Why are all of the intellectuals and all of the talent on the left? Lately I've come to the realization that the right is just a bunch of illiterate retards.
Why are all of the intellectuals and all of the talent on the left...
Intellectualism is gay
Op, when are you going to post said intellectuals?
It’s easy to sit around and deconstruct shit and complain about white people and being poor. Intellectuals on any side can go fuck themselves, they just think themselves to death without any action
Because the institutions are corrupt you moron. There are plenty of right wing intellectuals, but none are part of the leftist government apparatus. Academia is a total joke these days. Joke papers such as "The Conceptual Penis" are published to great applause.
Nobody cares what you think, Jew.
Those who look at the overlooked obvious, open up to new possibilities can be geniuses I guess
I'm left and most of those people are charlatans. You could have posted Jean Jaures, Piketty, FDR or Jared Diamond. Obama even. There are many...
false, much of the reason for why intellectuals and "talent" seeming to be leftists is because if you so much as say two words contrary to the party line in hollywood and academia you're a bigoted racist nazi that laughs at starving children. Bruce Willis is a good example, after he spoke out against gun control measures and pointed out some redpills he was near ex communicated in hollywood, R Lee Ermy said the reason he didn't do more movies was because after he made a point that he wouldn't follow their rhetoric because it was against his morals, they wouldn't even accept his apps for an audition. there are dozens of very talented right wing directors, actors, and all, but they are forced out.
In academia, look at what happened to the guy that recieved a nobel prize for his work with DNA. the second he pointed out a scientifically observable fact, that not all races are equal, he was stripped of all titles and honors. any one that goes contrary to the narrative is thrown out on their ass.
Is there even a single left winger in the big boy league? Im of course talking Schop, Plato, Diogenes.
60-95 -> left wing, unless in dixie then right winggers
95-115-> right wing
115-125-> left wing
125+ -> libertarians
this place is fucked beyond repair - i'm out.
Because NPCs let the MSM decides who is and who isn't an intellectual
>Martin Heidegger
>Ezra Pound
>Richard Wagner
>Bobby Fischer
>Ronald Fisher
Those you just mentioned are/were back in the day. The overton window of moved a bit since those times..
John Stuart Mills, Jeremy Bentham, Jesus (or his ghost writer), Voltaire... How much time do we have?
This guy gets it
He was a half retarded pseudomystic kike
It's a shame postmodernism happened to be on the left yes it was also a necessity of history's spirit. Pre-modern all of the Wests greatest thinkers have been extremely right wing.
Creative people are typically more emotional making them more likely to be left wing. Being able to cry on cue is a good skill for an actor to have, it is not that useful if you are trying to build civilizations. Academics are parasites. Just like all other left wingers. They are smarter than most people, but, most of them are too lazy to do something useful with their intelligence. That is why they settle into teaching. Academics rarely get paid that well. So you have a bunch of smart people who are not getting paid as much as they think they deserve. It only makes sense that they would try and bleed the rest of us dry. The lazy fuckers! Artists are great, but, they should not be making political decisions. Neither should academics. Those who can do, those who can't teach. If you are really so smart then actually do something with it. Say what you like about Adolf Hitler, but the man got shit done!
They're ostracized if they're openly right.
Academia has been conquered by leftists.
Wrongthink or Hatefacts are weeded out as they appear.
Look at Nobel Prize winning geneticist James Watson for an example.
Right wing intelectuals:
>Facts dont care about your antizionism.
Ben Shapiro.
Leftists ownd epic style.
unironically all hacks. heidegger is the petite-bougeois of german philosophy, nothing more, and pound is a fraud.
r-right wing intellectuals coming through...
I only recognise two of these so called “intellectuals” but who are the rest of the dweebs?
>Richard Wagner
>Richard fucking Wagner
>a hack
>a fucking hack
>the absolute epitome of all western art, culture and music in general is a...
>a fucking hack
>the man who was so absolutely perfect in his creations that he single handedly brought the decline of all western art is...
>a hack
Please kill yourself, I don't give a fuck that you'r joking just pls go and fucking kill yourself.
>petite-bougeois of german philosophy
How is this a judgement of his work? He was literally the last breath of true Western thought, Jung you could say was this also but he bent a knee to an extent.
yes Wagner is 110 iq tier
>pound is a fraud.
Have you read any of his works you plebeian?
>unironically all hacks.
get a load of this faggot
>in all fields
>Be Von Braun
>Be Nazi
>Create V-2
>Hitler loses, operation PaperClip
>Be NASA leader now
>Put man in the moon
Look at that fucking forehead user, does that look like a measly 110 iq to you?
Absolutely SEETHING, conservacucks BTFO
The above is by the way an illustration of what passes for right-wing "thought" in the current year anno 2019
I meant people who have him as their favorite composer are 110 iq. Listen to better composers.
>The founders of modern genetics, philosophy, and some of the greatest musicians, writers and chess players that ever existed.
>all hacks
>Marx is a legit genius though
Great argumentation skills. It seems every leftists is really a genius, unlike the hacks I posted.
Karl Marx was a neet his whole life. His greatest achievement is mooching off of Friedrich Engels and taking credit for his work while he sits in an office and wanks
>Who is Julius Evola?
>Who is Nietzsche?
>Who is Richard Wagner?
>This one's a stretch but who is Walt Disney?
>Absolutely SEETHING, conservacucks BTFO
>The above is by the way an illustration of what passes for right-wing "thought" in the current year anno 2019
user stop with the bad shitposting, I could understand denying Pound but to deny Heidegger and then deny RICHARD FUCKING WAGNER just shows your lack of understanding which both these geniuses however more so Wagner necessitate from a higher intelligence. If you cannot understand how Wagner intertwined his music and Opera's and his culminated art in such perfection you are incapable of understanding, at least try with Bach and then move your way up. Same for Heidegger, if you'r too dumb to understand him or Hegel than start with the Greeks and watch videos to "lead you through".
I am immune to your propoganda.
Maybe not all propoganda, but definately yours.
The left is full of pseudo-intellectuals.
how are any of them worthy of talent???
>Richard Wagner
Yea but he was a bit vague
Yea I guess so but he isn't exactly a genius by any merit.
>Walt Disney
Look his likeable and was striving for greatness but come on.
>Why are all of the intellectuals and all of the talent on the left? Lately I've come to the realization that the right is just a bunch of illiterate retards.
Intellectuals are just propagandists, and the "left" is in-line with what the elites are trying to do at the moment, which is to destroy the west.
The seeming left-right dichotomy is just a game where the issues the elites care about are split betweent he two parties and when the elites want something they have the party that is championing that cause win and mysteriously fail to accomplish the things the elites don't want but that that party was supposedly in favor of.
Elites want to destroy us all and the left is going along with LGBT and the elites really want that depopulation shit pronto. Trump sort of slowed that down a bit. So now we're going to get turbo lgbt. Are you ready?
You're so close to realizing something. Which is, far-right figures in history like Hitler were sore losers in life who had nothing of value to say and relied on populism, hysteria, bigotry and lies to draw a crowd. It has always been the progressives and leftists who've advanced the society.
Well I mean Delueze and Foucault wrote a lot of interesting stuff even if it was infused with their degenerate ideology's and existence. Still pre-modern western thought shall always triumph as the greatest.
based and redpilled spbp
Cursed image
>Who is Julius Evola?
literal who hack
>Who is Nietzsche?
not right wing
>Who is
>St. Augustine
>Richard Wagner
Those are the smart people who want to help you. The smart people on the right want to hurt you, and so stay hidden and simply manipulate people. The people on the right you see, the manipulated ones, are necessarily not too bright.
Read this if you want to become enlightened.
It is what id consider the introductory primer to the left.
> It has always been the progressives and leftists who've advanced the society.
More like helped advanced society to decay.
By current standards Voltaire is a nazi
Im triggered
the good people dont censor other people to a point where they come to the one place that fought against all forms of censorship, solely with right might. You guys are joke. Our information is free and left up to the person to decide what to do with it. You do not have this mechanism you vile snake.
thats liberals, liberals are on the right as they are capitalists, idealists, individualists, and all around subhumans.
You realise even Verdi acknowledged Wagner's genius? The only criticism Verdi ever made of Wagner was that he extended some things at some small points too much. While this wog made such little impression Wagner didn't even make any sign of a notice of him.
your image has nothing to do with the left; just different kinds of liberals arguing amongst themselves.
Wagner insulted the requiem, i dont need to hold verdis opinion about things, as a verdi fanboy i can simply hate anyone who do not like verdi as much as i do :^)
Everyone after Dante was a degenerate, change my mind!!!
Your movement is that of equality, and as such you censor things that are proofs of non equality. Do we do such things I wonder hm? If the standards were the same here as on your sites I would have banned you already lol.
You forgot Carl Jung.
>John Stuart Mills
pick one, fuckface
>Say what you like about Adolf Hitler, but the man got shit done!
What, you mean like destroying Europe ?
Do you even know anything about Italian hermeticism?
Talent is on the right too...the (((left))) is just nepotistic and controls what sees the light of day or not
>picture unrelated
trying to put pre-modern thinkers under the label of right wing is moronic. and most of those people would be supporting socialism today.
Plus that bald guy is a complete faggot that let drug dealers take advantage of him
Hey don't get be wrong I love Verdi but consider it this way. This man you love so much as the greatest musical genius of all time willingly stated that Richard Wagner was the greatest and superior to him in so many ways the gap was a canyon. He didn't even put himself on the same scale because he new himself that he didn't hold a candle, not that he is not worth his own worth because he is as he is fantastic but Wagner is utterly and completely out of this world fantastic. I don't quite think you realise how influential Richard Wagner was in practicality as well as quality.
source on the nobel prize winner?
I could understand calling Hume as such but Kant? Hegel? Kierkegaard? And especially Wagner?
Burden of proof is on you, all of these men primarily advocated for and created the good and so it is up to you to disprove this.
And Nietzsche and Schops were not political thinkers what a mornic posters stop posting
Lol, you have Marx in that list of 9 leftist intellectuals. He was a cunt not an intellectual. The others I don't even recognize .
Lenin addressed you over a hundred years ago
you dont understand what we mean when we say equality
The 'movement' is about the war between idealism and materialism. Idealism created the nazis, it created the radical feminists, it created the SJW, it created affirmative action, it created transgenderism, it created everyone gullible enough to believe a television commercial.
All these things are a result of idealism. We, materialists, oppose idealism.
Funny how virtually none of those black and white photos have true intellectuals in them. OP is a fucking moron, and his photo collage proves it.
Herp derp Foucault, Marx, and Hitchens. Herp derp derp intellectuals. herp herp herp
My mistake, he was around the similar period to Heidegger I saw past him - as great as he is. Though I can't believe so many pseuds think Jung was just "full of shit" it's as if they interpret the archetypes as real people living inside man or something like that.
user are you ideologically left wing or economically left wing? Because all of the stated would be ideologically right wing today. All those enlightenment thinkers talking about Racial skull shape sure were egalitarians.
Sounds a lot like the religious folks that post here which made their own enemies and allies, and see them everywhere lol.
I am a racial realist first and foremost. Your movement did not embrace darwin, nor his truths. Why should I pick yours?
You said far right thinkers, though I admit Nietzsche was often vague you absolutely cannot say Schopenhauer was left wing ideologically speaking. Even if one could separate politics from philosophy look at it this way they were still right wing in their beliefs.
hitchens is not in that image
In the current year Jesus and Voltaire would be considered far-right extremists. I'm not too familiar with the other two so couldn't say.
Love his music, but the man was an anarchist/socialist.
He became a shill for the Prussian government as soon as he got famous.
Not going to lie, I have a hard time understanding Kant, sometimes I think of him as an atheist edgelord and then he seems very traditional, so Im not sure about him
Existentialism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>Why are all of the intellectuals and all of the talent on the left?
because they virtue signal the loudest and you're too stupid to notice anything else about them, like the fact all their ideas were fiction and killed millions
>Jared Diamond
Don't put Plato in with those leftist faggots
You just need to pay your academia more, and they will instantly become right wing.
Also, nice bait, though i'd like you to see pass this bunch of commies as "intellectuals" anywhere where people know who they are. TLDR KYS op you are a faggot.
Physics and chemistry are shit shows in universites as well. Anybody that thinks what we have no is good science is retarded (alt-left). All the right winger-invented shit is classified and owned by corporations.
The reason its called scientific socialism is the historical materialist analysis that leads to the conclusions of it. Unlike idealists who become dogmatic and support things based on belief of some absolute correctness there is no dogma on the left, only the basic axioms of dialectic materialism which is an analytical tool. We apply this to human civilization to get historic materialism, and we apply it to that to gain our sociopolitical understandings. The entire body of reasoning from fundamental philosophical assumptions to the conclusions are there for anyone to see and debate. Thats why there is so much reading to do on the left, unlike the right which can simply proclaim a thing to be correct or true we must be able to justify every idea.
imagine thinking a pozzed faggot like Foucault is an intellectual and not a retarded bugchasing homo
Schops was not a political thinker and calling him and other pre-modern thinkers far right is dishonest. they lived in a different time
>Foucault spent many evenings in the San Francisco gay scene, frequenting sado-masochistic bathhouses, engaging in unprotected sex. He would praise sado-masochistic activity in interviews with the gay press, describing it as "the real creation of new possibilities of pleasure, which people had no idea about previously."[149] Foucault contracted HIV and eventually developed AIDS.
ebin, absolutely ebin.
Biased. You're looking at the wrong intelectuals.
>Love his music, but the man was an anarchist/socialist.
Socialist yes it wad during the 1848 riots all over Europe because of poor working conditions which was a reasonable cause. There were many factions in each country and it is not clear whether Wagner was of the right wing grouping or the left wing grouping as there were in fights between them. However it remains a truth at least in Wagner's later life that he was extremely right wing ideologically speaking. He is the man who inspired Hitler on Aryanism and racial identity as well as exposed Hitler on the jq as Wagner was an avid anti-semite.
>He became a shill for the Prussian government as soon as he got famous.
Who gives a fuck that doesn't change his philosophy or his character. Besides what is wrong with Prussia - Hegel talked on Aryan superiority essentially anyway.
>Not going to lie, I have a hard time understanding Kant, sometimes I think of him as an atheist edgelord and then he seems very traditional, so Im not sure about him
Wait what lol how could you see Kant of all peoples as an atheist or an edgelord whatsoever. He wrote badly but that is why his critique's are like a funbox of philosophy, with a ton of differing ideas thrown in. However Kant was an idealist who later inspired the German idealist who are Fichte, Schiller, Hegel and Schopenhauer. Kant advocated for a fierce moral system of treat another of how you would wish to be treated. Essentially Kant is the most pious of all philosophers and saw the necessity of an innate morality within the physical as the religious importance on society was slipping - for better or worse. It's not like he was correct but he tried. His main theory was that of his metaphysics which later inspired Jung and the said German Idealists.
>Existentialism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
They were a product of its times, this man was simply the one to bring it to light.
very fake news kys tranny
Shows Jewish agents of the synagogue pretend teeth ey have an intellect sorry mossad evil and being a faggot criminal is not intellect it's just being evil
Existentialism has lead to suffering yes but the beauty of the tragedy and lead up to the pinnacle of all Western thought.
-leftwinger -2
You - 1
Rightwingers 0
Me from Dixie 250
>deconstructionism is the only intellectualism
>150< reactionaries