They started this mess. They can go fight in Iran first.
They started this mess. They can go fight in Iran first
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Try harder, shithead.
Iran has been a problem for us since the fucking 60s.
>Eric Trump started this mess
born yesterday zoomers piss me off.
Direct response to kikes provoking Iran. What do you want them to do? Lube their asshole just like the USA does for Israel?
Also, the Iranian military isn't Iraq. I look forward to the trash we send there getting skull-fucked to hell.
Iran will win.
>iran will win
>he actually believes this
>he thinks the USA can actually WIN a war
Has to be a fly-over trailer rodent, hopefully some of your family will be sent there and slaughtered so I can watch and laugh.
>tiffanny trump
Fuck no. She's the only one that isn't an insufferable pain in the ass and she is also kinda cute.
We will win, but it will be a bittersweet victory and in the end we will have gained nothing. Now fuck off you fucking piece of shit loser.
By win do you mean destabilize the country and cause a global immigration crisis? Cause we're good at doing that, however I don't think that constitutes as winning as in the end WE pay the fucking price.
Iran would fall fast and easy.... people saying otherwise dont know shit.
If a real war brakes out you can count on us sending EVERY LAST ONE of you brainwashed liberal nazis first. The ones left at home will get the rope for treason. We have the public records to prove it, from every post to every comment.
point you raging faggot is these people call you unpatriotic if you won't die for israel, and then they tell you to kill yourself for israel, but their family never fights in any of these wars.
why should they go out to fight
A good litmus test for war should be if your leaders are willing to fight in it. I'm sick of this pompous, aristocracy type of rule. Civilizations that had their leaders show up to battle were based.
which was after (((we))) overthrew their government because they wanted to nationalize BP's oil production
>for us
Forgot to change your flag, Israel?
Huh, the 60s, weird timeframe. I mean, we had been around for a long time prior to that. What happened in or around the 60s that just made Iran start hating us for no reason at all?
all kikes must be gassed. no more war for israel
Eh oh well, I'm sure after we bomb the shit out of them everything will be smooth sailing with them after.
Silly goy, Jews don’t fight wars, they just incite wars, and then loot the corpses
Kabbalah bracelets and their master jew bibi getting his sshole blown open
Kill yourself Moshe the MIGAmonkey
Where's Jared and Bibi's son?
Jewnited States of America couldn’t even beat the Taliban and is now in peace negotiations with them
>By win do you mean destabilize the country and cause a global immigration crisis?
Been doing that since Korea.
Like all of the other Drumflings she’s dating a Jew
Yes goy more dead for dick Chaney.
no one care what shills think
first post kike post
Jews have been a problem since the 0000s. Priorities.
>Covering for Israeli kikes again
How about you shylocks fight your own war
left over mess from our cold war era democracy toppling days
Maximum yikes, you should gas yourself.
Based and boomerpilled
>the Israeli propaganda shills have been activated
Yep, it's going to happen.
Neocon Boomer Evangelicals are the most degenerate type of American.
You mean they’ve been a problem for Israel.
Relax Feartard.
Our nation hasn't fought against a nation who could actually defend themselves and fuck us on our own soil since WW2.
>liberal nazis
How many chromosomes are you missing?
No one is suggesting the US would lose a war with Iran, only that the first cucks to die should be worthless rodents like trump's kids who are directly responsible for start such a war.
I unironically second this.
Have a (you), fellow non-NPC.
>that meme
Oh yeah Barr is going to lock them all up user.
Barr being Bush's crooked old AG who helped cover up the Ruby Ridge massacre where an American citizens family were gunned down by the feds and then they tried to cover it up.
The fact that 'conservatives' know fucking nothing about this proves that the right wing, especially in America, is doomed and fundamentally deserves everything it gets for putting its trust in these NWO bastards.
>leftists aren't fascists who burn books and want to genocide people they have scapegoated
>no Jared Kushner
>no John Bolton
Why shouldn't they? Politicians are real quick to send the country to war when there's nothing on the line for them except losing popularity. Anyone deciding that the nation's military must go fight and die in some shithole ought to have a major horse in the race. That means either they, or their children, must be on the front. Not some rear-echelon faggot position that is almost as safe as being back home, but right in the shit.
One of the major problems with modern democracy is political accountability. The decision-makers ultimately bear little to none of the consequences of their actions. Back when a king sent his country to war, his ass was on a horse beside his men. His life was tied to the life of his army, because if his side lost, he'd probably lose his head and one of his nobles or relatives would take over. Politicians don't have that mortal fear anymore, and we're all the worse for it.
>they started this mess
Oh, sweetie.
lol how is that winning you tard
But the people who are starting wars don't exist. Those are just puppets.
Born 5 decades ago boomers really piss me off
Trump did this.