Hippy BS or the only way to save ourselves?
What do you guys think of degrowth?
It sounds like a good idea, so of course everyone will hate it or it will turn out to be a disaster.
checked, that's a blunt way and yet sadly precise way to describe it user.
Hyppie bllsht
It’s bullshit, we can grow indefinitely we just have to kill the non whites that’s all.
there is a finite number of resources.
The universe is vast.
We either do it on our own, or processes outside our control will do it for us.
Niggers and insects will keep breeding. White people are like 10% of the global population. Genocide is a solution, not an abomination.
Forgot to put flag back on? Somebody cap this shit
Never stop growing util all the other races are dead.
The only way to save the planet is to kill everybody else.
We should expand as far as possible into the universe but not overpopulate ourselves. More people means less perks going to each person.
This. If we do this the chinks or the niggers will inherits Earth, why would we do it ?
Good idea.
You first.
Eugenism is the way and our best hope.
>Hippy BS or the only way to save ourselves?
Save ourselves from what?
It's the only solution but it will never happen
Why did leftists abandon it? Now, all the "leftist" parties believe in open borders/mass-migration.
How will Africans inherit the Earth without Western support and how will Chinese do it without Western consumption?
If you are not growing as a person/state/culture/company, you are dead.
Nothing is more damaging than stagnation.
From economical, spiritual and/or ecological crisis. At least that's what people professing that approach promise.
It'd be a good once the day of the rope has ended with full success. As long as there are competitors and they have outgrowth as a viable option then hindering your own growth is suicidal.
Imagine all competition gone. Only one race is left on Earth and they all think likewise. You only need like 500.000 people in one big hub taking care of whatever industry and investigation is needed and the rest of the world living in settlements or roaming free.
degrowth might not be a terrible idea, but i think it would be more important to take the emphasis off of growth for the sake of growth.
It's a non-issue. The planet can easily house over 10 trillion without much brain power going to engineering. The only issue you really have to deal with is waste heat and how to dissipate it.
>Hippy BS or the only way to save ourselves?
Sounds like another timely destructive meme.
Yes we should totally not Grow. We'll let China grow, overtake us, and destroy us.
What's the point of even having a house if they're packed so tightly together that you'd have to be a fucking contortionist to get on the side of it. You look at this shit on google maps and it looks like a fucking disease spreading across the land.
Well you can take the cornucopian approach and think that science will solve everything but I doubt that it will work out if all of investments in technology goes into "muh brand new iphone".
only works if the countries with population in the billions do it too. in fact they need to do it first.
Yeah. Malthus was the bullshited and the gullible idiots bought it
As it is the fertility rates are falling across the globe
In 20 years they fallen 50% in Africa and the middle East.
You look at it and you see the fertility rate in Africa is 5, sounds bad, right?
Not if you know that it was 10, 20 years ago. And that decline accelerated lately, even more.
So no, we aren't in danger of the depopulation, the nature is somehow culling the herd. The scientists have no idea how, just that it is happening.
Hippy BS. The existence of the central bank requires growth. Not not even stability is ok. If we breed less they will just import more.
We keep getting more effecient. This is the argument that let the UK leave Irish to starve.
Yeah, that is true.
Making Degrowth all about Malthusianism doesn't seem right user
And yes, nature is somehow culling the herd, but we are part of nature too. I read somewhere (doesn't know if it's true) that in times of war, the sex-ratio favors birth of males rather than females. Don't know if demography as a self-remedying (although sometimes messy) nature but personally, I'm not really in favor of demographic policies. Most of the times, the results are lagging way behind the problem it's supposed to resolve and as such, is pretty ineffective, if not counter-productive.
Its not a bad idea in itself.
Doing it unilaterally is selling yourself into slavery, you wil have to make everyone do it.
However the world is so interconnected nowdays that the shutdown of industrial output in one region will cuase massive ripple effects across the globe
Anthropogenic CC Denier here.
There is no doubt that the economics of humanity will have to be drastically re-engineered in order to preserve human societies. The debt-currency system and the credit system both have hit their realistic limits in this world. Infinite growth is impossible in a tragically finite world. This, of course, explains the nonsensical financial gyrations of late (NIRP, TARP, QE4eva, and the "trade war"). For much of the 80s and beyond, the planners were able to paper over this issue through the magic of financialization (repackaging of existing financial instruments and selling those as new ones - see: Mortgage Backed Securities for the best recent example) and finding new ways to extract wealth and money from the poor and what used to be the middle class. These things have been primarily achieved through asset bubbles (wealth) and pauperization (money).
In the long run, it's hard not to imagine that the global cabal never saw this coming. These economic tweaks have mostly destroyed what was left of the middle class and are currently destroying the lifeblood of this group, small businesses. The lesson of megacorps such as Netflix, Uber, Tesla, and Amazon is that profit is not the driver of business in this age; rather, these things run off of cash flow, and more importantly, access to credit. The small businesses that used to support communities are being replaced by corporations, who may not be as good at the game, but their eternal access to credit assures their eventual victory without ever having to achieve superiority. Our society can continue to degenerate, and it makes little difference to the corporate overlords. Their structure is in place, and they can still pick out the few "responsible adults" that Western society still produces and beat their margins, especially thanks to automation and AI.
I am 100% in favor of mass deportations.
sounds like Japan gets it
Sounds like a good reason to figure out industrial space travel.
Resources will stop being a problem for a couple centuries once were able to mine mars and the asteroid belt.
The death of small business, automation, and the high price of everything will be the drivers for population reduction... well, that and war, of course. So, I really think that the planners are ahead of this one. Hell, European and US birthrates have collapsed since the 90s, and the main reason is the cost of family. Hardly anyone can afford one anymore. For the rest of the world, they will use more traditional means...
I have WW3 starting in less than 5 yrs (in Pike Plan style), then global dystopia and new global religion. 1bn people will be a lot easier to manage than
Thanks for the interesting comments user
Progress for the sake of progress is the ideology of a dumb faggot
That's the ideology of most leaders in the world, one of the first reason debt exists, one of the main arguments for unregulated mass immigration, and the core mechanic of any ponzi scheme.
Nice to see some nice comment in Jow Forums for once
Obviously it isn't just Malthus. I was just pointing out that Malthuse's ideas are pushed very strongly by that movement and are a complete bullshit.
The Keynes's ideas of growth are also bs.
It's not that the entire movement is completely wrong, it's that it is misleading.
Demographics and it's policies are agon, not completely wrong, but they are at best misleading. A lot of the parameters that they use are simply wrong and yet they chose to ignore trends.
It's like the smoking being a cause of cancer. The same shit. Everything about this statement is wrong because people in the science community simply ignore the facts.
Any way: my position is that the nature is culling the herd, and we are being culled. There may be too many of us(I actually doubt this), but the best way to cure it is to wait.
The policies used in demographics are almost always to support the growth of the government and that seems to be the only outcome that they are interested in.
The birth rates collapsed across the World user.
When you look at the US birthrates they stayed more or less the same since 70's. We can argue though that the birthrates aren't everything here.
They are being used as an excuse to install more government.
More government control also means that more of gigantic monopolies like the ones you mentioned are going to be created, and the ones existing will keep getting bigger. So in a sense they will grow much more to the point when the also will stop growing. The growth is finite because the population across the world is shrinking. They did not predict it, they are surprised by it and the current shitskin stuffing into the Western cultures is just a bandaid.
I will argue that the slowing growth of the human population is not what they want. It's an obstacle to their growth. It's good for us because it will become clear to people, how the governments and their buddies in the mega monopolies are using them, possibly in our lifetime.
If anyone wanted to create an one world government it wouldn't be done with just governments joining hands, that's too visible. It would be done with the monopolies as the ones you mentioned (including Google and FB as the speech controllers) because they are less visible and they are not actually easy to pin point.
Also we are all debating the left-right or the Jews paradigms and almost no one talked how dangerous Google became.
>I was just pointing out that Malthuse's ideas are pushed very strongly by that movement and are a complete bullshit.
True but I'm not even sure Malthusianism describe that movement so well. Worrying about overpopulation is a common traits nowadays, although when you point out the sources of demographic growth people tend to shy away from the subject very quickly. The purest form of malthusianism I ever saw is on this board to be honest.
True about this board. A lot of people don't double check the sources.
But as recently as 4 years ago I was at a University attending sociology lecture and the fucking professor was selling Malthus as a valid and very predictive theory. Why, I had no idea. I started a shit storm and it wasn't even my class. The only reason I succeeded is because I speak with an accent so I enjoy a little bit of leeway amongst the liberals. Not much, since I'm white but enough not to get shut down.
Also I was much older than a typical student there.
The Malthusian theories don't describe the movement of course. The movement uses Malthus as one of their "authority" figures.
I'm not sure how is Keynes treated by the movement but I would expect his ideas aren't very well perceived.
Useless concept since insect people are doing the opposite.
Based Cactus Eddy, so are gonna go monkey wrenching to make a few things right or what?
It doesn't mean that they are right or that it's sustainable forever.
Works great with homosociety.
balkanize and live like tribes. Tear down all the corporations and the federal reserve.
That’s a heavy redpill, thanks for that
We don't grow for the sake of growth. That's just what they say because they won't admit we're growing to compete with other economic powers.
Take the green pill
Unplug, enjoy life. I only come here for news.
Find yourself a good wife, learn a trade, build something, start a small garden, talk to your neighbours and build connections.
All you ever hear about is muh GDP-growth often coupled with immigration of some kind.
If it truly was about competing with other nations surely there'd be something to be said about directly undermining your own social stability. But no, all people ever talk about is the fucking economy, and that is, growth for the sake of growth.
Step 1) Remove all non-caucasian (Reminder Jews aren't caucasian). Now the rapid growth problem is mostly gone (Africa, India and China).
Step 2) Automaton to get rid of the "low class" jobs. Low class jobs that can't be taken care of by machines will be forced upon prisoners (only low crimes, reduced sentence as a motivator).
Step 3) Raise quality of life. When not faced with the stress of survival and hardships the need to breed lowers.
Step 4) ????
Step 5) Profit.
>Step 3) Raise quality of life. When not faced with the stress of survival and hardships the need to breed lowers.
This is detrimental. Lack of stress factors and ease of living makes a population complacent and weak, which turns into "lets help out the poor negroes across the sea"
>"lets help out the poor negroes across the sea"
I refer you to step 1. But yes, I see what you're saying. Can't trust people NOT to become degenerates when too peaceful, but then again, as per step 1, the jews and their vile influence will be gone.
Saved nigha.
We live in the inverted kike world, after all.
The people saying "help the negroes across the sea" are an obscenely small minority. The real cause is corrupt Jewish governments. Remove the corruption and people don't really think or care about niggers.