What are your thoughts on MGTOW?

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every white male should follow mgtow

you don't need it

MGTOW is a really silly jewish meme for the stupid goys.
It is up to men to fix the broken system, not whine about it.

its contributing to the death of the west
the odds are stacked against you in marriage but that just makes it more important to find a girl who isnt garbage

a strong family is the key to solving this shit and a strong man is central to that. MGTOW is just giving up

stfu smelly jordanian shitposter

Every arab should get shot in the face

that's what i was thinking, the reason i can relate some what to that movement is because i pay 800 dollars in child support monthly it feels like i am providing for my ex and my daughter at times.

Just designed to be the false opposition for you to run into with arms open when they hit you from the other side with metoo.

Never assume that just because a group is pretending to be against something that it actually truly is. It's easy to start fake movements and fake countermovements. Literally just takes money, and it's natural, if you want to control people, to set up avenues of retreat and guide them where you want to go next. Because people who are retreating are desperate and can be used.

MGTOW is almost by definition faggotry. I mean, literally, they beleive that if they go on strike society will want to fix things for them. I've talked to many of those dumb faggots.

I kept screaming at them "they don't give a shit dude, they made society that way on purpose and you are reacting exactly how they want!" but the poor faggots are just in love with their epic struggle to go on strike until society treats them well.

It's a variant of "do nothing and expect others to save you" that is absolutely everywhere in the west. (Perhaps due to people watching too many movies)

I am a MGTOW wizard and proud. Feminists, you're fired!

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>that's what i was thinking, the reason i can relate some what to that movement is because i pay 800 dollars in child support monthly it feels like i am providing for my ex and my daughter at times.
Yeah, that's fucked up, and it's meant to be fucked up, but MGTOW's response is to just not procreate, which is exactly what elites are trying to get people to do with almost everything they are pushing.

People just have to try to find a woman who understands the struggle against what Elites are trying to do and how important a family is to guard your children from societal propaganda that is being pushed constantly. I cannot imagine what kids are being exposed to in school at this time.

here is a perfect example of gender bias in family courts


The amount of shilling bullshit these threads generate EVERY FUCKING TIME, increases my resolve ever so much more.
Thanks guys.

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>The amount of shilling bullshit these threads generate EVERY FUCKING TIME, increases my resolve ever so much more.
>Thanks guys.
The people who have power are not going to stop fucking you over when you are doing exactly what they want you to do.

So what am I supposed to do instead of focusing on myself and creating the life I want? Get married to a woman who has slept with 10+ other men and put myself at risk of losing everything in a divorce?

More for me

Normie -> SJW Normie -> Unhinged SJW -> Disenchanted SJW -> MRA -> MGTOW -> grindr

MGTOW is the only logical conclusion to decades of unchecked feminism rampaging through culture like spoiled brat in a candy shop

It's done wonders for my finances. And I will never get cheated on again.

>What are your thoughts on MGTOW?
Jow Forums is mgtow and mgtow is Jow Forums

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>silly jewish meme
Lol, the opposite is true

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this. the main thing is that US, as men, have to take the lead and guide the women to think this way. cant get your woman to understand the importance of raising children as a family unit? leave her and find one that will understand

its hard but it needs to be done

MGTOW identifies the problem correctly but reacts to it in the wrong way. Jow Forums is not mgtow unless its recently gone the way of r9k

>but reacts to it in the wrong way.
It reacts to it the only way that works.

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I don't think it actually exists. Women in the west are more powerful and entitled than ever, which means that very few men are actually "MGTOW."

No it isn't. The system can go fuck itself.

>implying #2-4 wouldnt work
>only way that works
>not breeding and dying out


The west is already dead. It died the day women got to vote.
There is nothing to save.

MGTOW is an invention by invertebrate males who can't say stand up to a woman.

>It is up to men to fix the broken system, not whine about it.

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>MGTOW is an invention by invertebrate males who can't say stand up to a woman.

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