Dispute this bigots!

Dispute this bigots!

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I'm not Christian so he is still in the wrong


Okay faggot

Where do gays come from?

Faggots make up 2% of the population and account for 40% of pedophiles.

There's nothing to dispute, its simply a lie.

Someone ask her what the Quran says about homos

True but it literally says men dont have sexual relations with men

Why do these people pretend to know the Bible when they hate Christainity?

Gays are pedophiles.

They are the same thing.

That's because all faggots are either pedophiles, or recruited by pedophiles. That's how faggots breed, faggot.

Also, KYS.

You're welcome

>Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
>King James Version

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Men are gross though.
Young boys can be superior to wimmins.

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>this english word didn't appear in aramaic texts

Isn't the same thing ?

San Francisco

Leviticus 20:13 is pretty clear

gtfo pedo

Why doesn’t it say men shouldn’t lay with young women too then?


Then why is Toronto full of fags?

It doesnt say young boys, it say another man

yes. and to those who follow the bible hardcore, they really super extra mean it to be read as the exact same sin. I can't imagine what possessed (lol satan?) these retards to think their interpretation of the bible will be anything but a joke to the actual christians. fucking wacky.

no u

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>I’m going to cite the Bible out of context even though I hate the people who believe it and it holds no place in government!
If homosexuals are inherently moral and a net good to society, why do you need to keep lying to convince everyone?

Kitties! uwu

LBTGQ and NAZI always trying to rewrite history.

Awesome. Effeminate fornicating sodomites and abusers fuck off

Dispute this bread too.

What's the alternative? muh vagina? No thanks, no one with sense wants some dumb fucking cunt around ruining his life for him.

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found the dutchie

Hi faggot, your source is wrong and his source is wrong. Sage your dicksucking

I saw gay and pedophile
Gays are pedophiles confirmed

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Sauce on those statistics?

yiff in hell

faggots have earned their deaths

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Alright, kill all the gay pedophiles.
I'm ok with this

I'm an atheist and I think fags should be killed.

oh im sorry, i didn't know you could fucking edit the bible like an essay to fit your globalist demands

>implying that's the only mention
I love it when people who haven't read the Bible attempt to use the Bible to make their point

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wait, wat?

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Because that is natural.
Not even baiting, there is a reason why shaved pussies are more atractive and girls can reproduce earlier than boys, it's an evolutive response, just think about the cave man, he had to have the most quantity of childs in order make his genes survive another generation, so think about it, an adult pregnated woman needs more food than a teenage pregnated woman, for logical reasons the more younger the woman the more fertile time she has so it´s more childrens, it was a valid strategy to survive and that's why it's rooted on our genes and we have to aknwoledge that before we want to do something about it.

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this strawman of a pic is always pathetic, you dont need to be biblical scholar to see the massive hypocrisy among american evangelical degenerates.

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Homosexuality is a defect. We're part of nature, no way around that. The sole purpose of existing is survival and reproduction. Homosexuality stands in opposition to the natural order of life. Years and years of faggots buttfucking each other and dikes pussygrinding and zero evolution towards two men or two women reproducing.


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^_^; So CUTE :D

That's pedophobic goy!

Why are you defending faggot abusers?

Take the sugar momma pill Satan.

Talking shit about homos and pederasts with the state of modern women?
You fucks honestly expect us to prefer female humans over males when females are CLEARLY inferior in all respects?

Are you idiots merely trying to look retarded? Chicks are verified, factual TRASH.

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But I'm gay and never got touched as a child. :/

I guess everyone is either to young or uneducated to know what sodomy means.

you're a furry pedo

why are the vast majority of pedophiles homosexuals? really makes you think

yiff in hell

faggots and pedophilia go hand in hand
besides, I'm an atheist and still hate fags
checkmate catholics

Because "abuse" is a buzzword. The real abuse is having to live around empowered fucking cunts deciding your life for you despite their clearly inferior intelligence. But you fucks don't care about that as long as you're getting pussy, right?

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Yeah, its hardly a strawman. Leftists hate Christianity but cynically try to use it to manipulate Christians. Also, your assumption that evangelicals, or anyone else, engage in the kind of depraved sexual acts that faggots like you do is a common delusion. You might have sex in truck stop bathrooms but normal people dont. Shocking I know. Blacks make similar assumptions about white crime rates and police interactions so your general level of discourse is literally nigger tier. Kys.

jannies are pretty lazy today it seems

Homo/pedos are very similar in their behavior as weve seen with the twink grooming scandals of hollywood and the homosexual rape of children by priests in the catholic church

>Dispute this bigots!
faggots are just dirty and insane. nobody disputed the religious shit in regard to you, you fucking retarded faggot. it's all about you spreading disease, degeneration and pedo shit, since faggots are all pedos by definition. you'd fuck a young boy if you're given a chance. there is a ton of proofs. that's why you're going to be exterminated soon.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind
>nor abusers of themselves with mankind
>nor abusers of themselves
No fap?

you grew up a leafcuckian
trauma enough to pretty much be the same, desu

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Say what it is Child molesters and rapists.
Abuse is a cliche

Based rainbow-pills

>lie with young
>as he does with women
The only thing I get from this is that it says pedo are A-OK as long as its not gay.

>muh rape
Rape is overblown bullshit too. Fuck off. Muh abuse and muh rape. As if there aren't actual bad things happening in the world.

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She's lying.
וְאֶת-זָכָר--לֹא תִשְׁכַּב, מִשְׁכְּבֵי אִשָּׁה: תּוֹעֵבָה, הִוא



26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


Exactly. Also only acceptable translation.

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Douay-Rheims is acceptable.

Boomer-tier shit meme.

All homosexuals are pedophiles

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wow look it's "shakab" twice

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kys Hans

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I'm looking at the Afrikaans translation right now
>"Met ’n manspersoon mag jy ook geen gemeenskap hê soos ’n mens met ’n vrou het nie. Dit is ’n gruwel."
>"You are not allowed to have the same relations with men as you do with women. It is grotesque."

Who hates Christianity knows it more than christians. And that woman clearly is christian. Christianity is debunked.

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Reminder that Nazi Germany wasn't homophobic and had legal prostitution.

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She looks jewish

Goy translations are shit, the more you look the more you see

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Kikes seem to HATE Christ and christianity. Especially commie kikes.
Seems to me that christianity itself is no friend of jewry, and thus is not deserving of hatred.

It's always fun to ask a suspected kike to say "Jesus is Lord".

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>Leftists hate Christianity
What's next "jews hate christ"? Homosexuality isn't degenerate. Jewsus on the other hand
>oy vey goy you should turn the other cheek cuz salvation is of the jews and hate your family also washing is bad

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Jesus is lord

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normally, it's more a surgeon/butcher thing
and they normally trannify goy children

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who cares about what some magic book from 2000 years ago says?
fuck fags btw

>literally proven that jews don't hate christ
>"jews hate christ"
Show nose, schlomo.

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A lie. I have a print of Bible from 1963 and it explicitly says "thou shalt not lie with another man"