tell me the evidence on why the holoucaust was faked.
Tell me the evidence on why the holoucaust was faked
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you have to heat up Zyklon B in order for it to emit gas, you cant just drop it through a hole in the roof
because hitler was a veggie and didnt smoke so he is a good guy
Because OP is a faggot.
it outgasses at down to minus five degrees C.
it boils at only 26, so its vapour pressure is very high.
Every fucking time
It wasn't "fake". It happened. But 6 millions didn't die. more like 2-4 million.
because jews still exist.
No trace of any Zyklon B, documents detailing what (((they))) call the "Final Solution", and no memoir by Churchill nor Roosevelt mentioned any single form of systematic execution of Jews by the Germans.
It happened, just not to the degree stated.
Court documents suggested 2.4 ~ 3 million were killed, while newspapers quoted 6 GORIZILLION.
Much of camp deaths towards the end of war was due to starvation, disease and such, because the Nazis couldn't really support the concentration camps, which were fronts for inhumane experimentation and whatnot.
holocaust was real but the number of casualties isn't right (to put it mildly)
shut up Aaron Richards
Churchill spoke about it openly in Parliament
forensics have shown cyanide (the gas given off by zyklon b) in the gas chambers.
plenty of documents trace the movements of the people, to their deaths, and their sudden disappearance. and plenty of documents talk about the gas vans, the mass shootings, the need to dispose of the jews.
you just need to look.
lol. not me. but he is living rent free in your head...
he is far too snarky and emotive for my taste.
why do you think he would not be using his usual name? he always posted namefagging as sir aaron.
This not french not jewish twat thinks you should be put in jail for 'hate speech' and 'lying' if you do not accept the latest offical version of this particular historical event.
no he doesn't
stop lying about me.
I oppose holocaust denial laws. you should be free to be ridiculous and be ridiculed
you said it yesterday. You said irving went deservedly to jail for lying and hate speech. So don't talk shit.
I bet you do- becasue they are rather embarrassing aren't they? and upset your 'work' here.
It was faked so that "The Sound of Music", starring Julie Andrews, would seem more realistic
Irving made a real fool of himself- he said the gas chamber at auschwitz was a fake!
3 yrs in jail wasn't it?
When was the last time a kike told the truth?
well he ws doing more than "not accepting the latest official version"
he was lying outright.
read the trial transcript and learn something. you are straw man building
They can't, Bible says "who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ".
Check this out, they changed the death count drastically but the total is still 6 millions LOL
well the death toll from auschwitz went from 4 mil to 900,000. has any 'revisiionist' revised that much?
Before this became offical i suppsoe that wouldve been 'lying outright'?
How does this BASED Irishman manage to show up in every holocaust thread to btfo deniers?
Would you say you know more about the events than David Irving?
We went through this last time Sven.
>why the holoucaust was faked.
so kikes can diss white race
so kikes can get reparations
so kikes can call anyone who critisizes them a nazi
it's obvious basic shit. if you still don't know it. you're either 2 years old or retarded
Was he right or wrong that the gas chamber was a fake?
Do you know more than Christopher Browning?
if the holocaust didn't happen why does germany say it did it?
Zyklon B is made of hydrocyanic acid, which starts to evaporate at 25.6 degrees Celsius, or 77 degrees Fahrenheit for you Americans.
So you do not have to heat the Zyklon B.
However, in a concentration camp whose name I do not remember, a gas burner was used to increase efficiency and speed
this fucking guy lmao
Huh?? western historians touted the 4 million number pretty much into the 90's.. why LIE?
Is your argument really that because jews published articles talking about 4, 5, 6 and 7 million murdered jews every year for from 1890 until 1945 is evidence against the claim that jews pathologically claim genocide against them all the time?
the holocaust is fake because it's literally illegal in germany to do forensic testing on gas chambers.
even at chernobyl they can do forensic testing without breaking the law.
I've never heard of him. And no i do not claim to be any sort of expert. But David Irving certainly is. being an author of book doesn't make you automatically an expert you know. You might be a hack. Even irvings enemies ransack his work for source material.
This is so often conflated. I don't think anyone will try to claim that it was "Faked". The claim is that it has been significantly exaggerated.
Once you de-brainwash yourself from the jewish apparatus in news nad education, get the cold numbers on paper. Maths tell us that no german engineering could have killed, gassed, tumulated and laughed at 6 GORILLIONS of poor jews.
"Ausrottung" means extirpate, move the poor jews out of German Lebensraum. That meant Madagascar for the not-so-based Nazis.
Foe the Zionists it was IsraHELL (for a little, rich, Ashkenazim group only).
Moreover Nuremberg has not only a sad story of testimonies extorted out of tortures, but also many links to occult jewish rituals, check the date (in jewish mooncounts), the numbers etc.
that makes no sense.
do you know more than Carlo Mattogno? he is currently the most well-read researcher on the holohoax alive.
To me it seems like Jews and dissenters were rounded up and held as something similar to prisoners of war, then as the nazis lost control of it all there was much less effort put towards keeping the prisoners healthy/alive and that's when they starting dying off from diseases and malnutrition
The whole idea of a well thought out, systematic destruction of Jews doesn't make sense or why would they even build the camps instead of going house to house shooting them
>I oppose holocaust denial laws
no you don't. if you did you would be on our side.
The evidence is I could give a fuck if 6 million Jews died. My preference is for there to be no Jews at all.
Why do we all say it did? Becasue we were told that is what happened. It's only when you begin torealsie how much WORK the holocaust is doing. Remember: what was the point of the second world war? so much devastation- and for what? Only the soviets gained anything. The holocaust rescues the day.
Either this and your other posts are shitty bait or you are fucking retarded.
LMAO like a clockwork
Jews were gassed and more to come.
More people died in Jasenovac than they did in Hoholocaust
I enjoy the craic.
but off to bed now.
Tell us how you do it.
no but I know he lied, manipulated the timeline, quoted out of context, misquoted, failed to quote vital parts of the texts adn documents, and generally treated things fairly fast and loose to make his hero (Hitler) look good.
he isn't an historian, he is a bad novelist and faker.
read the trial transcripts at HDOT
no it BOILS at 27 degrees.
it evaporates at minus five.
learn to physics
no I really would not.
I support the truth.
denial is a lie
go to catalogue.
look for two minutes max. find holocaust thread. there is always one. post.
it isn't rocket science
>Killing millions of whites while employing Jews and excluding them from war makes Hitler based
Jow Forums in a nutshell
But you are in every one of them. And usually one of the first posters. There has to be something more beihind it.
Show me then, nigga
Oh shit here we go again
Find them yourself you lazy bastard
It isn’t hard.
if you could prove your position we wouldn't be here. instead we have to embarress you every thread with facts.
No it really is that easy.
However I am off to bed now.
I am not in every one - how would you know unless you are in every one? That is ridiculous for you to say. You look for them, you appear inthem, so do I.
No need for magic or conspiracy theories
Now post the Posen Speeches and Goebbels diaries about liquidating 60% and keeping the rest for slavery
You use out of context quotes - thatisnt facts, that is manipulative lying
But I am off to bed. See you and your lies another time, no doubt
Yeha I only visit few of them but in every one of those I visited you were also there. This seems like too much big of a coincidence to me to be true
That was part of the Holocaust....
You're making the claim, though. Your claim is:The Holocaust didn't happen at all. You need to prove this. I don't find an account of an apparatus that smacked jew nuts to be sufficient evidence that no such killings occurred. I'm going to need some more evidence.
Replace million with hundred thousand and you're closer
Speaking of out of context claims about Goebbels and 60%, you're smart enough to know what he actually said there but instead you will lie to us all lol
so instead of actual wartime documents all you have is diaries with personal quotes?
we have actual documentary evidence contradicting your position. there absolutely and unequivocally never was a mass plan of extermination nor a gas chamber plot to eliminate all jews.
>Your claim is:The Holocaust didn't happen at all
i never made that claim. they're the one making the claim, "The Holohoax happened".
No. you are making a claim. You are claiming that it didn't happen. Prove it to me.
Same, seems like he does this for a job.
i did not make that claim, i'm contradicting a claim made by the dishonest holohoaxers. that's not a counterclaim, simply a disproof.
you see, unlike them i'm actually interested in historical reality, not "proving" a priori accepted positions as facts.
You can prove a negative, btw. If I point to an empty table and say: "There are no ducks on that table", this can be proven to you by looking at the table. If you look and there are in fact ducks on the table, you have proven my negative claim false and vice versa.
Hey Aaron, how are you? Do you still live in that little flat with those shitty floors?
>You can prove a negative
did I ever claim otherwise? you're so woefully transparent.
This is interesting. How am I to know that this is a legitimate translation, though. What is the primary source?
It doesn't matter as long as you believe it *should* have happened. And it should have.
After Leuchter took samples.... He found that the so-called gas Chambers had the same levels of Hydrogen Cyanide as the guard barracks and various other buildings that he took control samples from.
>You can prove a negative, btw. If I point to an empty table and say: "There are no ducks on that table", this can be proven to you by looking at the table. If you look and there are in fact ducks on the table, you have proven my negative claim false and vice versa.
there was no holocaust
I'm just a neutral party. Provide some sources before you attack anyone who doubts your unsourced claims as a shill. You're pretending that you're not taking a position, which you in actuality are. You are taking the explicit position through your posts that the holocaust did not occur, or at least was an insignificant happening. If you weren't trying to prove your negative, you would simply take the position that you don't know either way.
Holocaust = 300,000
That's interesting. It's one take and it's unsourced. Where did this come from? Why is it any more valid than posting an account from a Jew that says that the Nazi's rained down fire from the sky, or something?
well they mean specifically in aushwitz 1.5 mil were slain
I will also add, that there is some serious vague implications happening here. Perhaps it was an underground hospital of some kind? A rogue hospital not following standards. These places tend to pop up in situations where certain things are throttled. Much like the prohibition booze makers. Doubtful that they would take her to 'Nazi General". do you know what I mean?
it is an account from a jew
the problems with accounts from a jews about death camps is that most of those had been proven false and actually riddiculous to belive in.
only fact that you can get problems with law if you ever proven holocaust was made up is keeping people from putting this charade to an end.
but again. i've just proven you negative according to you, by saying there was no holocaust.
prove otherwise
I am not taking a position, I am providing documentary evidence which contradicts the claims made by the dishonest Holohoaxers. What's funny is that you automatically took posts by the Holohoaxers as serious and legitimate but started source mongering any image revisionists posted even though you could easily find the source in the images or by Google searching sentences from the texts.
You are being deliberately dishonest.
yes, it's made up story that got some jew free money. one of many
I'm not making a claim, I'm attempting to get to the truth. Which Jew, where did you find it? Saying it's a claim from a Jew is not a proper sourcing. Where are some claims I could find which were proven to be false? I also agree that the "crime" of holocaust denial is ridiculous and suspicious. You've proven no negative, just posted an unsourced claim from one supposed jew. Even that story proves nothing if true.
No, the position of prominent Western historians was that over 2 million Jews had died at Auschwitz. Today that number is considered to be 960 000, yet the total of 6 million give or take is still there.
For me its da numbers. 6 million? Germany being at war lost 11 million people throughout the war. A small minority scattered across all european countries lost half of an active country like Germany? I cant grasp this idea.
You're calling it the "holohoax". That's a position and you know what the position is. Calling me dishonest is projection, as you're being blatantly intellectually dishonest. I've taken no "holohoaxer" claims seriously. I just entered the thread to unsourced claims. I don;'t think you even know where these images came from, so you're deflecting.
>a concentration camp whose name I do not remember,
I do not doubt that some jews lie for attention and personal gain. In what way does that disprove it, though? It certainly disproves their individual claims, but not the supposed even in its entirety. That wiki article has nothing to do with the image you posted.
Do you have a problem with the terminology "Holohoax"? The only reason I'm using that term is that the dishonest Holohoaxers are deliberately lying and having their strange claims disproven time and time again, which consequently make THEM into hoaxsters.
I am a neutral party.
My question to you is why you believe in a position that can not be proven by factual or documentary claims nor physical, mathematical or logistical reality.
You should be posing questions to the holohoaxers, but you're asking US questions. I'll happily answer them.
About 7k people die per day in the U.S. That's over 10 million per 5 years. Show me the bodies, or they didn't die.