Daily reminder that abortion is a healthcare right

Daily reminder that abortion is a healthcare right.

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Wtf I love abortion now!

killing babies =

Baby's body baby's choice.

If lefties want to kill their babies and not raise any more leftists that seems like a win to me

Abortion is more than a right. It's a necessity. You wouldn't understand. It requires a high emotional IQ.


>healthcare is a right!
>babys dont deserve healthcare!

It's only a right, because men let it happen.

im pro choice because of detroit, chicago, cleveland, new orleans, atlanta, etc.

white babies are more valuable than blacks


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Just cause ur parents are lefties dosnt mean you will be one. Familys are usually split on political issues

Whites have more abortion then black in Illinois you fucking fool

So what? Lots of procedures are illegal or not FDA approved.
I can't go to homeless Jimmy's underground lasik

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Can we abort Miley or is it too late?


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They. Are. Fucking. Killing. Babys.

that level of cherry picking
you do know chicago is in illinois right?

>Life isn't sacred
Imagine believing that in the current year

Wrong. Mom's choice. At any rate, it sure ain't yours!

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>coalburners get a shitton of abortions in the blackest and most crime riddled state in America
You dont fucking say

What a waste

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ur for killing babies cause for every 10 dead white babies their will be 2 dead black babies. Ur logic is repulsive and idiotic. Ur a traitor against ur own race. And i live in Chicago and having an abortion clinic on every block is sure not cleaning up the city, its been 49 years your evil plan failed.

Killing babies isn't a right

No. They are aborting pregnancies. Stop trying to emotionalize. You idiots are just butt-blasted by women deciding things for themselves. Like avoiding you hog-people.

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Ur a total pussy

I’m more than willing to pay a little extra in taxes to make sure low income areas have access to free abortion.

Ur prbably poor urself

No such thing as race, swine. If you detest brown people so much move the fuck to Asswipe, Alabama or some other hive of scum and villainy.

Pregnancy isn't a disease.

Incel spotted

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daily reminder that the west is too far gone

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Good, let the degenerates destroy themselves and their "the future is transfaggotry murdering leftist babies".

We will raise strong sons who will dominate them.

With GOD as our shepherd, they surely will tremble in despair when we remain steadfast on the righteous path of divinity.

I am but most people who are darker skinned than me.

got em

Last time I checked parasitism is classified as disease, hog-man.

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Wtf I love infanticide now

Body autonomy is a right, forcing other people to take care of you isn't. If you morons were smarter this entire issue would be off the table and no longer distracting you from reality.

>Daily reminder that abortion is a healthcare right.
Oh, yes. Children are a disease, and stopping yourself from reproducing is "reproductive rights".

Your brain is made up of pure 100% propaganda. You will believe literally everything and its opposite at the same time on command.

Stop forcing your vision of a Christian melting pot onto me and my kids you fucking lunatics

Have sex, leftist.

abort yourself please
all those fucking buzzwords

Keep dreaming, pig-lord. Whites are getting rarer, as it should be. It's a rational response to autistic austerity budgeting by rethuglican swine.

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Babies are by definition not parasites. Babies are how all live came to be. Parasites are different competing organizisms.

But do help create our future where reproduction is eventually outlawed becausue we have demonized it and created generations that don't care about it at all.

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>no such thing as race, swine
2/10 made me reply. Please leave and don't come back.

Niggers are repulsive, you guys embrace death culture, go back to Africa, America will no longer stand for child sacrificing

Moloch will win, stupid christcuck

Im ur dreams. God is gonna cut you down.

Repulisive spot on picture

If a pregnant female wishes not to be parasitized for whatever reason it's not my business. I don't feel a need to live as a hog-stormer. I'm fine with Mexicans. They improved the food culture immeasurably.

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I kekd

What are you doing on pol?

he hasn't yet

It’s all sliced up. Jesus

Whiggers are more repulsive...those fat white hogs with hair on their back and NASCAR numbers on their pickups. Exterminate

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>kill poor people
>is poor

>choose corporate servitude over your maternal instincts

You have no kids

In due time

yeah I do

Southern whites are taking over, deal with it, we are making America White again

top kek

I don't care if you kill your babies, I don't want to pay for it, and most American don't want to either. You faggots are going to kill health care reform with your degeneracy.

This is the hill you chose to die on rather than cancer and heart disease. Thanks assholes.

Ah, so earning a living is servitude. I'm sure you with your boundless experience know just what girls really want. I'm sure you spend hours asking them.

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Can you learn how to use a keyboard before you post here?

Only where nobody else wants to live, piggy. Asscrack, Indiana is not a desirable destination.

Is this the FBI trying to entrap people or some shit? You are a fake personality its so obvious.

That pic should be spammed on the cunt's twitter

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Greetings freemason trash. Your temples burn first.

Fetuses have healthcare rights. Literally ALL a man and woman need do is not fuck unless they're prepared for having children, it's not even a challenge for humanity. If your "focus" is living your life and having fun while your young, do it but we're not gonna pay for you to be an uncultured swine.

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daily reminder that hell is eternal
>this bitch has front row seats btw

Top Meme

Enjoy your miserable shite colored, and scented, major populace cities. The liberals can have those, like they do London. The beautiful, rolling country of God's can be tended to by the conservatives

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You faggots complain, too many single mothers out there. And not enough no baggage girls. Everyone one of faggots should be for abortion, if the girls isn’t married.

That’s sick! Jesus


Southern whites- as in PD live meth whites? If so, God help us..

This psycho cunt is still relevant somehow?

Healthcare is a service not a right.

This picture will haunt me for like three days. Thanks user.

Too bad they're taking the rest of us with them. Go on, try to find a decent respectable motherly white woman capable of raising a strong family. Protip: you can't. Because they all killed off their own unborn child because they all dodge responsibility like how you dodge ovens.

But yet, the ones that didn’t abort their responsibility, is worthless single mother

You faggots need to make up your mind.

Healthcare isn't a right and abortion is murder.

All rights are negative.
If it's positive, it's not a right.

Art by Sabo. Unsavory Agents

The USA......uncultured swine. The USA IS primarily uncultured swine. See attached

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>truth of the OP photo made manifest by the power of user
Truth is stranger than fiction.

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Daily reminder. you are a retard

>not being PC means you're uncultured
Found the seething lefty/pol/ cuck.

>abortion is healthcare
So that's why they're pushing for "free" healthcare.

public schools create leftists

even her cake is a lie plausible deniability shtick is on the level of a 5th grader

woman are retards and the 19th amendment killed America

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Abortions should be free to all non Whites.