Trump says ‘I think I know’ (((who))) was behind 9/11 attacks
>Donald Trump has said he knows who was behind the al-Qaeda terror attacks on the US in September 2001 and added that “Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Centre”.

>“It was not Iraq,” the president told ABC News. “It were other people. And I think I know who the other people were. And you might also.”

>Almost 3,000 people died when 19 terrorists - most of them Saudis - hijacked four passenger planes on 11 September, 2001. Two of the planes were crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City, one into the Pentagon in Virginia and one was brought down in Pennsylvania after passengers fought back.

>The al-Qaeda terror network, led by Osama bin Laden, claimed responsibility for the atrocity.

>In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Mr Trump criticised America’s military intervention in the Middle East, which he said was ”the worst decision made in the history of our country”.

>He described the region as “like quicksand” and added: ”It was a terrible decision to go into the Middle East. Terrible.

>“We’re now up to almost $8tn (£6.4tn). And when we want to build a roadway, a highway, a school, or something, everyone’s always fighting over money. It’s ridiculous. So that was a bad decision.”

>He added: “And, by the way, Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Centre. It was not Iraq. It were other people. And I think I know who the other people were. And you might also. But it was a terrible decision.”

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Yeah he did it with his good friend Larry Silverstein and the rest of the jew mob same faggots same script

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I bet you Robert Mueller ends up being a WITNESS in the 9/11 cases.

No more not-even-a-dogwhistles. Substance or gtfo.

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>World Trade Centre
Fucking Brits. It’s a proper noun, spell it correctly you fucks.

All of those rich mofos know. That shit upleaked long time ago.

It’s the Iranians you dumbfuck.

God bless you Mr. President.

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Its Iran

this kek

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Trump knew about 9/11 and was selected by the illuminati to be the president that exposed him.

The jews are forcing him into a spot where he will have to become the antichrist in order to survive.

We know clearly the bible tells us the antichrist will be a deceiver who starts out as a great friend of Israel and then he will stab Israel in the back.

Pray for Trump, its coming soon

Anyone have the phone call where Trump talks on phone with tv hosts about US allies which do you harm?

Yea you fucking wish. Look up Trump Heights in Golan and tell me he's not slurping bibi cum.

Please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true

>Falling for ziocon alex jones talking points
big yikes

>when you get to know that zionist founders were antisemites
>trump is a zionist
>trump is ridcioulously pro-israel which redpills normies and incites antisemitsim worldwide.
>doing whatever possible to start the fire
>aversed to the idea of boots on the ground in the middle east.

trust the plan.

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>implying the saudis AREN'T israel's lapdog
Kill yourself

The entire zionist faction in Saudi Arabia got purged in 2017 after the failed Israeli false flag in Vegas.

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the two best part of that propaganda piece of crap
>He said: “The World Trade Centre came down because Bill Clinton didn’t kill Osama bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him. And George Bush... by the way, George Bush had the chance, also, and he didn’t listen to the advice of his CIA.”
>The former real estate mogul also used the aftermath of the attacks to brag his nearby skyscraper now held the title of highest building in Lower Manhattan.

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fuck that's some 4D chess shit. Might work really well seeing how everyone hates Trump juste because he supports Israel

>The entire anti-zionist faction in Saudi Arabia got purged in 2017 after the successful Israeli false flag in Vegas.
corrected it for you senpai for people who doesn talk mossad

duh, it was obviously iran.
thats why we need to bomb bomb bomb iran

No more "Mexico will BE the wall" boomer cope either.

Another dogwhistle to rally up his dying support base. Yawn! How about you arrest your own cabinet KIKE TRUMP!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA there was no success in vegas.

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>not iraq
Well obviously dumbo. Do normies think it was Iraq and not al kaida?

naming them is half the battle.

ya thats why they never found any motive behind the attack and no one is in prison
so much winning

>Do normies think it was Iraq and not al kaida?
It was Mossad.

oh look.

i wonder what a company named cmex was involved in about a year ago...

The motive was to try and ruin ties between Saudi Arabia and the United States. It didn't work. Netanyahu and Mossad failed again.

thanks for telling me something I already knew?

>We know clearly the bible tells us the antichrist will be a deceiver who starts out as a great friend of Israel and then he will stab Israel in the back.
Chapter and verse sauce?

Funny how much you like Saudi Arabia, the principal exporter of radical islam in the world.
Also funny to see Israel being a really really really good ally of Saudi Arabia.
You probably should work for the CIA you sound like you know better than everyone.

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>radical islam
Not a real thing. (((Radical Islam))) is just Mossad terrorist false flags.

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I bet he'll say it was Iran, even though it was the Saudis, Israel, and glow niggers.

pretty sure wahhabism is a violent ideology by itself no mossad help needed and still to this day Saudi Arabia is still the principal exporter of islam in the world. Also the biggest ally of Israel AND the US in the middle east.
Stop being so full of shit.

Islam itself is a creation of the Catholic church, a continuation of the pagan arab religion before muhammad. Designed as the jew attack dog

(((catholic church))) more like the talmudic babylonian black cube worshiper but ya basically

Why do all these high level politicians marry their children off to kikes?

gets the noggin joggin'

Came here to say this

Islam a creation of the catholic church, which is a creation of the babylonian talmudists

i miss kek

kek is going to destroy israel

Real Islam is radical islam. The everyday muslims are fake muslims, ISIS are real muslims. Exactly what the jew intended when it created Islam.

I think it's a bit more complicated then your little brain can comprehend. He's comparing Iran to Al-queda or the Taliban who ran Afghanistan and protected the terrorist group. Now let's think about this...they all have Islamic Terrorism in common. Iran arms, supports, and sponsors openly: Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad. Not to mention their own Revolutionary Guard is very well known to be involved in Islamic Terrorism directed by the Ayatollah. There's no spin. Iran's regime is as worse as the Taliban. The U.S. doesn't sit around and wait for these bastards to attack anymore. Premptive is the way of the wise since 9/11. I don't know if you remember that day- but never again will anyone win Jihad against us our friends. Israel is our friend and are working hard to hold back the constant threat...not from the Saudis, but from Iran. Iran burns our flag as well and calls America the great Satan ..fuck that! You're probably that guy that wants to apologize to other countries for being American. That's a weakling right there. You're weak. So look forward to whatever you want. I look forward to seeing America and Israel kicking the ayatollahs ass and defeating Islamic Terrorism . Go cry about Trump now...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Muslims are gonna go to war against israel. No US support for you either. Good luck.

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Proofs? What are your thoughts on LDS?

Wow you mean Muslims are gonna do what the Jews designed them to do? Shocker.

Its all preplanned to bring in the antichrist

Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11

Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)

Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)

Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)

These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.

Trump, like all Zionist stooges, is well aware it was the Jews
By the end of the summer he will blame Iran for 9/11 and encourage congress to declare war
They will of course accept


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ok well maybe he should expose whoever he thinks it is instead of verbally masturbating and doing nothing at all like hes been doing since hes been the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES

Any religion or form of salvation that isnt Jesus or anything that changes Jesus in any way is satanic.

Why do you think Catholicism is riddled with masonic symbolism? Even the rosary has 33 beads. Islam and Catholicism are both satanic.

Jesus is the truth

>inb4 IRAN

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Yup. The Trump administration declared that Iran did 9/11 and owes the families of the victims 6 billion dollars. (Jews sure love the number 6)

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>the saudis are behind it
lmao are you stupid? the saudis only came to power in the last century, who do you think put those clowns there?

Did somebody ever claim it was Iraq in the first place? The Iraq casus belli was the WMDs. They fucked over Afghanistan over 9/11.

Trump just made another retarded statement and Jow Forums reads too much into it.

Robert Mueller was the one who lied about Iraq

Imagine believing ZOGnald Blumpkins lies


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that wouldn't work at all
the saudis are wahhabis, iran is shiite


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Of course

Lmao they are crypto kikes, same as Irans rulers. Trump may be from “the families” as well..

fuck off with your forced leftypol memes

Something they're off scotfree for?


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Always thought this might be. If so, he would want to be hated to succeed in showing what a dog US is to Israel to make people stop it.

>Did somebody ever claim it was Iraq in the first place?
Yes, partly. Powell presented pic related to the UN when arguing for invading Iraq. The Bush admin claimed there was a relationship between Iraq and Al-Quaida, that Iraq might have trained some terrorists, and that Hussein had made payments to related terrorist groups. It was all very thin and they couldn't prove any direct responsibility, which is why they had to add the WMD stuff to it. But they definitely pushed a sense of, "Iraq may not have ordered it, but they probably helped, and definitely celebrated, so fuck them."

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>If so, he would want to be hated to succeed in showing what a dog US is to Israel to make people stop it.
Exactly and at the end Trump will be rightfully ordained God Emperor.

Uh-oh one more word and that pumpkin is going to get popped like Kennedy

In b4 he says iran

He is following the word of the chosen people of God like the Bible told him what seems to be the matter?

>Uh-oh one more word and that pumpkin is going to get popped like Kennedy
Israel is powerless and Mossad is a bunch of losers. Over 15 attempts and you keep failing. Israel is finished. Zionism is dead.

If you appreciate Christianity you would understand why he's doing it

What do you mean by you keep failing? I'm not a part of any Jewish conspiracy or any Jewish organization or any Jewish anything

You're literally a coward Mossad shill using a proxy of a neighboring country.

Israel is going to war without the US. Hope you're prepared to die Avi.


>then he will stab Israel in the back.
Israel will try to stab him in the back.
But he is over 9000 steps ahead.

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I see. Yeah it's been a while since then, I doubt the average person associates the two. It was just UN theatre.

>Trump says ‘I think I know’ (((who))) was behind 9/11 attacks
of course he knows, yet all he does is tweet. Never attacks our real enemies. Never arrests Swamp Creatures. Is he a coward, a traitor, or both?

>>trump is ridcioulously pro-israel which redpills normies and incites antisemitsim worldwide
When you want to arrest higher ups at Hollywood and MSM, you will get called names.
Trump is preparing for that.

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Israel has tried to stab him in the back since 2016. ISRAEL FRAMED TRUMP.

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Soros and Prescott bush go to jail
Nazi are the left retard