I am skinny 170cm male witch 5/10 face on 21lvl, I have depression and alcoholic tendencies. Is there any chance for me to find virgin traditional redpilled cute wife? I am overdosing redpill since I remember, I see that the world is fucked up but witch growing up losing hope even more and more. I dont have motivation to improve myself, since every girls I know is a whore and degenerat but for sure I am too and dont deserve to good wife. If there exist they need better husband than me anywey. I am virgin with choice. I have few situation when I can have sex with 7/10 girls but I refuse cause I was raised christian. Now I regret because I never find a virgin wife anyway. Now I want to fuck all this stupid whores and leave them with their sad lives and treat them like bitches they are,Ii always try to be nice guy but I am tired of that shit, and spread values witch whores that dont get it until the are old ugly fat and alone. Is it worth keeping my virginity at this point?
tl;dr having sex or go for celibacy and hoping for good wife that probably never happen?
Don't require them to be cute. Try to get one that is smart and try to make enough babies so that some of your offspring don't turn out too bad. Almost every country has government support for people who spew out shitloads of babies, so go for that. There's no such thing as quality over quantity when the government is paying for the quantity.
Easton Cruz
No you either give up on the wife idea and be a whore or convert a sheltered Christian retard into mildly competent cum sleeve and both leave you feeling empty and dead inside
Settle for a okay "plain" girl with a great personality
Josiah Nelson
No, it isn't worth saving. Go out and treat whores like they are whores. And realise, the more you treat them like whores in bed, the more turned on they get. Basically the opposite of what society tells boys.
Adrian Taylor
>skinny >170cm >5/10 face >21 >depression and alcoholic tendencies >Is there any chance for me to find virgin traditional redpilled cute wife?
I don't know about "redpilled' but I don't think you really want that. That's really not how a woman should be, and it's really not pleasant to be around long term. My fiance is very pretty, sane, intelligent, has good values, shares my goals. When I met her she was quite normie-lib. Eventually she admitted that she had more traditional goals in life, didn't like being a professional woman, wanted a family, was unsatisfied with what had been offered.
Women will mostly adopt and agree with whatever you believe, as long as they love you. It's not a slight against them, it's just how they work. Be a responsible upright man with a modicum of self control and some degree of authoritativeness and pretty much everything will fall into place. Once you have the relationship at least.
Cameron Cooper
The problem with the Jow Forums virgins is that they expect to find a redpilled woman who has never done anything they don't agree with. Most people become redpilled after being swindled or screwed over. My girlfriend needed to have childhood friends who became fucking degenerates before she was redpilled. What really redpilled my wife in the end was seeing how living the christcuck life was pure fucking bullshit yet degeneracy was not for her either.
Juan Martinez
Yes. I know multiple repilled women. If any of my friends isn't repilled when I meet them they are twenty minutes later.
Colton Ortiz
I delusional hope that they are decent womens, I even know few but they are married and old
Nicholas Hall
I got one. Redpilled Half Latina. Our son has blue eyes. She hates anyone that doesn't conform to white culture.
It's possible but what is the point when you can simply find any girl you like and redpill her yourself. You'd have to be an absolute idiot to cut down your dating pool by 99.99%.
Cooper Green
Skinny - bad. Atleast be like normal 170cm - cant change that Face - i hope you dont have acne 21 - men have it best in their late 20s early 30s Depression + alcohol: redpilled woman will be smart enough to avoid you OP
Ryder Powell
Try to get a girl who looks like she could very comfortably churn out a half dozen babies. That means not some skinny bitch. Get a big-boned woman who is not getting any attention if possible. Otherwise I think you may have a hard time convincing her to have a lot of kids.
What is considered conventionally attractive may not actually be more than a propaganda lie.
Oliver Jenkins
Get a gf from HS faggot Stop drinking too btw
Eli Brooks
smart girl but is not like I want perfect women there is no one but I think you know what I mean that is hard to find girl who is not a whore
Jose Carter
I think it's best for guys to wait until they are in their late 20s or early 30s before they start looking for a wife.
It's impossible to lead your wife and children effectively if you are lacking essential experience and maturity.
For right now just forget about wife hunting and focus on yourself, your career, and your principles. Once you are successful/content with your life THEN look for a woman who is worth your time - preferably one in her early 20s - and try to wed her.
Joshua Ward
Get that fucking memeflag out of here Your English is shit but own it ffs
Mason Hernandez
I dont have ance but have big nose almost jewish but I am not one for sure KEK I know that redpill women will be smart enough to avoid me but where can I faind one?
Matthew Parker
Race mixing and a lip ring to boot...not doing so great for yourself user
Who cares if she’s “redpilled”? You’re still a faggot
Carter James
>where Fucking high school, get one before she turns whore
Jonathan Kelly
Women don't have brains. Just tell her what is what and give her good dick and she'll stay in line.
Thomas Wilson
It can be hard to find a woman that is not a whore if you think all women are whores when you see them.
Austin Myers
I have mine view on beautiful women and it's not skinny plastic bitch for sure
Dominic Robinson
Levi Ross
what is HS?
Lucas Stewart
How does it feel to be a 40 year old virgin? Do you get lonely sometimes?