>White people colonize 1/3 of the world
>Now complain about immigrants
Explain this hypocrisy
White people colonize 1/3 of the world
If you have twenty bucks, would you share it with Richard who has only 2 bucks.
>Explain this hypocrisy
the aqueduct?
Humans are tribal, therefore conquering and defending land is acceptable
Conquerors are not immigrants.
The natural world is an arena of competition. Just because you won ten times in a row doesn't mean you should let the other person beat you out of sympathy.
It was mostly an administrative affair.
>The natural world is an arena of competition.
Okay so it's natural then that whites are being outbred.
white people the biggest illegal immigrants in human history... but that is just the mark of a great empire... lmao
this map does not include argentina- tons of white people down there
>it was wrong to invade other countries
>its okay to invade white countries
Explain the hypocrisy. We're not being hypocritical because we willingly stopped.
>willingly stopped
Tell that to the Mongolians and Arabs.
I wouldn't call it conquest. They explored, settled and ran operations in those lands. The people there weren't significant. It's not like it was an attack on them, as what's happening to whites today clearly is.
Colonization is moving into an open space which is unused. Immigration is moving to an already developed space. There is nothing wrong with colonization, immigration is a problem.
They're free to go back to spears and mud huts whenever they want.
The strong shall inherit the world, not the weak because the strong felt sorry.
It's more like irony, than hipocrisy.
Pick one.
No, because whites are being out-bred because the West raised the living standards of a 3rd world continent of people that have an IQ that borders on a intellectual handicap, and then left the colonies in the hands of said people. Competition is natural, the waves of immigrants are artificially created by external finance.
One race replacing on the other hand, is natural, and happened countless of times. Willingly letting it happen though, isn't natural at all, and mostly a result of media interference, making pccifism seem like a virtue at all times.
I didn't do those things.
This is a difficult concept for niggers to understand, but we're not the same people who colonized the world. Also, you were never a slave.
>Just because you won ten times in a row doesn't mean you should let the other person beat you out of sympathy.
That's actually what most westerners think and why mass immigration is a thing tho
immigration is a zero sum game in this sense: some immigrants are productive, the others are brown.
Not every black person has committed crime either but you have no problemo generalizing there do you
Because we made the places we went better but wogs make the places they go worse.
They most definitely fought with the natives if they experienced resistance, which is not something that i disagree with necessarily, but needs to be said anyway.
Niggers aren't people. The end.
I dont understand the meme.
Wanting to defend yourself is hypocritical?
Whites move in. Shit gets better.
Shitskins move in, and everything goes to hell.
It’s not hypocrisy because we made shit better and improved living conditions for the planet, and these assholes show up and turn everything into Somalia.
hypocrisy means we're smart
Yes. And that's created by media interference. People their tribal instincts are being supressed because ''muh hungry african negros and fighting-age male muzzie refugees''
I unironically would be happy if every white in america and australia would come back here in europe if that meant getting ethnically cleansed of immigrants
Colonization built infrastructure that the natives still use (but never maintain).
Immigrants destroy infrastructure and culture.
Colonization built.
Immigration destroys.
Simple shit, darkie.
I'd give up my 100 acres and home if it meant returning to an ethnically homogeneous Europe.
Dude, if it were that much against their nature and will, it wouldn't work, Westerners just have lost the will for struggle. It might come back, but right now it's doubtful.
>White people colonize 1/3 of the world
When whites colonized places they built modern infrastructure, schools, and hospitals. They greatly improved the standard of living for the native inhabitants even if they were ruled by a foreign power.
>Now complain about immigrants
Non-white immigrants commit more crime and drive down our wages by flooding the labor market. Immigrants are making our standard of living worse and they're not entitled to our countries.
Fuck you, sub human donkey.
Colonized the world. You shit skin scum destroy the world.
>dead white strangers did something 100 years ago
>therefore I must suffer for being white
What kind of neocatholic horseshit is this? Go back to fucking choir boys you retarded pedophile.
Crusade wars were defensive wars Pajeet
>but muh sack of Constantinople
The cunts slaughtered Catholics just before (see massacre of the Latins).
whites are less than 10% of the word population, fuck faggot shitskin invaders
> if this and that it wouldn't work
That's why it isn't working.
People deny the ethnic and cultural tensions out of laziness, because of they were to admit that stable societies have ethnic and cultural consistency, there is a shit-load of work to be done and innumerable mistakes to fix. Laziness comes from becoming used to being comfortable, getting used to comfort is a direct result of civilization. A complete breakdown of our economy will surely push that instinct to the surface of consciousness. Give it time.
Those countries either fought as hard as they could against it or they welcomed it and became subverted by the colonial system.
Currently, there are many people in government that want immigration. Primarily for their own agenda desu. So many countries at odds with themselves to figure this out.
Frankly, I think it's a tragedy that the population size of ethnic Germans in Germany is going to be less than 30% in three decades. Sweden, France, and Canada seem to be trying to catch up.
The US used to have it where 90% of its citizens in the 1970s could trace back their linkage to someone who came in the 1500s at the very least. So it seems that the US has also traded itself in with the 1965 Immigration Act in a seemingly irreversible way.
Other than diversity, I don't see any "benefits" that the migrants of today bring with them. Back in the colonial era, they didn't get welfare. It was either they build up the indigenous civilization/their own, or they die. Also the colonists brought new technology that was in some cases 1,000 years more advanced for the indigenous people. Which improved their lives massively. That's a big glaring difference. And one that I think only the low IQ fail to see. But OP, I know you're larping. So you're smart enough to see the point. Today's migrants, by and large, do not contribute in the same way at all like the colonists did to the civilization that they did end up cooperating with. Examples being Hawaii, India, Australia, Argentina.
>the people who are complaining about immigration are the same people that invaded other countries.
Stupid nigger. The working-class was either up a chimney or down a coal mine during Empire and had nothing to do with it - nor did they profit from it - nor do they have any say over current immigration.
Why do wogs want to live with their evil white oppressors? Tad hypocritical, no?
-no racemixing
-brought everything of worth to shitholes
-did not rely on welfare
-did not randomly commit crimes, which endanger the way of life of the natives (in most cases, genocide etc. put aside)
Toothpaste please come back and recolonize us, this place gone to hell.
Dog eat dog world.
Niggers defend themselves but get alienated when we do the same.
We aren't the only ones to conquer, we where just best at it.
listen mate.
Everyone has a right to defend their homelands.
You did it when we invaded but we won. Now you are invading and the slow and steady emergence of racial consciousness among whites is us defending.
We may win, we may lose. But to suggest that immigrants or natives for invading and defending are wrong for doing something so basic and true to nature would make you retarded.
Dog eat dog world.
Be consistent. No one is wrong for acting naturally.
the purpose of immigration is to bring in labor and consumers. Zoomers aren't making kids (becuz hikkimori) and Gen X never could afford them. Rulers need to bring immigrants bc they will make kids and they believe in the American Dream more than most of us.
You'll regret that when the Chinese come for Africa.
Then they'll know just how good they had it under European control.
I thought you wanted globalism lel. Make up your mind.
immigrants who contributed, unlike retarded shitskins
kill yourself, retard
"Natural" in the sense that it would be impossible without white technology and white foreign aid money
Import the third world become the third world... The magic soil theory just doesn't hold up.
There's are reason Detroit and St Louis look like Africa, because they're filled with Africans.
America will look like Mexico in the coming years at this rate.
Europe like the Middle East and Africa.
We won and now we’re being punished for that
>>White people colonize 1/3 of the world
>>Now complain about immigrants
>Explain this hypocrisy
Good point. The only mistake we made was stopping. If we had never stopped, there would be nowhere to immigrate from.
Yes we made a big mistake. We were way too merciful.
Are you implying non Europeans did not wage or conquer anything?
Why is Ireland or Poland being Africanized, but Turkey not, if it's this magical empire karma?
Yes, and whites defending ourselves via racial realism / ethno-nationalism is the natural response. Every action has a equal and opposite reaction.
Flooding white countries with non whites and not expecting a backlash is wishful thinking at least, very retarded at most.
We may lose, we may win. That is the natural order of things.
Whites make other countries better. Muds make all countries worse.
This, it is to them and the Jews all white countries that need their presence. Even though it was just a handful of European countries who colonized all white countries get invaded.
not our fault you didn't invent guns
it's economics retard
Pretty much.
Nature ensures that the stronger, smarter and generally better will always win over the "lesser."
Whites didn’t stay. We reorganized third world governments/societies so they could be productive and have a higher standard of living. And then whites left.
The browns and blacks are invading white lands now and not leaving. In fact they’re parasites, leeching off whites because they could never figure out how to sustain their standard of living.
>In fact they’re parasites, leeching off whites because they could never figure out how to sustain their standard of living.
True, what's even worse is they complain about us as they leech of off us. As they've learnt that this way they get brownie points by making up oppression narratives. Only the commies brainwashed by the (((controlled media environment))) we've had since the late 50's fall for this though.
The difference it was that europeans brought civilization to the world, tecno, better quality of life, roads, institutions,etc... and with excpetion of the americas, it was a top down colonization, europeans did not change racially africa or asia..
Where's the correlation?
Explain losing the war and then crying that we stole your culture.
>plays Rule Britannia
My country never colonized anyone