Just setting things straight for all you fucktards who think ALL white women bear a physical superiority to browns (or other races). Every race has their 1s and 10s, mind you, a white 10 is definitely more gorgeous than a brown “10”.
For the record
Yes, every race with the notable exception of fully sub-saharan black women CAN BE pretty but the crux of the matter is how big of percentage of these non-white women are pretty? Like 2-3% of them from every race, except Asians who teach maybe 10% and white women who reach a healthy 30-40%(in Sweden, America is more like 15%)
Dutch bitches are ugly but they have some great asses
Neither the white nor Indian woman are respectively “average.”
The thing is you’ll find more attractive whites then attractive poos.
There is no such thing as an attractive non-white mudskin.
>Every race has their 1s and 10s
Find me a 10/10 woman that's 100% (as in, not a mutt) aboriginal Australian.
Average Asian is hotter than Pretty Asian
geg, came here to post this
That’s what I thought too.
Same goes for white people.
I think he meant human race
>white 10 better than brown 10.
That is the same as looking at a car, giving your subjective opinion and without even riding it, you give your score.
Unless we are talking about ginger bitches, white women can't fuck like their brown counterparts.
fuck off retard
>left-middle porker
fuck off outta here
exacly how fucking stupid do you have to be in order to be able to log onto your computer every day but still not understand that physical beauty is subjective? You're all idiots, every single one of you.
I bet you are only popular on Oct 31.
>Bottom is white with 5% Indian mix
Cope harder pajeet
Top left is prettier than middle left, just has retarded hairstyle.
lol the ugly girl is just the pretty girl in drag as a SJW
Ugly white girl probably wouldn't be so ugly if she had no gone out of her way to look like freak
the distribution of the various scores are uneven among races. Obviously a 9/10 is equally hot no matter the race, but there are proportionally fewer 9's among African American women and proportionally more 9's among East Asian women.
I suppose your also going to want him to bring you a talking bucket of water?
lmao those light skin bitches were fucked by aryan you dumbfuck
>trump wants to deport this
No he doesn't.
But he should.
She looks like Donna from That 70s Show
>Bottom is white with 5% Indian mix
That’s a total pajeet with lots of photoshop. It’s pretty obvious, only a mutt would seriously think that looked like a real white person from any angle because of some bleaching cream and turned up exposure.
the average indian is prettier than the pretty indian
Typical of an ape to think fucking has a main role in beauty. Read the OP half brain nigger
It should be but it isnt
That is true except the average East Asian is not what you think. The average is actually quite ugly if you actually go there. If you are aware of a mystery asian land where 9s are more common there than among Nordic women then pray do tell cause I havent seen it yet
Keep your brownies cunt
Got muh whiteys already
>10lbs of shit is the same as 10lbs of gold! xDxDDxF
Thats not how it works mate, look at the distributions and where are pretty women more common
You forgot to turn on your meme flag my simian friend.
Nice flag
pedophile scum
Your average white example is a 4, not a 5.
And your ugly white example might have been a 6 if she hadn't deliberately fucked up her appearance. Who knows what the fuck she looks like under all that shit.
Your "pretty" examples have makeup on. Who knows what the "ugly" and "average" brown examples would look like with a coat of paint like that.
In short. You suck.
I'll take the pretty on the down left for a dollar.
Remember when female slaves were sold for less than a cow?
Whatever happened to that shit?
Middle right a cute though
top left is mentally ill
i'd legit tap top right if it weren't for the shitty tattoos
The average brown women looks way better than the average white woman.
You shouldn't have sex with animals, user.
Average white women > Average ''others''
Hot ''others'' > hot white women
And even if a poo is attractive, wouldn't you be worried about the smell?
If there is grass on the field play ball, christfaggot.
Amerindian Superiority foreva
Why does the average poo look best of all these?
This must also be taken in consideration most white girls are atleast 6/10.
While girls of other races are either 7/10+ or 3/10 and below
That's it! Fuck Donald Blump!
These Indian girls look better
Than these white girls
lol Peruvian women are built like boxes and can't fuck for shit. You should be the last one to comment on women
Chinks are far more superior
shitskin discussions
says the mutt
insect love
What's wrong with bestiality pajeet?
Blond hair and blue eyes are masculine features to me
I didn't realize
one of them was a white donkey.
>middle left is supposed to be an averagr white women
Really glad i dont live in a flyover state
She's also younger. The bottom one is like 10 years older.
poos think they can compete with pic. the topest of keks
You can't compete with the pajeet stash meme flag
and the indian "pretty" looks like dark dogshit without all that makeup and photoshop.
how can any non-white ever compete with these
The problem is these young school girls when they go past a particular older age, became feminist assholes
Does not happen to Indian girls
they're barely human, more like homo erectus surviving in a time capsule for 60k years.
by not spreading legs for tyrone?
Also these are lolitas ...
Post older women for fair comparison
how does it feel to see blond girls every day and know for a fact that you will never be truly loved by one? why dont you go back to your own cunt where you might have a chance with a poojeta
They got pink roast beef
Every race has its 1s, but whites have less 1s.
No...But i'm glad you think that way...As a matter of fact i wish all non-europeans would find european girls fugly. The more you people find euro girls ugly the better. stick with your own race.
blonde women are not revered in our culture except as easy sex prostitutes.
>dyed hair....
You can literally tell they have brown hair
even better
That's not dyed. You can literally see that.
Aren't there Ukrainian prostitutes over in India? If so , any experience with them?
Yeah that it's pink. Not the roast beef.
>blonde women are not revered in our culture
we hitting coping levels previously thought impossible
I like trad white girls but if you white guys can't get one, how can I get one ? This just shows the state of your culture.
None of the white girls I posted are considered trad. they all are feminist independent and live per their own rules not willing to obey their man . That just makes them ugly even if they look slightly better than competition.
I think slav white girls are great, lots of trad among them. I personally am in a friendly/romantic relationship with one
Cope harder, shitskin roastie. Your "average" white women isn't the average. When will white women realize most of this diversity shit is born out of jealousy for them? Brown women are constantly seething more about them than white men.
>these are young girls
while he posts pics of young girls
So what OP is demonstrating from his pic, is that non-whites get more attractive the more light skinned they are
Yeah but Indian girls are Indian girls so it’s a lose lose either way.
That’s why you pajeets became a meme online as the most perverted idiots around.
Pic related. A fucking piece of art is posted and poos try to hit on it.
yes there are in places like Goa or big cities. I don't get myself into degenerate stuff. So I have no experience with prostitutes yet except those over online. I have had romantic experiences with lots of slav girls over internet and they were better than western girls almost all the time
>In a relationship with one
So you do prefer European women, Lol. Why claim they're inferior sexually if your own actions verify the inverse? How did you even find her over there btw?
I am not a pajeet meme flag. Their mustache is just superior
Okay that's fine, I will take a 1 or 0 for my country and people. Though if she is just a cunt and a minger. Then no.
>I personally am in a friendly/romantic relationship with one
Yeah, that would be real 'trad' of her, Pajeet.
On what planet does
Look better than
A few Indians do not represent the billion
in this same vein, you have nigger, crackers, spics running around, those are Americans though
by being in a relationship he means he sends her creepy messages and she probably replies because shes from a village out of no where and bored
How the fuck is that white woman "average"? Bitch looks like Chris Farley.
Point remains though..stick with your own race.
And btw, although i don't find the girls you posted to be attractive....That being said, you have shit taste, because as openly racist as i am, i've seen way better looking indian girls than you posted. (same goes for the euro girls btw).
Western Euros are trash
Slav girls are different. They are poorer and hence they are less feminist and less independent. The girls from your country are inferior cretin. ... This is what I am saying. Only the slav region produces proper Euro girls. Rest of west is trash