Is call of duty ourgame?

Is call of duty ourgame?

IGN sòyboy journalists just saw a private demo of the new call of duty and are slamming it for being too realistic. For example in the demo you are in london and have to breach an apartment building full of terrorists, the terrorists arent wearing uniforms and you cant tell whose a terrorist and whose a civilian. During the gameplay a terrorist grabs a woman and uses her as a human shield, after the terrorist is killed the woman picks up a gun and shoots at you. This horrified the journalists cause it shows you killing female terrorists and theres no non-lethal option. Game also shows the terrorists as muslim which IGN is offended about. IGN says the game is too realistic and is not fun, they wont be playing it unless Activision changes the game to make it less realistic and graphic, they dont want their war game to be like real life war because their sòy blood cant handle it. Where were you when Activision made journalists cry?

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It's probably part of the marketing to make people want to play it more.

Yeah video games can be our anything they’re degenerate and a waste of time. At least most are including shitty mainstream ones made for bug men and zoomers

You are degenerate. Games were the white mans thing but like everything whitey just gives it up

Virgin COD: kill some haji terrorists
Chad COD: gased a whole white American civilian family, killed all white Russians in an airport, gased all white French in Paris...

>No Russian was 10 years ago

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>full of terrorists
Seems realistic to me, London is full of people without knife licenses.

when did they kill Americans, or gas Paris?

COD is payed by the USA military to promote it's agenda. MW2 was when Russia was still the enemy. Now IRAN is.

>endless sequels

Fuck no. Buy ArmA nigger.

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Slow ass gameplay. Fuck that shit. I'd rather play COD and CSGO.