Kraut/pol/ - That one lasted long edition

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>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta [unchanged]

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative, counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Get a job.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht

>Get active


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Other urls found in this thread:

My idealism is already too broken for that. Condemn me for it if you will. "Justice" these days is yet another concept irrevocably tainted and defiled by them. Though I see a strong overlap still between the old ideal of justice and what is dictated by our biological reality.

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Tiod der Lüge would've a been a nicer theme

well, rules is rules

story time!

>im myself ~30
>date bitch similar age
>we dated already 4 times
>5th date is at her bday at her place
>so, its an obvious fuck-and-suck-adventure
>"okay, lets buy rubbers and make a cake because bday-cake is a must have at a bday"
>its a tiny cake with ~14cm diameter
>bring it
>she has a mental breakdown because of the cake
>reason: i "undermined her independence and strong wamynhood"

reminder that wamynz are pathetic creatures when they are past 26
i aint dating fucking 30yrs old grannies anymore

blown the fuck out

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Do it in the next edition ... ;)

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>fucking 30yrs old grannies

Kek, what shall I say ... ;)

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I am secretly trying to ferment an uprising of Krautists by trying to get EVERYONE to make a thread the very instant we reach 300


Let there be light!

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>'ate wamyn
Simple as.

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Kek, if only ... :D

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seriously, they all suffer of some severe brain damage

i'll guess its the decade or two of pill consumption and cat shit that took its toll

>undermined her independence and strong wamynhood

Next thing she tells you is that all men need a vasectomy

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Possible. Mine never took it and is allergic to cats actually. I dunno if this was technically for the better though ... ;)

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>I have become Meme, Destroyer of Sides

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Fucking kek, fren, that one goes to my little book! :D

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Dogs are better Pets anyways, who wants a miniature Tiger in his Home whos behaving like a brat and hides from you when you can have a Tamed Wolf that Loves you and will never leave your side?

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I miss the [embed][embed]
It was canon

Boom. I replied to you

>Weil ihm 124 Euro vom Jobcenter gestrichen wurden, sollte der Sohn (11) seiner Flüchtlingshelferin sterben. Jetzt fiel das Urteil gegen Abdulrahman M. (26), einen Flüchtling aus Eritrea. Pic related

>Laut Anklage stieg ihnen der Ganoven-Erfolg dermaßen zu Kopf, dass der Anführer der Bande, Asier S. (25), laut Abhör-Protokollen der Polizei fest davon ausging, Milliardär zu werden. Irgend nen Libanesen-Klan

>Die Vorwürfe wiegen schwer, wegen der sich ein Iraner jetzt vor dem Kölner Landgericht verantworten muss. Laut Staatsanwaltschaft soll Hamid G. (31) eine junge Frau am 30. Dezember 2018 in der Schwulen-Bar „Ex-Corner“ vergewaltigt haben.

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just quit dating western women, or at least the ones with daddy issues. Try to be a better parent and fix at least the next generation

Only viable choice for the Patrician and descendent of the hunter-gatherer. Watch out though, fren ... where cats can be real bitches a wolf may be loyal but also very direct and ... aggressive. Also, they like to challenge the established Rangordnung at any opportunity available. ;)

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>Laut Staatsanwaltschaft soll Hamid G. (31) eine junge Frau am 30. Dezember 2018 in der Schwulen-Bar „Ex-Corner“ vergewaltigt haben.

I have several Questions

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Hehe, I find it annoying, it'd be much funnier to have 10-12 people make Kraut/pol/ once we reach 300 and have the catalogue flooded for a few minutes.
Now that would be a funny thing to have become canon

Holy fucking shieett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Sieben Jahre und sechs Monate Haft wegen versuchten Mordes und gefährlicher Körperverletzung. Weil der Mann als Flüchtling Schreckliches erlebte, gab es Strafrabatt.

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needs more highly devoted shitposters then

I don't even...just---

Im actually surprised he got a Punishment at all desu, I mean he dindu nuffin

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>„Bei seiner Flucht aus Afrika hat er in Libyen Schreckliches erlebt, er wurde gefoltert und eingesperrt. Er ist selbst wohl nicht ohne Narben auf der Seele zu uns gekommen. Was ist da schuldangemessen? Daher werden 7 Jahre und sechs Monate dem Tatgeschehen einigermaßen gerecht.“


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Nah, the word just needs to be spread.
If every user hears the message, then it'll be funny.
The problem is that not everyone will read this post and thus know what's up.

Neue Regel leute: wenn 300 posts erreicht sind macht einfach JEDER einene neuen Thread auf und wer zuerst war oder wo sich schneller Posts sammeln hat gewonnen. Wir sind wie ein Ameisenhügel, das klärt sich schnell.
Wenn wir dran bleiben haben wir vielleicht irgendwann endlich ein Sticky.

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Thanks for replying...

Dumb idea, We might get banned for spamming.

yeah, i guess i dodge (yet another) bullet
wamynz are just fucking pathetic
same shit happens with two bitches i had a WG with
>bitches constantly complained how hard life is etc
>eat shit, garbage health, cry about it non stop
>decided to cook more and leave it for them
>"hey, some spaghetti for you girls in the kitchen" "some fresh salad, just mix it up" "i made some ice cream and cake, take what its in the fridge"
>one bitch went back home to her parents
>another one got burn out and had to go to therapy for 3 months
>both blamed me for the same shit "undermine her strang and indipundund wamynhood"
>i left the WG soon after
why are they so fucking retarded?! I was in a WG with a few guys and they worshiped me for that
dated two east europeans and one is my ex, they are equally fucked up, in another way
shitload to tell, but i'll keep it short
>ex lived together with her mother and her sis, the sis had two different kids (both boys) from two different fathers (one was 6yrs old, the other one 2yrs old)
>my ex was super cute, so i endured it
>their space was a fucking garbage dump, filth and dirt everywhere as if its a RTL trash TV family, just unironically
>she worked at mcdonalds to pay the rent, the mother and sister didnt worked, they slept from 8am to at 8pm, smoked fags, weed, drank liquer and watched some shitty chinese romcoms on their smartphones and did nothing (no wonder this place was such a shithole)
>i felt sorry for the kids so i did constantly stuff with them (went to the playground, went to amusement park etc.)
>i even bought them books to read, a kite and learned for school
>schools begins again for the older one, but no one took care when he came back, so i started to cook for him (so he doesnt had to wait until 8pm until the useless cunts of a grandmother and mother woke up)
>both got pissed off about that
>i wanted her (my ex) to come with me
>but my she and i broke up soon after that

You must be new here. After you've been here a while, you'll outgrow that developmental stage. The hate and rage will be replaced by a cold, dispassionate sense of what must be done. Your aim will be a lot steadier then.

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So what? It's not like they can ban us forever.

keep under the Jannies Radar, they are on Alert mode because of /b/s Yellow Spam, its summer and the MemeLab/Shareblue is pushing Slide Threads on masse aswell

dont want Kraut/pol/ to be under the Eyes of them Mods

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kek, how does this keep happening to you ?

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We have to work on this to make it into a meme. Like at the time a thread hits 300 everybody post something like : 'The Blitzkrieg has started!' or "I'm doing my part!" and makes a new thread

>Did I accidentially do the mitosis again?!

Fugg, I am multiplying!! Quick, get me an excor-..... arghl blarghl gnyaaaaa!!!

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Redet einfach ein bisschen Deutsch wenn ihr es besprecht.

The first story I dont get, I didnt know this was a thing in Germany at all. Never been in a WG with girls though.

I actually blame the society for these women not fulfilling their role. We dont incentivice them to get their shit together, quite the opposite actually.

But I was actually poiting far more east.

I'm not new here user but right ich lache mich krumm und schief!!!!!!!!!!!! This cannot be real?

> women PMSing hard because a guy cooks

Maybe because you're taking one of the few things they can actually do away from them by being better at it. That's my pet theory anyway. My ex developed self worth issues because I could cook and do my own laundry. Said she felt useless.

i out-fucking-skilled them in everything, i probably can even cook better than their own useless mothers
they just cant deal with it

pathetic cunts, learn to cook, learn to clean, become mature!

Mods would like that... Not.One.Bit.

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They can even ban the internet connection or a whole PC from Jow Forums. Mine got lifted by a dude from mlpol. They are next level kikes.
Thanks, I just sruvived mutliple ban-holocousts.

Yup. Sounds very familiar.

>Deutsch reden
Und in Gefahr laufen meine Posts gelöscht zu bekommen?

You are under observation like me kek.

We only seize the means of thread production

exactly, I dont have Anger and Hatred left for this already "minor" outrages, its frustrating and disgusting, but i cant get Ranting over this anymore bc im tired of this constant state.

I rather wait until Tides are turning, and boy you can count on my Memory to remember all these Incidents and Scandals when I pull the trigger

Jow Forums is an Englisch Board

yup, Know that feel

Hello Gommie Poster, or are you Clown-Poster now?

>Thanks, I just sruvived mutliple ban-holocousts.

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pure gold

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Rate my compilation. It got quite big and is in jpeg. But it's one of the most funniest things i saw ever

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1. Golf ******
2. playing with the AI which where uploaded to the darknet.
4.Ai play 2.0
5. Pizzagate again
I forgot the rest.

>internet connection
I think they can ban your IP-Adress but than you just make the Thread from your smartphone
>or a whole PC
How would they do that?

they were both fucking thots
rent was a bit too high and they wanted a local semen dispenser at their own place - we got drunk once together and i denied their approaches; women carrying the filth from other men on them are disgusting and an absolute turn off
i think i broke their little monkey brains because i dont look like the afd voting conservative right wing church visiting practicing christian who can also do every job a woman can do, just better
also, what this user said these cunts crow up and believe that their are better than men and dont need to do anything for it just because they are born with a cunt, now guys like me come around and crush their pathetic ego and fucked up little world
of course their all suffer from a mental breakdown

>mfw Grüne will stop themselfes by Spaltung soon

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impressive record mate

They bann the whole connection from your router. Reseting router solve this Problem.

The shitty thing that is shown if you don't hide it to identify a system. Yeah technical its hacking.

Thanks the AI was fun tho the 2.0 tried to bait me into Golf ***** again.

kek, thanks fren for sharing that article.

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Tak toshno.

If you're good at something, never do it for free...

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That's what I like about my girlfriend, she makes fun of feminists, acts feminine, hates on blacks and is mentally stable. Only downside, cant really cook for shit.
Before that, it was always those fucking thots as well, so I didnt even date for a long time. I thought its useless anyway.

But somehow I think I forgot some things haha.

>I rather wait until Tides are turning



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and this ID just went into the filter
good bye

Just speak enough English along the way and no one gets hurt by the muttpolice.
It's not that strict, a few phrases and sentences German are always okay.
Man könnte sich ja fragen, ob man so zunehmends den Faden germanisieren kann?


>Jow Forums is an Englisch Board
A few phrases German never hurt anyone, it's just about keeping the total sum English, not every detail.

You have the gay. I fucked your mom and your gf. I sent your penis-pic to your parents, lmao

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>giving attention whoring angry teenagers attention
dont feed the trolls maybe?

REEE I hate jpg

I never feed them, except theres a good theory they are pointing at.

but do you like it? can you read it?

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it's kind of confusing ans not condensed enough.
I was in that thread but I still don't know what it's all about, gotta read the rest.
To be honest with you, you need to condense it better and make is smaller and more readable.
Beter long and vertical and thus scrollable than this spread out mess.

>If you're good at something, never do it for free...
webm related

Ich weiß das Bernd
the Dutch do the same on their Toothpaste General aswell

I can but its a bit colorbleeding already
what was the TL;DR quick rundown of the whole shitfest yet?

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>You have the gay.

>I fucked your mom and your gf.
I always wanted a little bro/sis I sent your penis-pic to your parents, lmao
my mom is in spain with her lover for like 8 years now, she was a dumb whore who ran away :D

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see you space cowboy

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Gays get Gulag.

>ur mom
... and now she's got a pic of her son's erect penis in girlie panties on her IToddler. lel

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>what was the TL;DR quick rundown of the whole shitfest yet?

There was some thread on Jow Forums about the excerpts from an 8 chan thread which featured some comments and two videos about a french baguette allegedly shooting some kebab. 8 chan was raided by government and there was a secret agent to document it. He got caught same-faging and made weird screenshot by what appears to be like photocopies of laying his iPhone on a printer. The FBI dude said it could be Russia and asked things about this synagogue shooter in California, John Earnest. Initially I didn't understand it either.

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Agents, everybody.

let's enjoy the downfall of our great nation.

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Too late, the party's already ended in '45.

Women are still young past 30 you dumb kraut


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kek, the so called "Experts in Digitial Information Aquirement"

Remember when Jow Forums needed 4 Hours to find a Flag Shia put somewhere in the US?
I doubt they can do it faster, even with their equipment and tech

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Yes, you dumb fucktard.

hey krautpol, these threads are great, always informative and totally not about gay furry stuff. anyone hungry? ive got some old copypasta here i found online, hows that sound? :) yep, everyone loves pasta. hope you find it relevant and interesting!


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S

And daily reminder that 7th season of HWNDU ended in failure.


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Didnt YOU tell me to stop with depressed behaviour?

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Don't try to win my sympathy.

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You are Commie who want your symphaty anyway?

>your sympathy
And... why would i want it?

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