American angst

Is it me or is the grass greener on the outside?

>"Land of the Free, Home of the Brave"
>Richest country in the world
>Strongest military in the world
>Constitutional rights

But then:

>Military used to fight retarded wars for Israel, like good goyforce it is
>60 billion dollar annual budget on intelligence agencies (Oy vey)
>In spite of that, still a opioid crisis across the country
>In spite of that, thorough corruption in the government
>Politicians = liars, no one should ever fucking trust a single one of those cocksuckers EVER
>Seriously, politicians suck Jew and financier cock so they can enjoy a million dollar retirement
>Our political system is a fucking joke, it pushes policy only for the international elite
>Our education system and society is loaded with retarded social politics
>You need a job, you need a degree. Get a degree, have between $20k - $100k in debt
>Be forced to have insurances that rip more money from your bank
>Spend decades paying off student loans, have little money and no energy because fucking work
>Entire youth is spent doing high hours at work and less time socializing and having family
>Open mortgage with over hundreds of thousands of dollars on shitty wooden vinyl box
>Can't get a mortgage, stuck in shitty apartments with overpriced rent because kike owners
>Pay your taxes, watch it fund corrupt shit government agencies and their shitty politicians
>Pay your taxes, watch mass spic migrants devour the remainder tax dollars for welfare
>Self employed? The IRS will rape your income even harder because of it
>Cost of living going up, wages are not properly adjusted for inflation
>So if you aren't a STEM major, you are a wagecuck who can't make a living wage
>If you aren't working, congratulations; you have free time but no fucking money
>Don't criticize Israel, or else your goy ass goes to prison! (RIP Florida + Texas)

What the actual fuck pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:

that’s why I’m a neet

> Get a degree, have between $20k - $100k

Don't be stupid with money. It's that simple. Pay off debt early. At most I'll have $13k of debt after college with a $70-100k starting salary in STEM fresh out of college. You retards need to stop crying about muh student loans.

Nah mate, you still got vegas

Yea it's a shithole and everyone is still huffing the fumes of the past.


What the fuck drugs are you on?

Stop making the euros feel better about their pathetic sleves. America is mumber one traitor

Why so gay?

>just pull yourself up by the boot straps sonny even though we threw that opportunity away

Fuck off boomer

America is what you make it.

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Holy shit are you retarded. I just said I'm in college. I'm 20. It's not that hard to figure out you low IQ faggot.

Don't work at jewmart then you low iq subhuman

based walmart poster

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No one said you should "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" or that you should work 80 hours a week wageslaving. Just major in stem. You can work 1-2 hours a week and make $90k easily.

What else am I going to do? Before you answer that, I need at least $1300/mo for rent and utilities.

God bless you.

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Major in stem. It's the only worthwhile and profitable college choice.

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Sorry I'm already 40 and have no desire to spend a decade in school. I'm waaaaay to old to start at the absolute bottom. No guaranteed work. Since I wont live long enough to see my 3 demands met, all I can see is diminishing returns.

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>40 years old and works at walmart
You reek of low IQ trash and I don't feel sorry for you. Enjoy poverty.

Please tell me you're at least a manager/supervisor.

At least the nigga is working, amirite, fellas? I'll never have the money (community college is $10k a year here) and no stamina to do full-time school. All the college kids are useless during finals here. There will be no walmartbro to cover his fatigued ass.

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No. All the supervisors are desperately hanging on to their roles as it's the only consistent schedule with guaranteed 40. Fuck career preference. Shit is updated monthly and they still want to hire their friends from the outside, when I've put in for it for years. Oh well. Supervisor doesn't mean shit once the GWP gets implemented.

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Bruh I just said I'm 20 years old in college. I sure as fuck don't plan on working at jewmart lmao.

It's far too late to consider college at this point. You're at a dead end.

god damn walmart images are like depressing works of art

Wait nevermind I thought you were saying that to me.

If you are white you could come to Europe to study, its waaaaaay cheaper. here in Spain
I think is 2000 euros a year for foreigners.
You could bring your white family with you, just saying...

>It's far too late to consider college at this point. You're at a dead end.
Thanks for being honest.

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what are you doing at walmart? I've just started a couple weeks ago on cap2 and it ain't so bad

>Boomerposting unironically
Boomers are a scourge.

lets say.. your best times are over. its time to come home

CAP 1. Did a mess of things before. I really hope you have some other plans that are bigger and better than this place.

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I feel you OP. Sometimes I just feel like commuting suicide and hoping to reincarnate in a based enthostate like Poland or Japan.

>flexible hours
biggest meme ever. that actually means you either work nights or you get put on a tertiary schedule (16-22 hours).

Yeah, I was talking to the other guy. I accidentally added your post to the end.
Isn't there some test for management you could do? Or, get a letter of recommendation from the management that you could use to leverage into a management role at another store?

Kraut gets it.

Believe me, you don’t want American “whites” in Europe. Plus, you and Portugal already have to deal with the descendants of the rapebabies you created.

I'm in college in a university town, so most of my co-workers are too. Which could be the reason people are as soulless as I expected. The old people love complaining though.

Does 99% of Jow Forums work at walmart or something? Seems like I'm always seeing some guy sitting in walmart taking pictures of sad sacks and it makes me wonder, is this the same guy FOR YEARS or is it endless other people on Jow Forums all enslaved at walmart yikes

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Its only going to get worse. Enjoy.

That is a really bad idea because it will make your demographics much worse.
Poles are white niggers and Japs aren’t white and they’re degenerate as fuck too.
You might live in the same area as Shartmart user.

My Finish friend from college unironically wants me to move there and impregnate his qt sister. He says he'll pay for my apartment for the first 2 years, should I do it? Is Finland a nice place?

No one’s making you faggots stay. Don’t let the door hit ya one the way out. Because it’s not like there aren’t literally billions of people dying to take your place.

If you’re non white, why not? If you’re white and you go ahead with that, you’d be dumping your genetics into a dumpster seeing as you’d have hapa muttlets.

>Go into debt to get a shitty STEM college degree so that faggot boomers can look down on you about how easy you have it in a hypercompetitive workplace.
>In France you would pay 300 dollars a year for commensurate education
Like you said
>Work to pay off loans with the ultimate goal being little else than getting health insurance
>Save up a little bit slowly, invest it supporting faggot boomer companies or crypto
>Get taxed with Captial gains
>Save up to buy a shitty wooden house in a place almost devoid of beauty and culture, unlike Europe.
>Get taxed again
>Disagree with boomer zionist wars
>Get vitriolically verbally attacked for not supporting the troops
>Meanwhile in Europe pic related.

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Dude is 40. Low IQ trash with a dead end job. I have no sympathy for him.

>Poles are white niggers
Spoken like someone who’s never met a polack
>and Japs aren’t white and they’re degenerate as fuck too.
They don’t have drag queen story hour and trannies.

Based. Fuck whites who hate the greatest country on Earth. They can live with the Eurocucks while we MAGA. Based natural conservative Hispanics are willing to replace them anyway, amirite fellow pede?

Thankfully, I can take shifts if I'm under 40 hours.

>Isn't there some test for management you could do?
Taken it. There is no score. It's more of a "we'll call you" type of deals.
>Or, get a letter of recommendation from the management that you could use to leverage into a management role at another store?
There is no other store to go to since I dont have a car or possible credentials (I dont have a GED.) Letter of recommendation? Nigger please. I never interact with them, nor do they stick around because of corporate cost-cutting or get moved to another shift and/or store.

Ah. Well, I hope nothing but the best for you in your future endeavors and career!

My photography is used to motivate people to better themselves, otherwise you're going to end up looking at pic related for the rest of your life.

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Or effortpost in Minecraft

Good goy, turn on your own.

>You might live in the same area as Shartmart user.
oh shit nigger i didn't mean seeing him AT WALMART i meant seeing him ON HERE

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I have a lot of fingers in many pies.

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>Go into debt to get a shitty STEM college degree

How delusional are you faggots? At most, your debt would be around $20k after college. STEM jobs can make anywhere from $70-100k FRESH OUT OF COLLEGE. You can pay off that debt literally within 1-2 years if you're smart with money.

Enjoy poverty you low IQ faggot.

STEM is not the perfect solution that you think it is. For one thing, it's rigorous work that requires a lifetime of study. You're expected to be an expert in far too broad of areas. It's also hypercompetitive because everyone thinks it's the perfect solution. Our manufacturing industry got outsourced by civnat boomers without any vested interest in our people. Likewise, tech is going the same way because of people like this.

Lmao low IQ retards are not "my own." I don't give a fuck if you're white. If working at walmart is all you're capable of achieving in life, you are literally a failure.

you seem okay posting pictures of other people on here, why not post a picture of yourself?

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>Spoken like someone who’s never met a polack
Don’t need to when history lets me know.

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No, it does not require "a lifetime of studying." Quit your bullshit. It's not easy, but that's why it's so profitable. It isn't for low IQ retards. All it takes is at least a bachelor's degree. My friend who majored in engineering got a $70k got right out of college, and that numher increases every year.

I have. You just have to figure out who it is :)

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user, ITS NOT!

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Stay strong, the hard times have just begun

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>he's balding too
l m a o

That's curly. He reminds me of this pedo kike who was on my cell block.

More than 20k. And that's just to get a bachelors degree. If you don't have a masters then you're cheap and expendable in the workplace. Even if you went into medicine to become a doctor, the average cost of med school is around 200k. You do a residency for a few years. Then at the age of 32, if you're lucky you start making money. You can pay back your loans without too much difficulty because it's a high paying job. You've entered the workforce late. It's also a high-stress job and was never effortless. You're probably a kid in your early twenties in an ongoing engineering bachelors program.

Lmao this is who Jow Forums thinks I should fight for

>putting your fingers in the pies at walmart
you better mean walmart roasties and not actual pies or i'll be upset

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Hey! Dont look at me! I didn't ask for shit!

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Damn straight brother, god bless! These kids don’t know how good they have it! Back in our day we had to work our ass off and get off our butts to make this country great. Semper Fi!

>that poorly improvised jew disguise

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I live in Chicago and the the MOST debt I'll have after college is $13k. Where the fuck do you live and what college makes you have debt higher than $20k? You're full of shit and don't know what you're talking about. Most STEM jobs require at least a bachelor's. A master's is nice but not required.

Enjoy poverty.

Nah Ive meet many Your Girls are the most liberal ever (more than ours even...), but in 1 gen they would have assimilated, so it would be nice to have you back
Problably one of the best countrys in Europe
Best Educational system, for example exams are not mandatory until 16 years old, They always score big in the PISA exams
Guns are common cause of the wildeness
Good Healthcare...
I would move to be fair
He has not said his age, besides not everybody is an engenieer, there is no shame in having a lower job, here even them get paid vacations and healthcare
Not all Europe looks like that user, I would say the average people in Europe lives in something like pic related (Its really comfy to be fair you can walk to most places, no need for car)

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It was a metaphor
>walmart roasties
>Implying I have the sexual market value for that

It's a styrofoam bowl when they fed us lucky charms cereal and handed out faggot pride swag.

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This guy is 40, not a kid.

>He has not said his age

oh i geddit, picture of rainbow pride shit while talking about your sexual value....i see what you're saying user
gross but i get it
sayin it without sayin it, nudge nudge wink wink

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don't forget your genital mutilation and harvesting agenda

This kid has lost the plot.

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Still... if he has a family he could bring it here...

I hope you enjoy the company of those new "Americans"

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>There is no other store to go to since I dont have a car or possible credentials (I dont have a GED.
What would you do if that Wal-Mart closed down? Also, just lie on your resume and say you have a high school diploma. No one is gonna check that.
>Nigger please. I never interact with them, nor do they stick around because of corporate cost-cutting or get moved to another shift and/or store.
That's why you write your own letter and put the title and name of your GM at the bottom. Just hand it to them and ask them to sign above their name. Everyone does this.

Why the fuck would you want this low IQ trash in your country? It's not like he'll contribute anything.

I'm just teasing you my man, buck up, only like 30 or 40 more years and youll be dead (kek just kidding we know thats going down in like 5 years max)

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I have been thinking about it. I've been to Spain before and really liked it except for the moros. Problem is I'm not fluent in spanish and have no money. Cheapest college here is 10k a year while living at home.

Based Finn bro. We need more greatest allies here. More people in general who can never learn our language to the point where I can have a meaningful conversation with them

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You can get it back. Look into foreskin restoration. It's a non-surgical process.

What's wrong with gay? Trump loves gays! Obama was gay. America is gay now.

its expensive and not the same
>spending that much money for a freak-penis that will scare even the most loose roastie away
idk user....seems like a bad investment

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The only thing that will fix this situation is renewed ethnic pride for white Americans. Every other ethnicity is encouraged to feel pride. We should too. The rest will take care of itself.

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What college are you going to retard? College costs 20k+ living on campus or 10k+ for only courses.

And how would you support yourself financially while there? You have zero education and you're 40. All you'd do is leech off the government for gibs.

and don't even spout that stretching nonsense at me, dick like a windsock, wasting that much time, yikes

University of Illinois at Chicago. I have government assistance to pay for classes. After aid, it'll be $13k of debt after I finish. I live at home with my parents to save money.

the only thing i plan on stretching is jewish skins over lamp shades

You haven't disproven what I said. Here are some stats. Average Total Cost of Public Colleges: $25,290 (in-state) $40,940 (out-of-state) Average Total Cost of Private Colleges: $50,900.
In Europe, even going completely through dental or medical school is far cheaper, if not free. Again have only a bachelors degree means that you are expendable in the workplace. Already people in the tech industry with bachelors degrees are being replaced by foreigners because these boomer companies push for h1b immigration just so that they don't have to provide benefits and long-term employment for workers. If you don't want to be expendable then a masters degree or greater IS required. But go parroting the lines civnat zionists boomers want you to about how the younger generation just doesn't have the same work ethic. OP and I will still be correct about all greentext points.

America is a great country for the people that benefit from its wealth, the rich

FYI The skin is the lamp-shade

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