake blackmail spam email and thought it was real
She has zero shame
those breasts look fake.
>am I wrong?
shes not much to look at
ayy this bitch used to be in shake it up
Wheres the nudes nigga
>Jews rape and abuse gentile children
>Gentiles grow up broken
>"Durr let's get nooooods bro!"
Kys faggots
>I cant believe someone has photos of my boobs. I feel gross, I only wanted those to be seen by one special person
Half of her photos are her tits sticking out. Fucking thots.
If my tits were as dope as hers I’d show them to everyone. They fucking incredible.
people still say this?
This desu
i'd hit it
kys bella
Just 45 year old AA members who stopped developing mentally at 16 and now post about Jesus and drug addiction on Facebook.
Just (((promo))) for some roastie. Bet she has some Jew managing her.
Just post the photos. I know she has a man jaw but those puffy nipples need some sucking
So... where's the pic?
Nothing special
she didn't even show her bald tattooed cunt. Lmao such a cheap-ass thot roastie.
you just know there is a dog paw tattoo on it
I'd rather she keep herself covered thanks.
>nipple piercing
Lmao she’s even wearing a cross with her toys out, fucking whores
Satan's child
Let her have her fun. We know what the end of this story is - another roastie for the fire.
P.S. Look at the fappening - she gives great head and finishes too.
This. It's a publicity stunt. She's irrelevant and she's trying the "muh stronk womyn" angle to regain some kind of career.
Nothing special?! The fuck is wrong with you user?!
What happens if hackers start to bluff lol
She is HIDEOUS and sickly skinny looking. Who is she again?
with a 2x4?
Have sex
>publicity stunt
My first thought as well.
Women have posted photos of their boobs and vaginas all over the internet yet somehow a celebrity thinks hers are more special because celebrity.
Having your nude photos leaked is only concerning if you only look bad naked and are making stupid poses. Besides if you're stupid enough to digitize photos of your naked body and store it in a way it can be hacked then you only have yourself to blame if they make their way onto the internet.
Bullshit. She did herself for attention.
This. This chick is a walking reminder of what Hollywood does to kids.
She worked with Adam Sandler in the movie Blended and he hasn't worked with her since. If the guy who loves using the same people over and over in his movies isn't using you, you're a cunt.
Adam Sandler is a useless kike.
Well no shit. That doesn't negate what I said.
Literally fucking who and who cares?
that fuckkng giant chin tranny
take that back
those beef flaps are yuge
she’s fucking retarded
This. Nipple piercings are fucking nasty.
I'd pee on her
looks like a tranny uezs
The disneyjew always changes people
literally who
It’s out a long time. I’ve seen it.
Wow. those tits are awful. Not to mention her roastie is so big she has a fucking bulge from it. Dont even get me started on those god awful feet. Who the fuck would want to fuck her?
Jow Forums is down the hall, homo
Looks like we've finally reached the point where celebrity whores publicly post nudes of themselves. How long until actresses and pornstars are indistinguishable?
Still makes more money than all you incels combined
looks possesed
T. Sheeboon
i swear hollywood starlet whores are becoming more insignificant by the hour, i can probably name and recognize more ecelebs.
I've been over on the porn board /gif/ and seen those deep fake threads and while trying to watch them I realize I have no idea who any of these actresses even are because I don't watch hollywood movies or tv so the whole thing is completely irrelevant to me LULZ
So now you can just make an empty threat and celebs will post the nudes themselves. Brilliant.
Keeps claiming "I only wanted one special someone to see", yet she kept them ready at hand, and they covered a long span of time.
With a face that fugly and fake tits that awful, looking at her nudes is its own punishment.