Dear Jow Forums help me write a short dystopian story

For my English class, I have to write a 300 word dystopian fiction. My main issue though is that the world as it is already seems like a dystopia so I'm really struggling to come up with ideas. I can't go along the 1984 route because you can pretty much get arrested for wrongthink. I can't write about everyone in the world trying to push an agenda until the world collapses because that's pretty much already happening with trannies and the mentally ill. I can't write about people running the world because the whole place is already filled with glowniggers and Jew cults.

What should I write guys? Is there any aspect of society which isn't tainted yet that I can imagine as a dystopia? I'll share it with you guys once I've wrote it.

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Read brave new world
I haven't gotten to it yet but will soon as I finish Hagakure
I've seen a few threads talking about it.
Basically instead of censorship/hiding information like 1984
It's about hiding information in plain site by overloading you with so much that it becomes impossible to differentiate between what's real and what's not.
This is what is actually happening right now.
There's so much on the internet that it's had to pinpoint the truth without going through countless amounts of useless shit

just tell the story of a farmer being forced to leave the lands his family has tilled for hundreds of years because of a new government that thinks grocery stores magically restock themselves.

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Show flag first.

Write about a normalized practice of infant mutilation that at best makes the baby live an incomplete life and at worst totally cripples the body part. Just change the body part and say it happens in a fictional place.

Try challenging the wrongthink user, don't go overboard and have glow niggers swarming you. Just enough to redpill them.

Information can be created at an astounded rate compared to the speed in which someone can take it all in.
For example if you get 1000 people pumping out news articles daily about random shit.
It becomes nearly impossible for a lone person to read through it all to figure out the truth.
You become overwhelmed by the 999 liars saying different worded lies that the 1 truth becomes hidden in between all the bullshit.
It's a neat concept really, and makes perfect sense in the current state or the internet / politics particularly.


Write a story exactly like this reality told from the redpilled perspective.
"Imagine, if you would, reader, a world where the heroic and virtuous are shunned and the weak and hedonistic are exhaulted. Imagine, reader, in this bizarro world the most depraved scum not fit to clean toilets run for public office. The telescreens blanket the minds of the masses with numbing pornography, or pointless circuses, or outright lies. And once properly conditioned, the herd is shuffled into voting booths."

Women aren't allowed to keep the child they birthed. Instead a computer switches the babies around, giving the child born with the most advantages to an underprivileged mother and vice versa.

That's not too bad actually. Yeah I genuinely struggle with the sheer volume of information available to us. Everyone talks about being redpilled but what even is the redpill because everyone on here is lying. Everyone's arguing and there's only one fact but everyone disagrees on what the fact is.

Tell the story of a compulsory anal deflowering of a 6 year old male child because the State of California has made it mandatory that all males have to understand the feelings that a woman would go through during a rape.

I do not think anything you could write, could be worse than what we hear in news.

Write about what's required to make everyone equal.
Cos we've been through it a couple of times and it was fucking dystopian.

>300 words for English class
underage b&

Honestly, something about how apathy led to a nuclear war, ending humanity, should be told from a survivor perspective

college has downgraded its standards, ive even had to do 250 words there

Brave new world doesn't hide shit. It's in their faces how meaningless theor existance is.

Hell if all dissidents get sent to Iceland that might be an actual utopia.

>300 word
jesus christ, that’s piss easy user. just do a scene where some cis dude’s rooting around in a dumpster and sticks his arm with an HIV infected needle on accident, then has to deal with waiting in long lines at the free health clinics and ends up shot by a nog

Wew thats a single paragraph of text

just write a story about a society that follows moral, religious tenets and rejects everything leftism
to them it will be the most dystopian nightmare imaginable and you will get a visit from obama

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Idea, make it pretend to be a dystopia

In the near future all whites and megafauna are extinct.

Where a ma n is brainwashed into thinking it is bsd, and slowly realizes why it is actually good

How about if the children of a subjugated people were taken at birth and trained to hate themselves and be used by a conquering race called the chosen. They come back home only once to prove that they accept there station as cattle by killing there parents. They are only allowed to breed with people of another subjugated dark skinned tribe to produce the ultimate slave cast called the mutt people, who will gladly die for the chosen.

Dear reader,
today I woke up from clown world.

Write about a clown who no longer has a purpose in life because the society has become so absurd that there is nothing left to laugh at.

It's 2030, the trap recently elected to president has declared that penis inspections will now take place in front of a live studio audience and streamed directly to the social-web.

Paint a picture of a utopian world through the eyes of a lefty globalist cuck where everything is wonderful and inclusive, multi culturalism at its best, tolerance and inclusivity everywhere, hate speech virtually eliminated etc...

Then switch to the perspective of a red/black pilled Jow Forumsack, show the same world as a fucking nightmare dytopia fucking nightmare clown world where we're forced to watch our inevitable genocide being set up before our eyes to the resounding cheers of insane maniacs like furries and down syndrome trannies in lingerie and the sound of the growing crescendo of the call to prayer.

Plot twist, it's the fucking present.

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Write a story about da juice and lsrahell but dont mention da juice or israhell.


Write a story about a society so fucked you can be arrested for not agreeing with one non historical event. Again dont mention da juice or WWII.

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It feels as though I am useless in this eorld, me, a clown, lives in a world where the abnormal is not just accepted, but praised. I feel as though I have a new goal, to make this world right

What if you wrote a story about being arrested for not believing a historical event but instead of the holocaust make it trump winning the election

>The lines between Government and Private enterprise become so blurred that there might aswell not be a line at all
>This is done to create loopholes in the law and the public is misinformed into liking it and encouraging it
>The ruling class moves to the moon and becomes 100% unaccountable forever
>They live in infinte luxury and total detatchment while earth becomes a polluted shithole
>Enter stage left: Rebellious protagonist

Write about resource scarcity from overpopulation in the future, throw in some transhumanism but really drive home the anti human factor of it, like no more using arms legs or eyes, add some radical feminism to it, no more wives, husbands or families, children decided from test tubes, your emotions and what you think are sold in pills, and so on and so on

"The Clown Diaries"
"Honk For Red October"
"Red Nose Buried"
"A Silent Horn"
There's so many cool titles and ideas that could follow this storyline.
It could even be a series of books.

The historical event doesn't actually matter. You just need to set the scene and make it interesting and leave the details of what the big lie is to the reader's imagination.

fucking write non-fiction

if that don't satisfy them just write about early 20th century Europe, it will seem like a dystopia to them

Plot is more important than the character as well

A world of degeneracy and debauchery. Where pain and misery are outlawed. One cannot feel sorrow over death, pain, or terrible circumstances. Where the world is kept running on little happy pills, where people slave away in bliss for their next high, just barely affording their next dose. A hell wrought of man's failed attempt at recreating eden. A dystopia where nobody complains or disobeys, where there are no tears, where humanity in its attempts at ascension lose what made them human.

"A world where irrationality, self-hatred, and subjugation isn't just accepted, it's praised."

"For me, I have taken the plunge into the the depths of this world, trying to clear it out, yet it seems that i am not welcomed."

Thats not what brave new world is at all lmao

300 words story pik 1 want an f males become an oppressed sub class while females create a "utopia" and a small subset of females fights for the rights of men lmao as the story goes on you realise its only a utopia in name

"How do you have fun in an unfunny world, mister protagonist?"

"I don't know."

"You embrace the absurdity."

Whatever, I guess the anons In a literature thread were lying then.
Oh well, still a cool concept.


Human existence has always been dystopian. Societies have always been hierarchical, with the distinctions between the castes being arbitrary. To the downtrodden, these arbitrary traits of status have always been stupid or unjust. As our society slips further into ressentiment (hatred of that which is not the self), which is the driving force behind all slave faiths, the fashion show of patheticism continues to become more bizzare and macabre. Add to this the ever-present shcadenfreude that exists in all people and societies, and you have the formula for some amazing liberation/oppression sequences and some fun narratives. My advice is not to pick an existing special interest group, but to imagine one (make sure that it is ridiculous), and play out the scenario. C'est la vie

I like this

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>distinctions between the castes being arbitrary.
Redditfag pls go

"You must learn that if you try to resist the absurdity, it'll drive you insane, one must look it straight in the eyes, and laugh."

unless there is a twist like the person who somehow created the system wants to destroy it everyday before he is forced by the people he hired to enforce ihis own system into takeing happy pills its not guna be fun just another bland we all on drugs tale

"In order to truly embrace it."

or u could have like secret meetings where people cry lmao and "vile doctors " risk everything to allow people to feel emotion lmao

plot twist hes actualy insane and its how he sees the world with no place for him rather than him being in that world

Write a fantasy story about a humble tribe of fantasy creatures who live in a natural oasis. Then, some long-nosed goblins move in because they claimed that some people from another far-away land were trying to kill them.

So, these nice people let them in, and their nice little paradise turns into a hellhole,.

It could very much be similiar to 'the giver' in that it starts off as utopian story but it builds up to reveal its a dystopian society

>I have to write a 300 word dystopian fiction.
Here's 147, you can do the rest:

The hot rain keeps coming down in buckets, driven by the hellish wind at my back, but I must press on, feet trudging through the warm mud, even as I slip and fall — there is no escape from the water, and this mud sticks to everything, despite being slick and almost greasy — if I press on, it may be enough to finish this brutal conflict.

There is no respite, and I feel tempted to give up, but that hot rain reminds me of the price of failure: death. There are only a few of us left who dare to fight against the evils we see, most having fallen either here or places like this. It’s not clear at al if we even CAN win, not anymore… The hot rain reminds me — for it is not water, but blood… the blood of my comrades.

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no it isnt lmao
brave new world is a dystopian society because it has a very strict heirarchy and assigned roles for every person born, using eugenics.
citizens are encouraged to place degenerate cravings above productive values, and have completely removed the family

It's just an English course which is equivalent of the first year of university. This isn't an official assignment it's just our teacher trying to get us to try some different genres. Only problem is she thinks we're in a dystopia because you can't kill your unborn baby in somewhere like Alabama. I don't think she's heard of the middle East

Everybody lies.

That's all you need are these two simple words.

rain is nuclear fall out after ww3 shit writes itself

Write a story about a board that is infested with glowniggers.

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watching my family's face melt as they give into the thirst the rain pools into never ending seas of despair water water everywhere lol

I was thinking of more "I have no mouth and I must scream" situations where, say, a man watches his father die of cancer. Instead of grieving, the two of them are plastered with stupid grins, giggling like little children before the father dies. The son starts laughing even harder after that, laughing so hard that he starts crying. He feels something is off and that this is not right, but knows the ungood thoughts are coming back, so he should take a pill to make then go away.

We'd see the product of enforcing a utopian philosophy of eternal joy on a fundamentally flawed world. A true dystopia where the boot pressed against our head keeping us down was our own

Too easy, just write out the link to the story of the FBI proving they're a bunch of glowniggers

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Just write about last day of Waco, but change names of everyone, and change the religion to Islam. Setting is post civil war 2 in the newly formed racist CSA

OP watch a tv show called utopia. That should give you some good ideas.

ye thats a good agle u could pan bak somehow and give an overview of like a burning city or someshit like its all going to hell and no1 cares

Watch some episodes of Man in the High Tower and re write them as your own. You will get an A+

Write something that borrows from southern reconstruction

Here's another one
>Memory enhancement is invented by a research group who want to cure Alzheimers
>They invented a cybernetic implant for the brain, but as they try to patent it, the court screws them over and the device is stolen by shady g-men
>A year later, the device ends up on the open market and it instantly becomes popular
>It's being marketed as making people smarter (young people can memorize everything for tests effortlessly, etc) it catches on in every demographic
>The state actually uses it to manipulate peoples thoughts, making them work for free and erasing dangerous ideas and opinions so you cant even remember certain concepts
>The scientists who worked on the device are assassinated at it is covered up easily
>A group of cyber-sceptic people start gaining traction in the public space
>The state uses media influence to make "refrainers" seem undesirable and subhuman
>Some give in to peer pressure, and the rest are kidnapped and implanted against their will
>When everyone has the device in their brain, the state wipes everyones memories and humanity permanently becomes a stagnant slave race

wtf the shortest i ever saw was 1500 iirc
maybe recheck the assignment and make sure it's not 3000 -- a typical length

I had a dream once where humanity had become warped and mutated into animalistic filth. Everyone lived in disgusting massive deep pits where every waking moment disgusting acts if degeneracy were being performed. The pits were filthy and diseased and no doubt the residents fed on each other as much as they fed on what remained outside.

this post is already 182 words in summary point form. methinks OP is postiche and canadian

or you could go the otherway and like the pills are a good thing even tho dude knows something is wrong and he needs another pill he has no idea the depths of depravity that would overcome him without it i dno all the drug storys seem so bland to me humans been on drugs since there were humans

Elections are replaced by a direct democracy run through a subreddit. Upvoted shit is law.

perhaps i got a little carried away

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