Opinion on taking the gold and silver pill in this economic recession?
Opinion on taking the gold and silver pill in this economic recession?
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silver can be turned into medication to fight infection.
that's true silver oxide cream saved my foot from getting infected after brown recluse bit me.
it's nice to have a pile of pirate booty to play with
everyone should get to experience this in their life
Gold is always good
Only jews say not to buy
Gold is super expensive. Its too expensive to be a useful bargaining tool for needed supplies.
Silver is more useful for bartering
So where do you keep your precious metals?
Bank vault? Than tou dont acctualy oun it
At home in a safe? Then you cant realy protect it
If you were born a goy slave you will die one
i was just bit on my cheek a couple weeks ago. guessing it was a brown recluse, it's necrotizing the flesh and i have a whole that is really gross looking. it's gonna be a shitty scar, man. so much for getting laid again. the silver oxide seems to have prevented it from getting worse, but healing is slow.
yep. from a survival standpoint it holds more value in case of collapse.
Can confirm a family member virtually cured Lyme, or sent the virus into hibernation, through silver. It's the only thing I know of that actually stops the Lyme organ damage.
Silver is cheap. A kilo can be had for a few hundred dollars. Excellent hedge if you have extra money and want to stymie the rothschilds by not investing in their retirement fund schemes
mercury dimes and standing liberty quarters will be like cash after the collapse
prices are decent right now
It seems like a bad time to buy gold, by looking at the charts, looks like it's time for a crash soon, THEN it's but time.
>wanted: your unwanted gold/silver for competitive prices.
>short on cash? sell your unwanted gold/silver
Back to Jow Forums, nigger.
Don't start your drivel again on Jow Forums
Ammo, Medicine,water and food will be the only real currency
Insured by Smith and Wesson you ignorant khazar larper
Post pic
Thanks for letting me know about this.
New SHTF currencie.
do they charge much?
order some augmentin and wash it with bacitracin or something if you can't afford a hospital. those bites are no joke
buy 1k usd worth of physical silver 5 years ago price has gone down lol should have just put the money on poker stars not to mention if I wanted to sell it i'd have to move it cheaper than market price
I want and silver american made double edge razor but am having second thought about gillette. Any alternatives?
So where do YOU keep your stak Shlomo?
This is how the gold market works:
>buy 1oz gold for $1.3k
>wait 6 months
>1oz of gold is $1.4k
>go to sell
>Buyers want $900/oz
So unless you have a shit ton of cash and buy melt you're going to be SOL. And if you have a shit ton of cash and buy melt, then you better fucking have some guns, ammo and be ready for the inevitable 4am break in. Eventually one of the crackheads who has been selling you melt is going to put shit together and realize they can just stab or shoot your ass and walk away with over $10k.
This. You can also buy silverware, which is functional as well as barterable.
>it's gonna be a shitty scar, man. so much for getting laid again.
Bitches love scarred men.
Just wait it out, it goes in cycles, you'll hit a high eventually. Unless you bought it at the absolutely worst time, off course.
The jews know how to play gold. Warren, Soros, Icahn, they play gold like brearhing. They probably even have industry insiders through contractors or shell corporations that rhey use to compete with eachother.
Buying gold is stepping foot directly into the arena. If you are stupid, you are better off investing into something you know how to monetize.
Best place to buy gold and silver?
You won't probably make a fortune but gold is nearly always worth what you paid for it.
Banks can crash and paper money can inflate, gold stays.
Buy some of the poorly melted resale from tweakers for dirt.
Where you can pay cash..lol
Don't buy now, look at the price graphic. It's absolutely worse time to buy now, crash coming soon.
Miners, etfs, corporations that trade in it, comlanies that use gold in equipment, et cetera, are all qays to play gold. The numbers change weekly. For instance, US declares sanctions against Africa, gold miners go broke while gold holders become rich. Trade deal? Opposite effect, miners become rich and holders become poor.
Keep in mind people will bet on the event before it happens. This is called pricing in.
Gold is always worth somehting, but it's price also goes up and down, you still can get pwnt if you don't move intelligently.
there's absolutely no reason to get in the gold market now, of all times.
Silver, maybe, but not gold.
Local coin shops for small amounts of common coins. Ebay has some good prices on specific items.
One time payment of $499.95.
I have some coins since 2008, I see them as a manner of keeping money that isn't paper.
I wouldn't put all my money in gold coin though. That's certain.
QVCfag detected
t. jew
>buy gold
>it goes up in value
wow so difficult only the craft jew could do this better stay away, goy.
Wait for a peak, sell, then hold the money untill a low comes, then buy, that way you're growing your capital. Repeat the proccess until you've had enough ;^)
I givie it to you though, gold is a good way to keep your investment secure for the long time way. A way to transport your wealth, etc. But during most fucked up war time, stamps was where it was at.
Like postage stamps.?
This. Gold is not an investment. Gold is real money and a store of value.
Silver:Gold ratio is higher than it's ever been so that might be correct. Id say buying both is smart still though.
yep, but only during the most fucked up part of the war, and probably in a specific part of the territory, stamps weighted less, and were easier to transport... and hide
If you're in a first world country and experience an economic crash, your shiny metals are fucking worthless. NeoCons love the idea of the gold standard but gold is no better than a fiat currency, it's value is determined by the exact same processes
You'd be buying into a desaturated market that's just begging for a price reset
Silver doesn't have that problem
Thx that's interesting to know.
I suppose value in a future war would still be in communication.?
A mobile phone with internet access would bring big money if it worked and others didn't..
10% of your portfolio should be Gold at any times.
In a recession up to 20% makes sense.
I guess, and food, food was expenssive as fuck, so imagine luxury food.