Martial arts thread

Just got beat up by a gang of like 10 gyppos and nearly got stabbed but i managed to run away i did break one's nose and knocked other down before being overwhelmed, it's illegal to even cary knives here so what should i train in order to beat several armed shitskins?

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Just conceal carry a gun. Never talk about it, never show it, and never bring it out unless you feel you absolutely must use it, and do use it.

Otherwise you're always better off running away than trying to fight anyone, especially a group. So work on your running game. Reality isn't like anime or a video game. A single bad punch can kill or cripple you.

Also guns are utterlyout of the question , it's impossible to get even non-lethal guns for self-defense even if you prove there's an imminent threat to your life. This shithole has the most cucked guns and weapons laws out of any European country, god i hate this shithole.


I do have a vast collection of knives including an ak-47 bayonet and other shit but even if i get attacked and use it to defend myself i wills till get arrested, in fatc i can face up to 10 years if i am merely caughting with it on me by cops without even using it..
Romanians and romanian laws are the most cucked pieces of shit int he world, it's liek they want me to fall pray to shitskins.


Boxing western

>illegal to even cary knives
>nearly got stabbed
Make getting stabbed illegal

Don't know much about Martial Arts, but you could try and learn like Muay Thai or Wing Chun.

Thanks user i plan on running for presidency using that as my political platform, but for that i need to avoid gettign killed by gyppos.
I didn't call the cops as they are fuckign useless here anyways.

Also checked.

I doubt they're as bad as you think. In most cases, the self defense laws require your response to be proportional to the danger you felt you were in. And you'll have to demonstrate that you could not simply escape, which is why I'm telling you that you're always better off running than fighting.

If you absolutely must fight, where there is no possible way out of it, and you can demonstrate this in court, use of force will NOT be held against you, as long as you don't keep using it after the threat is dealt with. That is, if they start to run, or you down one, you cannot continue to use force on them, as in this case you become the aggressor.

Take the time to actually read the laws like I did for my country and you can make proper use of them.

But again, as long as you can, just run.

I did read the laws regarding self defense and they are as i said user, this hsithole is cucked.

It's illegal to bear arms in alot of the several states. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6

Martial Arts Master here:

1. Hundreds of squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and sprints every day. Work your way up.

2. Muay Thai/Wrestling for escaping holds and clinches.

3. Boxing. (teaches grappling too, but this takes many, many years to master, whereas grappling will have you shucking and peeling guys off of you and throwing and tripping them much sooner.) But even beginner boxing is really great for basic self-defense.

In general, for most people, Grappling is hard to learn, but easy to master, while striking is easy to learn, but hard to master.

But the most important part of having good technique is being strong and fit enough for it. The stronger you are, the more you move your body, the more you will find your own natural style through your training.

I've trained in
my training was like 2-3 months in all of this with the exception of TKD (1.5 year).
The ones I deem combat ready (for newbies, at least) are
>boxing & muay thai.
Ninjutsu could really help you to become more agile / less afraid of acrobatics / obtain a superb control of your body balance. You'll also learn cool grappling /choking techniques.

but in the end, the most important element is to
>have warrior-like stamina
>do competitive / fighting / serious sparring training
Some dojos are just sports tier and you won't learn to fight.
Also, stamina is important. No matter how good you are in fighting, fighting exhausts your energy quickly. The one that ends up exhausted first in a fight is the one that is getting fucked (IRL fight).
In case you run out of breath, try to avoid your opponent, move defensively, limited to minimum movement, until you are ready to seriously fight back again.

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listen to this user, OP.

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Pepper Spray and electric shocker

Be like a girl ..... carry these in your purse

Thinking about picking up muay thai at least, i'm not a total novice as i do bodyweight and kettlebell training and i did freestyle wrestling for about a year(myuncle was national championa nd competeted in the europeans) but that is not that usefull against several opponents especially if they're armed.

Based. Are you ready for the day of the rake fren?

Boxing/Muay thai.

I do muay Thai, hit the gym and run. I'm 15 pounds over weight, but I looked jacked. I still carry. 1. Guys want to fight me (when they are drunk) and think they can take me, it prevents me from getting into one and going to jail. 2. I'm not Bruce fucking Lee and even he carried, maybe two drunk guys but even a blind man hits a bullseye now and again, a lucky shot the head or three plus guys and I'm fucked, let alone one that can grapple. Fuck that shit. Also, the running, I can get the fuck out of a bad situation, unless I have my kids, but it's typically drunk guys that will start shit. Listen man, run, get out, avoid, it's not worth it. I get your pride, I have mine as well and it can be hard to let go but I focus it at the gym if some guy gets to me.

against groups that you deem dangerous to your health/life, your only choice is guns, as the Canadian user said. I don't know about Romania, but competent is your police? I mean, if you murder some subhumans will they be able to track it back to you?

Sorry to hear. Just hit the gym, run, and do muay Thai or boxing, Brazilian Jujitsu is great, but only one on one, ten against one you gotta run, no one is that big of a bad ass, especially if one has a knife.

This guy. I do muay Thai and I'm an ex-boxer and I fear going up against a good wrestler in a street fight.

They are pretty incompetent but for murders i don't know, most murderers here are low IQ impulsive subhumans that don't care about being caught.

I like Kung Fu. It was the first martial arts which is incorporated into all other forms of martial arts. With Kung Fu you learn technique, hand form, sparring, grappling so it covers all bases. Certain techniques take time to master but sparring and grappling you can pick up basics fairly quickly. Agree with other posters that being fit and having stamina is important, but ideally the best defense is to not engage.

>most murderers here are low IQ impulsive subhumans that don't care about being caught.
This. Obviously I haven't practiced it IRL, but I don't think that a mediocre police can catch a non-impulsive killer, unless he becomes serial killer, thus leaves more clues behind, thus makes it more likely for them to connect the dots.

If you really think your life is in danger, I then seriously suggest you make mental plans on how you should proceed in case shit hits the fan. Consider things like
>where is the best area/neighborhood to murder them
>can you lure them over there?
>how much noise will your action attract?
>how much light there is in the whole area?
>you means of escape. can they be tracked back to you?
>places to hide your weapon etc.

I'm not larping. If you REALLY think you are in danger, you must act like a predator. They are your enemy and must be exterminated or else you will.

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It's not bad to learn and I hate talking shit in other styles, but it's a lot of flash. You gotta be able to strike and be efficient with it. Too many wasted moves for Kung Fu, and it does look awesome and it's effective, but there's better styles out there for street fighting. A good question to ask yourself is what styles you see in MMA, that will let OP know what to study.

Life is so strange like that, you could take an absolute beating and be surprised by how much you can take, but one bad punch or fall and oof it's over

Just ask Michael Schumacher

This. Or learn to knife fight and get your run game down. Stab and then bolt fast once they hit the ground. Of he's in decent shape he can train for a 5k along with knife fighting. Or just kill and say they had the knife and you took it from them since they aren't trained, good luck with that though.

If you are low in the psychopathy spectrum I'd suggest you research online on how psychopaths think (there are some legit psychopaths on quora that make good analysis on this subject). This is important since if you are very low in the psychopathy spectrum then you won't be emotionally ready for such things.

P.S. Is merely talking to the police about this not an option?

Ideally you pick two martial arts. One for striking and one for grappling. BJJ is among the best things you can do. It teaches you groundfighting/grappling and gives you a lot of endurance because sparring requires much stamina. The big disadvantage however is that you can barely use it against multiple attackers apart from takedowns and knowing that you should not go on the ground in such a fight. Against groups striking techniques (don't bother with kicks) are the best while against a single opponent BJJ is your best option. I know every martial arts expert tells this but there is a lot of truth to it. Avoid every fight you can. You can only lose a fight that you fight but sometimes you have to fight or there is no other choice. Another thing to note is the escalation of a fight. If someone attacks you and you respond with a certain level of violence your opponent will attack with the same level of violence if he continues the fight. This means that if you attack in a certain way you should be ready to be attacked in the same way.

>Or just kill and say they had the knife and you took it from them since they aren't trained, good luck with that though.
if their police is as cucked as he claims to be, then surrendering to the police and claiming self-defense is probably a bad idea. our police is also cucked on self-defense matters and many people that defended their homes and killed the intruder ended up in jail.
If he has go to for the kill, he must not reveal himself.

Cops don't even notice if you don't act suspicious, just know when to fight or run and carry a blade. You shouldn't obey to a law that tells you have no right of self defense, i do it here.

muay thai and wrestling, not bjj, stick to basics.

Join a kickboxing or muay thai gym. After getting used to kickbox join a normal gym too if you have the time for it and bulk like a motherfucker.

Do this to be prepared to defend yourself, but always do your best to avoid fighting.
Fighting on the street is super dangerous. Falling down with your head on concrete can kill you. A good swing to your face can make you lose teeth. If the option is there swallow your pride and walk away. It's literally a brainlet sub 90 IQ move to fight on the street when there is the option to walk away.

Even when you get heavier and better as fighting only fight as a last resort, because permanently harming the other fag will put you in a world of shit.

>our police is also cucked on self-defense matters and many people that defended their homes and killed the intruder ended up in jail.
Fucking hell. We have some states that don't have something called Castle Doctrine Law, that means if someone breaks in you have to hide in the bathroom or in your room first and then fire, most states, even Cali, you break into someone's house, you shoot and walk, but it's best to fire a warning shot first, in other words, one shot to the chest, then one down, "I shot first to earn him" is what you say, but even if someone breaks in and you fire, you'll get off with it, for the most part. Shit, im Texas you can kill a man for breaking into your car, God bless that state. Still though, not defending your home where your kids are is insane, if someone broke in and I had kids at home no jury would convict me, even if I started blasting away, just try not to shoot them if they run, a shot in the back means you shot them when they were trying to get out, that could be messy, just have at least one front shot and you're fine. Also, get out of that hellhole.

Muay Thai, dirty boxing, filipino knife fighting. brazilian jiu jitsu is a meme, not for real life street fighting.

On a side note, am I in Jow Forums? Liking this shithole for once.

Oops, sorry Castle Doctrine means you can shoot if they try to break in, you don't have to hide, my bad. Your home is your castle.

Pick one of them, gin bottle to the skull plate, leg it before he drops, it's the slav martial art.
t. Tried it and worked.

just watch jojo you fucking manlet with bad taste.

>called Castle Doctrine Law
Yep. I recently heard about it when based Salvini passed it in a new law in Italy. your self-defense laws and your general stance in favor of free speech is one of the things in USA. I envy you for these.

> one of the things
I love*

True words. Don't get into a fight. I've learned though that you really don't want it to get to ground so best emphasis should be on sparring/fighting techniques. Grappling is necessary on the ground, but definitely want to keep it upright.

>Surrounded by a pack of wild niggers

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Is it illegal to carry petrol over there? Do you know where thier gypsy camp is? Prevention is better than cure.

Ok, now I have to ask. Is it illegal to carry petrol in Britain?

>Stab and then bolt fast once they hit the ground.
I forgot to comment on this. Stabbing and letting him/them alive is pretty damn scary. They outnumber him, they are subhuman savages and he just stabbed one of their own. Their definitely try to ambush him in the near future.
He either has to run for his life or kill for his life.

> so what should i train in order to beat several armed shitskins?
No martial art will teach you to fight multiple attackers. All are based on a one on on attack / defence. It's just not realistic.
But judo can help you put anyone who touches you on the ground. Enough time to get away.
Get a "coin purse sap". You fill it with 200g of coins, and hit people attacking you on the side of the head with it. If you catch them it's an instant stun. Far more so than with a fist.

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Try American Kenpo, Train like baki...and you might be even able to defeat hanayama kaoru

>BJJ is among the best

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Just be scary, my guy.
10 dollars isn’t worth a broken finger or a cracked rib.
You walk with a cane, but I guess it could be used against you.

Lift, start tomorrow.

Workout A

Assisted Pull-up 5x5
Squats 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Incline Chest Flys 3x12
Face Pulls 3x12
Barbell Curl 3x12
Cable Pushdown 3x12

Workout B

Assisted Dips 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Incline DB Bench 3x12
Lat Pulldowns 3x12
Lateral Raises 3x12
Barbell Curl 3x12
Cable Pushdown 3x12

Feel the power of being able to say nigger in public.


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The various forms of Kung fu are all very well, but 95% of the teachers suck. Same for karate and tkd.
Avoid anything based on solo forms.

Sorry to hear your countries laws have been cucked.
Martial arts takes years to hone and even then if you're not a violent person or a person who can summon violent tendencies to survive chances are you'll forget most of the shit it teaches.
If you're thinking Eastern martial arts most of that is horse shit.
If you're thinking MMA that's designed for 1v1 combat.
My advice check to see if your local law allows mace/pepper spray. Order foam pepper spray. It's designed to stick to the assailants face and some can potentially blind.
Look up Krav Maga. It's not a martial arts it's combat survival. How to hurt your opponent as fast as possible and get the fuck out.
Lastly, do everything in your power to avoid the gypsies.
You're not going to dramatically kick a bunch of guys ass single handedly. That's fantasy. You can fuck one or more up blinding them, rocking them, then run.

>Not bench pressing 400lbs on your first day
Fucking leafs. Eat a burger

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At least you fought back. Good on you bro. My step dads friend told me “its better to be black and blue than just plain ol blue”

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i recommend absolute savagery when fighting a group intent on doing you harm
extreme visual damage is the best deterrent to these faggots. when they see the stakes are so high in engagement, they will cut and run. and you'll feel good about doing real hurt to real human shit

This. If you have to fight, you go machine mode and do not stop until they are no longer a threat. If things break, they break.

I know i am gonna get burned for this but honestly the best self-defence system out there is Krav Maga. Unfortunately there are many shitty federations that dont teach it properly. The best is the official one called IKMF so look for a gym partnered with this one. Also in any kind of self-defence or martial art the most important thing is the teacher so make sure to find one that knows his shit.

Best bet is some kind of legitimate kickboxing gym where you can practice sparring full contact.

> Trained Shaolin Kung Fu, TKD and Hapkido for 3 years
> Earned black belt
> Trained (((Krav Maga))). Never made any belts because its boring kicking attackers in the Balls
> Trained almost 2 years Kyokushin Karate
> Broke my hand.
> Found the right Martial Art.

Kyokushin Karate (its no wimpy non contact karate, check youtube) is perfect for sparring Hardcore, you'll be prepared if you get attacked. Boxing and Kickboxing is also very good. However don't "TRY" stuff. Start one thing and stick with it, it can even be belly dancing faggot. Train for at least 1 year at least 2 times a week. Your body will become immensly strong. Nobody wants to touch you because of your looks, trust me.

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gym id and trips

I just carry a blade on me at all times

Kyokushin doesn't allow head shots, Muay Thai is best

Ninjutsu, LMAO.
Stick to one art for four years, then branch out. There is common ground with all martial arts that aren't bullshido, because the human body is the same no matter the martial art.
That said, MMA, while focused on sport fighting, will give you the best grasp of martial arts for the time invested. However, if one is facing a gang attack as OP has, the best defense is being able to run like the wind. As Karl Gotch said, conditioning is your greatest hold (technique).

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Also to make it clear i am not sure if it was self defense or not i was in public transport and these gyppos were eyeballign me like crazy the whole time and when i tried to get out at my station they entered my personal space mere centimeters away from me callign me a pussy and askign what i was lookign at.
I was in a bad mood and paranoid so i punched the one fucker knocking him down and breaking his nose.
We fought for for a while with me mainly mainly winning until the pack atacked me , punched another one of them and tried to run but my knees were weak from an earlier punch of, that's when i saw one had a punch. The gypsy whores that were with them actually saved me as they told thme to stop and i used that opportunity to run away.. Only ended up with a broken nose, two black eyes and a loose tooth from a kick. And to be fair it didn't just happened, was actually back in december but i didn't make a thread back then.

Um, of course it allows it, with all parts of your leg.
Just no fist or elbow.

You wont need your fist if you are strong, just one kick is enough to send them to the ground. Or just breaks there skull with a good kick. Or break their arms. Its fasts and efficient.

By the way, if you want to be a dick you can use your skills on the street and just instead of punching their chest you can use their head.

Not selecting a martial art because it "doesn't" does this or that is dumb.

Be sure you know how to use it. Where to cut, and how. A slash to the inside of the forearm will render their hands useless. A downwards stab just above their collar bone is certain death even if they are on the operating table - they will bleed out and die before a surgeon can get at the severed artery.

Knives are no joke. When faced with one either shoot them or run like hell. Otherwise you WILL get cut to ribbons.

Mas Oyama was based.

Carry a blade, simple as that. You get jumped, don't hesitate, carve your way out.

I would carry mace, if its not illegal.

Fellow user.

You are not living in Africa. Just look for a martial art school in you nearby city which isn't a shack but actually respectful to their students.

Just GO and start practicing! TOMORROW!

It really isn't that simple

throat punches, my dude. full incapacitate, death if untreated. heads go through windows and eyes get popped
no quarter

But it still has punches, what's stopping you from punching them int he head on the street if you are attacked?

You understand the theory of such things, but the reality of such conflicts involves a massive adrenaline dump. Not everyone can function properly when this happens. I can (or used to, I'm getting old) but I only know that because shit has happened. I credit my military experience, finding out if you can do the real deal in the civilian world can get you into serious legal trouble.

I trained 2 years at Kenji Midori's dojo.
Best time of my life...

its not so much the problem of you not training to strike the head, its the problem of none of your opponents trying to hit your head, so that you have no practice in blocking head punches. and head punches are extremely common in fist fights outside of kyokushin

kyokushin mixed with some western boxing would be god tier striking

2 gyppos around the age of 20 were threating me with beating me up and cornering me if I dony give them my wallet, eventually one sneaked behind me and took by force and they then ran away. I was 13 at the time. These werent even the gyppos living in the trashcans, they just stole from me even though they had more expensive clothing than me. And people here are laughing at only politician who wants to do something with gyppos.

Well i guess that's right there wasn't any murders in my town for like a couple years(except domestic but those don't count) Still in those situations where adrenaline is pumping and you don't know how people will react can get somewhat dangerous.

do it, just do it

yep. that's why I specified that he should do so if he actually feels his life is in serious danger (and not just random impulsive brawls that can happen from time to time).

I know how to use it alright

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Yeah user gyppos are scum.

BJJ is great but I prefer catch as catch can wrestling. It is a more complete art as it includes throws and takedowns. My skill level at Catch was only comparable to blue belt BJJ, yet I could frustrate brown belt BJJ players. However, I must point out that the two styles complement each other very well.

At kyokushin you train blocking kicks to the head. If you leave your defences down you shouldn't getting blows to the head.

If you are trained I bet they wouldn't even reach you because you already kicked them in the guts or made a low kick so that they will immeaditly boggle down.

As I said previously. It doesn't matter really what style you practice, after a certain time they can only stop you with weapons. It doesn't matter what style.

Yes. But you have to start practicing to feel better. It doesn't matter in what shape you are. If the martial arts teacher is no idiot you will immediately have fun and make friends.

After that you will cope better in such situations.

Now is summer, every user has to get into shape.

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Changed me a lot. I always carry 2 wallets (one with cash and one without). Was also paranoid for few months for going out because it literally happened in front if my house (I live at the literal edge of the city and this district of city is small, so very big chance they leave close by). Was at police with it but only thing they could get was like 4 pictures from around an hour which doesnt show neither me nor them

Have you found your holyland/pol/?

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> Shaolin Kung Fu, TKD and Hapkido
> Kyokushin Karate
Mostly useless. Might as well just do kickboxing.

> Learned Shotokan & shito-ryu for 8 years.
Useless bollocks.
> Spent an additional 5 years researching and learning what kata actually are and how they really work.
> Now understand that a good 95% of arts derived from Shaolin (kungfu, karate, tkd) are taught by teachers who don't have a clue what they are teaching.
Recommendation today:
Kickboxing. You can learn all the striking shit in less than a year.
Judo, or wrestling. Possibly JJJ but there are few good schools.

In all fields.

If Shotokan was useless, why did you practice it for 8 years?

If you trained these kind of sports you would have some decency and respect when talking to people.

Krav Maga or Thai Boxing for strikes, Jujutsu for grappling, and Aikido if you want to be able to just dodge and throw those fucks on the ground. It's really not good for anything else though.