How long until Americans will be forced to accept refugees and migrants into their homes?
What would the outcome look like?
“We’re all in this together”
Hold out, WW3 is coming lad. It is going to change absolutely every single way this world works by design.
>What would the outcome look like?
>What would the outcome look like?
the liberal cucks will let these niggers fuck their wives and will pay for them to reproduce and replace us
its literally the jews wet dream
you cant stop this until you get (((((money))))) out of your politics
Wtf, Maine?
New voting system confused the boomers here in the state!
They deserve it. PDX is overrun with hyper-liberal white west coasters that have never had to live in a ghetto but somehow LOVE diversity.
Islam will dominate the world and there is nothing you can do about it
Wrong portland, apparently. Send them to the other one.
Just bus them all to california...
>Confused boomers
You don't need to know anything about politics to know not to vote for a person who looks like that.
how did the nogs get across the ocean?
>“We’re all in this together”
We're all in 'what' together? If you drag the third world in here that's where we'll all be eventually.
They built massive ships and mastered the use of compasses and maps.
Just kidding, someone clearly paid for them to be shipped here.
She should be killed for being a traitor to her country.
>taking in the people who’s wealth we stole is treason
Not only do you sound ridiculous, but you sound like an asshole too.
"we're all in this together" means exactly "I'm forcing you into living with them whether you like it or not"
It's all about control to the modern left.
>hurr durrr have sex
dumb niggers cant even grow food, what makes you think they have the ability to refine precious metals
>we're all in nigger hell together
So give her an ultimatum that she needs to house 10 immigrants herself before she opens her mouth about the issue again. And not some promise to do it later, as in take 10 random immigrants and bring them in her house immediatly.
are you even a country when your elected officials do not represent the citizens and and instead represent foreigners?
The government no longer fear the people and that is why they do that kind of shit
Slavery was 200 years ago
you already have niggers leeching off welfare from ancestral slaves. Why do they need fresh african-nigs?
"we are all in this together"
I'll keep that in mind when blacks started claiming special victim status. Whose side will you be on?
The elected officials are self hating whites trained in kike run institutions we can get ones that have an R or a D in front of their name
A jewish professor stood there infront of the class at my local university during an off topic conversation she started about refugees and said "idk I thought maybe we could volunteer to house them in our own homes".
Antoher crypto jew professor rambled every day about how whites are so boring and he was disappointed that we didnt get african migrants.