Stop watching porn

Stop watching porn.
They are trying to sedate the population physically and mentally with drugs, porn, sexual degeneracy, and stupid hollywood movies.

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based and redpilled


nothing wrong with Porn and no most porn isn't made by Jews nowadays. anyone with a webcam and internet connection can make porn at home.

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Anti-white shill

yeah, they already did

Those women don't have dads and they were convinced by jewish porn to make their own

>muh american freedom
>stop doing what you want

I think we can all agree that porn is degenerate. That being said, stop telling people what to do.

>stop telling people what to do.
You just said this unironically.

shouldn't you love patreon thots for sidestepping jewish producers

>"heeelp heeelp the pixels are attacking meeeee"

no they just prefer the easy bucks instead of working some shitty job

what the noporn shills really want is censorship.

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No. Jews are getting what they want when internet thots do their own thing. Jews want to destroy the white race.

>da joos
>this much cope
Why don't you do something about it, you whiny pest?

>no they just prefer the easy bucks instead of working some shitty job
If that were true every woman on earth would be happy to do porn. But only women with serious issues do it. Most women you couldn't pay them to do porn - literally.

look. saying stop si good. saying stop is right. but fucking how i'm weak as shit. they cut my umbilical cord and raped my dick when I was a baby then pumped me full of chemicals and dragged me down to the darkest depths of man.

fix the how you god ddamn niggggggerrrrrrrrrrrrr

That's what I'm doing right now. Spreading the information to people so they do not start watching porn or they stop.
Saying "da jooz" does not disprove thousands of years of common sense that the Jews have constantly been trying to subvert civilizations.

>it's the pornposting German again
Fucking end your life you pathetic worm.

Look on the internet archive at Pornhub's old mission statement at the bottom of every page. Used to specifically mention about being the premiere site for supplying your "porn addiction". They specifically used the phrase porn addiction I was paraphrasing the rest.

quit it over a year ago now

it's worth it anons

Too late, porn already brainwashed me into liking ass eating


>But only women with serious issues do it.
All woman are whores, the ones who don't do porn fuck for free without a camera filming it.

why are you so triggered by webms of qt roasties?

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>telling people to let others do what they want is equal to telling them not to do something

You must share your toothbrush with others

>men shower attractive woman with money
>somehow this is the woman's fault

>All woman are whores
Untrue. There are plenty of women who don't show cleavage and wait for marriage.
>the ones who don't do porn fuck for free without a camera filming it.
If she does this with multiple men she's worse than a porn star because at least porn stars get paid. If she does it with one man in her life then she's gold.

Ok, but you've got to come suck my dick and let me tap your big roastie.

All porn is harmful, read book in pic related

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you are addicted user, you maybe think you are normal because it gets normalized in society. I suggest you to try how long you last without porn.

you will see that hardcore porn is a degenerate form of entertainment

quick rundown?

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>it's only ok for someone to tell someone what to do if it's me saying it and if i agree with myself

I can tell you right now, with the number of loads I blow a day to porn, there is nothing wrong with my masculinity or virtity.

Test levels of over 950 natty.

Come at my bro.


>If she does this with multiple men she's worse than a porn star because at least porn stars get paid
the point is some regular hole could have more mileage than a pornstar, and you would never know until it is too late.

so yes all Woman are whores.

no thanks I don't waste my money on shillbooks.

who cares? its entertaining and its fun and I have no issues or problems with that.

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Laissez-Faire, mother fucker.
Go back to

She's too tall, YUCK.

>I agree with myself

>"no thanks I don't waste my money on shillbooks"
>he doesn't know how to find pdfs like the rest of the internet

So some german incel doesn't know if a woman is a virgin or not and that means all women are whores

Day 6 without masturbation or porn. I will continue as long as I can.

Freedom to live outside of Jewish control not freedom to subject yourself and your family to the constant terror they hold over us

No porn is far more important than no masturbation, remember that.
Even if you need to fap because you lose control, try your hardest to avoid porn itself.

>too tall

are you a midget?

surgery exists to fix that hymen.
so no there is no 100% chance to know if she is a whore who had 1000 dicks or not.

I have better things to do than read some shills made up bullshit.

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>tfw 17 of no porn no fap

Hymen doesn't matter. Just be a virgin.

Good job. Keep going user.

you really think women will get surgery just to have sex hurt again? that surgery is for young rape victims, dipshit.

cope, whores will do whatever is needed to get your betabucks.

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In all my time on this earth I haven't even read or heard of a single instance where a woman paid for this surgery just to trick potential "betas" most betas don't even care if she's a virgin or not.

have sex

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the point is even if it was absolutely socially unacceptable to be a whore then they would simply get surgery to hide their past.

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uh ok but can we all still be traps?

Yes and who has allowed this?

goddamnit dude, how can you kiss your mother with that mouth then

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no masturbation & porn is kind of retarded

kind of like an alcoholic that quits drinking everything (water etc.) (of course nofap won't kill you, but best I can come up with)
much harder to fight thirst than to fight alcohol addiction
so he gets thirsty and starts drinking beer again

start with not watching porn, but continue masturbating. once you don't even think about watching porn anymore (and you still have a problem with fapping). you can try to stop fapping. if you fail you will still be off porn

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How many times do I have to stop? I stopped already.

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I'm a halfbreed so I'm not really missing anything.

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Any bitch making porn at home will eventually turn into a Jew

I'm way too impatient for that.

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They indulge thou with sins. Progameth they unadulturated mind.

ITS pure evil. You must stop.
Do not put burdens upon your soul. Cut toxic crap. Healthy mind healthy spirit.

Ron Jeremy said in an interview with Jesse Lee Peterson that early porn male actors were mostly jews.

was looking for that one thanks

I won't stop touching my peepee because you say so, kike. I jerked off three times today to hentai.

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who indeed?

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>this german porn-defending faggot again
wow, there must be only about 10 people on Jow Forums, just posting over and over again


>early porn male actors
those are relevant today?

can't really blame them as they can make a lot of money just showing their tits in front of a camera.
better than wagecucking for 8 bucks/hour

you probably mistake me for someone else.

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I can't stop.
I have a problem.
I refuse to see a doctor.
It's too embarrassing.
I guess I will just keep wasting my white seed compulsively every day.

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At least the real Roma had actual harlots

This gay nu-Rome shit has everyone subverted with the electric jew tv/phone/computer Black Saturn Box

I don't want to give digital shekels to some e-thot if were going to be living in the degenerate times, that's gay as aids

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fucking Lame Matrix

>you probably mistake me for someone else.
i kinda doubt it, see:

what are the chances that two of the only total pro-porn cuckolds on this board both post porn as a distracting debate tactic and both come from the both country? very low.

kys rabbi kikenstein

my weimar friends, people do this "freely" after being brainwashed by the kykes decade by decade