No no no!!!!!


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War time baby

Israel's nuclear weapons are illegal and they should be invaded

How anti-Semitic of you.

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benjamin is in luck because nuclear weapons do not exist

Just a thought, but do Israels nuclear missiles have an exposed warhead?

I wonder how many dumb americans will die for their foreign rulers this time like Iraq?

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send more goyims americuck GI

oh, 30 000 or 200 000, what difference ?

Fucking do something about it then. Quit pushing America to fight your wars for you.

!!! אנטישמי

Who cares desu. You kind of deserve it if you're fighting for moshe.

>Israel will not allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons
Why not?

What the fuck are you even... Oooooohhhhh you cheeky devil

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By what law are they illegal? They never signed any treaty

are you serious

said it before, will say it again.
so far Israel sank EXACTLY zero (0) American ships

ha post about USS liberty and get a 67.

Open. borders. for. Israel.

Nuclear war soon


I agree and the Holocaust never happened.

Israeli nuclear weapons are the reason for conflict in the middle east


Nuclear nonproliferation act.