Are smart watches the biggest sign that someone is a braindead, blue pilled zogbot?
Are smart watches the biggest sign that someone is a braindead, blue pilled zogbot?
No that would be listening to popular ZOG-nog music
never seen one
This desu. It's such garbage it astounds me that anybody can stand it. Even rap fans should be appalled by the absolute state of nigger music
They’re up there.
Other signs of a blue pulled NPC / golem:
>owns a cell phone
>has subscription to cable of fiber or satellite TV
>actually pays for premium channels
>buys e-books even though they are often nearly as expensive as a real book
>streams music instead of buying it pirating it
>streams movies instead of having a carefully curated selection on optical media
>runs Windows for any reason outside a virtual machine
>unironically syncs everything to the cloud
>uses Facebook or Instagram
>watches sports
>buys an automobile with credit
>has non-stem degree
>believes vaccinations protect you from disease
>eats non-organic grains and pulses
>is a vegan
I could go on.
No! I'm thinking of getting one , are tghey any useful?
No? It's convenient to not have to carry your phone.
It's nice as a heart rate monitor as well for working out.
Plus, can stream bluetooth to headphones.
Maybe you would see the benefit if you did something outside.
i'v got a samsung smartwatch, got it mainly because i'm huge into tech and fuck yes wrist computer.
I use it daily, but after sevral years, it really is a gimmic product. I don't use it for much more than the time. It is nice that i can respond to txt's through it or control my music though.
another neat thing but something I don't really use is the ability to take pics through my phone and see the pic before I take it on my watch's display, so if I were to set my phone up on something I could remotely take the picture. but I don't really ever take pictures so yea...
agree with all of them except windows and buying with credit one. Windows 10 is cancer but 7 is still fine, if you use an Intel processor Israel has a backdoor anyway no matter the OS. Credit isn't inherently bad unless you can't control yourself or can't plan ahead.
no one REALLY needs to instantly read their messages as soon as they come in. Otherwise all the "health" apps just track your location even further and sell your data to Apple's friends.
see IMO, not really, though I do like mine.
Nigger trap shit sounds fucking awful. It's literally THE fucking same beat over and over with some nigger mumbling ovet it. And the auto tune is so strong they sound like a robot
No you’re a bluepilled NPC. Carrying a phone is perfect for you and your ilk, little brainless sheeple.
Credit is bad, listen to Jesus. And Windows is terrible, lrn2OpenBSD.
the last thing I need is a wrist mounted device that needs to be charged every night.
when I wear a watch, I wear a quartz analog watch. the battery lasts 10 years. it tells me the time. I don't need stupid bullshit on my wrist
And movies. If you enjoy superhero movies and/or these endless barage of sequels and reboots nobody asked for you have a nigger tier iq
>wearing a quartz watch
Very suave and sophisticated.
>Are smart watches the biggest sign that someone is a braindead, blue pilled zogbot?
No, that's MAGA hats.
like I give a fuck. manual watches are less accurate and you have to fuss with them
They seem like a ridiculous waste of money just to have one more electronic accessory.
the Samsung watch would be the only one i'd get and i'd only get it if I was at a place where I couldn't pull out my cell phone
I own one and 100% agree, though that is how most watches are no?
Unless you stick with a cheap casio, your spending money on a object that is basically jewelry with a use. be it electronic or made of precious metals, it's a status symbol more than just a functional time peace at that point.
That is the conflict I find myself in. On one hand, I want to look good, on the other hand I dont want to buy useless over priced accessories.
My cheapness usually wins out.
I have a Gshock solar watch, that shit will outlive me. I like seeing the time and date at a glance. it has timer and alarm and world time too but I don't use those that much.
Jokes on apple then I guess.
get into seikos bro
they are like $200 max for really high quality watches.
Don't know about all that, but smartwatches seem pointless. You've still got to have a phone. Make a watch that can replace a cell phone completely.
But a cheap watch makes no sense as an accessory.
It's less than a smartphone user.
lel, pleb
>I want to look good
No amount of expensive accessories will cover up your Irish genome.
I have a qt Bavarian girl from an upper class family. Lel at German bois.
yea, like I said before, it 100% is a gimmick IMHO, and mine is the v2 IIRC and I know I got it several years ago. Was like $400 too.
being a tech nerd is really the only reason I got it. Would I buy one again? idk desu, they are neat but at the same time I may go with a normal watch when this one dies or breaks.
yea, I feel that. I have a casio for doing more outdoor things, battery lasts longer (mine will die in 2 days without charge) and if I break it? Fuck it it's a $20 watch.
OTOH my daily watch is pic related. I like it.
I bet lol, I have a cheap casio for outdoor things and I am willing to bet that watch will outlast my smartwatch, then again I use it in more 'hostile' environments so maybe il break my casio before it, but that's the entire reason I got it, to have a good watch that is cheap and does not hinder me when out. I sure as fuck am not going through the woods with my good watch.
I'm Bavaryan
can't make that kind of watch because of shitty mainstream battery technology.
fine then, throw your money away on overpriced swiss shit. I'd rather spend $200 on a watch that I can wear and not worry about than spend $6000+ on some piece of fancy jewelry that cost $300 to build that makes you look like an asshole
So you’re an Italian marrying an Italian?
And this is an jab at the... Germans??
I like your farm houses.
>had sex yesterday
>no sexual data on my iPhone
Checkmate Apple
I like our farm twinks
Lol you are fucking fat
>So you’re an Italian
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Apple Watches that have a cellular modem can operate 100% independent of a phone, including making and receiving phone calls.
Race mixing causes colour blindness. Most Americans have difficulty differentiating similar colours because of their negro ancestry.
>Race mixing causes colour blindness
It all makes sense now lmao
That I am. I do need to lose weight.
don't really care what twinks like you think though kek.
quartz watches are more practical and useful than mechanical watches. you guys fell for the marketing bullshit "buy our $6,000 mechanical that keeps worse time than a $10 watch from walmart"
My $150 Seiko has lasted me ten years and is on its second battery. One of the best purchases I've ever made.
>owns a cell phone
>buys an automobile with credit
>buys e-books even though they are often nearly as expensive as a real book
>streams music instead of buying it pirating it
>streams movies instead of having a carefully curated selection on optical media
>runs Windows for any reason outside a virtual machine
>believes vaccinations protect you from disease
>eats non-organic grains and pulses
Are you retarded or trolling?
were are you buying batteries? I get a year tops
Yes, I have a Gear 3 and I love Israel, I read CNN articles exclusively, pay my taxes early, drink a caramel onions machiato on my way home from planet fitness while listening to NPR, and my favorite show is The Big Bang Theory.
Also, have sex
I have 3, can I go back to being bluepilled?
Except NPC's love their STEM degrees:
This is a give away
kek, people you describe in your post don't have any sex.
I prefer quartz because I don't like wearing a watch 24/7 and I don't like resetting an automatic watch all the time
That’s a $150 watch but.
But seriously, Casio and Gshock is the perfection of daily carry. Get a flash mechanical for your suit that’s about it.
I have a friend that listens solely to shitty modern "rap"
hes not very smart
The one it came with lasted a really long time. It's an SNA-695
this poster is just straight up autistic
No but wearing one of these is
linix/ubuntu faggots are just as bad homie