Trans = delusional because they deny reality. You are born a certain gender. You can't change that

Trans = delusional because they deny reality. You are born a certain gender. You can't change that.
Racists = delusional because they deny reality. Race is not a scientific concept. It isn't real. It's make believe like trans gender. When you think about it, racists are mentally ill like trans people. They're two sides of the same stupid coin.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Look I can't expect you to know what it feels like to have a woman's brain born into the wrong body. So let's just agree to disagree, and get back to work on important matters. You know, like things that actually affect you.

Is that a guy? If so I would fuck him. #nohomo

you're born a sex.
all gender is made up bullshit.
nobody says hey that thot is gendery
nobody wanna gender you all night
gender is a worthless classroom term to manipulate how you think.

Imagine falling for this thread.

>Racists = delusional because they deny reality. Race is not a scientific concept. It isn't real. It's make believe like trans gender

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.
Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

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You’re going into the oven, leftist

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is there a difference between being delusional and thinking your a girl and just being a faggot that wants to live like one and exclusively be the submissive partner but recognizes that the girl brain thing is a meme?

back to resetera you stupid faggot

enjoy some lexi toes

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>Look I can't expect you to know what it feels like to have a woman's brain born into the wrong body. So let's just agree to disagree, and get back to work on important matters. You know, like things that actually affect you.
One shouldn't expect anyone to know what it feels like to have the opposite sex's brain in their body because that is impossible. Every cell in your brain, if you are a male, is xy.

You are saying that whatever brain that most men have is a male brain. But that's stupid. No reason to say that some men cannot have a different brain.

Your using a certain definition of men to define what is a men's brain, then saying a woman who has that brain is actually a man, meaning it wasn't a woman in the first place, in which case how can we be using woman/man to define what is a woman/man brain in the first place?

Did you think about that? No you didn't. Neither did those frauds called psychologists.

of course you would

>you're born a sex.
>all gender is made up bullshit.
>nobody says hey that thot is gendery
>nobody wanna gender you all night
>gender is a worthless classroom term to manipulate how you think.

And it is funny how they hold in their heads at the same time that some behaviors/actions are indicative of being men or women while also saying not to stereotype men and women.

I'm telling you man. With a little bit of punishment people can be forced to believe literally anything and its opposite at the same time.

Sage. Slide Thread, Critical Theory Addled bourgeois lies.

Science is not a real concept, things are real without being proven. People know race, it's just less intuitive than the past because people are reacting to being forced to deny their instincts.

As far as science goes as well... people actually are born fucked up with gender issues all the time.... with their chromosomes but most trans people it seems to be about : Attention, Power, and following the cues of social engineering which gives everyone a buzz for helping evil people gain more power.

You forgot the most basic one - skull shapes differ between races. There are also muscular differences, which is why niggers are faster, but whites stronger.

weakest b8 I r8 a -8 out of 1488

So, what you're saying is: "Racism" doesn't exist.

Try getting a bone marrow transplant from a black person

> trans - People must accept me for who I am
>racists who I deeem: reeee fuck you racist scumbag for disagreeing with me and fuck your racist friends

>Race is not a scientific concept
No it's mainly an obvious reality, and it was a scientific concept until PC dilute everything.
>woman's brain born into the wrong body
Lol pure bullshit, a baby brain is kinda neutral and develop to its own gender naturally if anything doesn't get in the way, guess what you're the anything. FPWP
>1 post by theses ID
Slide thread s***d

Why dont you post working links ?

Self Contradicting evident literally in first 3 sentences
>Every cell in your brain, if you are a male, is xy.
>You are saying that whatever brain that most men have is a male brain. But that's stupid. No reason to say that some men cannot have a different brain.

The rest is just word salad and 6th grade logic.

You are born a certain race. You can't change that.
Now fuck off faggot

What if you brain was transplanted from a boy body to a girl body. Would you be a girl now??

>Look I can't expect you to know what it feels like to have a woman's brain born into the wrong body.
no such thing

Basically saying race doesn't exist or isn't extremely important (It's why countries rise and fall, and basically the reason they want all of ours to get browned up is so that they can consolidate capital with a socialist state then revert back to capitalism and buy everything up for cheap with nobody left to care about wages or pollution or morals) is an absolutely ridiculous assertion and it's hard to prove a ridiculous assertion wrong. How do I go about proving that you can't make ink from cat shit? It's putting the burden of proof on the "bigot" and not the one making the claim that we're all, "da same".... and blatant lies like this are not only great for the bourgeoise who are trained to lie for money to separate themselves from lower classes, but it also helps condition people not to trust THEIR OWN OBSERVATIONS so that they can be controlled.

No. You would be dead

This question can't be answered because it's nonsensical and absurd, and absurd questions can't be answered.

What would you identify as if you(boy) transplanted your brain into a girl body an a virus turned all your Y chromosome into X chromosomes.

>What if you brain was transplanted from a boy body to a girl body. Would you be a girl now??
It would suck because any children you created would not be yours. So I would say you would just be some sort of monster.

It is technically possible to have a brain transplant and still live with no defects

>It is technically possible to have a brain transplant and still live with no defects
no it's not and fuck off you smartyass

so wot ur saying is in order to hate faggots i must love niggers?


Yes it is possible, you idoit.

You see..... Jews were always annoyed at how the bourgeoise would protect their wealth with lies (Because people hate other groups who do the same shit as them like how cops and niggers hate each other for being bullies hiding behind authority) so the intellectual Jews devised this system where the bourgeoise would start to adopt OBVIOUSLY FULL OF SHIT VALUES like buy 1 get 1 free tranny cum and the progressive stack and mass immigration so that you'd know that they don't care about you and would rebel.... so the idea is to let them get filthier and filthier while we become the sane ones but you all keep fucking it up. acting like we can just go back in time to When the bourgeoise hid behind things that made sense, back when they could abuse the shit out of us and look reasonable.. CMON ITS HILARIOUS TO SEE HOW FAR THE BOURGEOIS WILL GO!!! IT PROVES THAT THEYRE NOT FUCKING HUMAN. SUPPORT THE REACTIONARIES AND THE BOURGEOIS AT THE SAME TIME!!! DUH!!!

The bourgeoise used to call you an asshole for not wanting yellow babies to get napalm'd just as easily as they will today go on and drink gay cum in a ritual to show that they are progressive.

sure bud

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I'm not reading some stupid science nerd talking obvious bullshit. Science visionaries are stupid people and should be put in jail.

You can't possibly know what goes on in a female brain if you were born male, and vice versa.

There are over 6,500 differences between human males and females. Until all of these can be changed, guess what? You are stuck with whatever "gender" you were born as.

I don't care if this is one of (((those))) threads. I would fuck the shit out of that guy.

Are trans men as popular among women as trans women are among men? I'm a straight man and I am absolutely fascinated and attracted to passable trans women and pretty much regard them as almost superior feminine substitutes.

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>Race is not a scientific concept. It isn't real
Thats a strange thing to say knowing the biological concept of race pops up in medical literature all the time via empirical evidence.

Just a few days ago I was reading a research paper on BMI and what do you know, those delusional science denying doctors brought up race as a biological concept. Turns out asian women can have BMI lower than 18 and still be healthy. But that's just a social construct right?
> The absence of increased risk among underweight Asians suggests the possible need for revision of both low and high BMI cut-points for this racial group.

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Racists don't wake up one morning and think "You know, I really fucking hate the Lithuanians, fuck those guys". Racists are made by bad encounters with often invasive ethnic groups transgressing the local norms and more often than not getting away with it by the legal authorities colluding with the upstarts. Racism is born of injustice.

Trannyism is born of the Hyatt Hotel chain heir worth $29billion pumping half a billion a year since the early 00s trying to normalize their own ptsd decision to "become a woman".

So, really, there's not much to compare them together?

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>memeflagging period.

So you are saying that anyone who makes a hypothesis is automatically
retarded and should die???

No. Its aryan goddess Alexa Bliss

want to opress people
don't want to opress people
There you go.
thats retarded. if you sex gender whatever are defined by the body excluding the brain, then if an hypothetical surgery happened you would be become a girl. If that doesn't make sense that's because your premisses are wrong.

>changing the gender of a baby isn't oppressive because babies aren't human
libs are so filthy

what the fuck are you talking about

Race is scientific, if it's better than average it's a valid observation.
Two Irish people have a better than average chance of producing children matching Irish phenotypes than say, two niggers creating an Irishman. It can happen, sure, (otherwise Ireland would not exist) but it's very very rare.

author's note*
I went temporarily retarded there for a moment, when I say "average" I mean "random".

You are using your conclusion in your premisses.

talking about how disgusting you are
filthy lib

sure whatever but could you tell me what you were talking about in non-retard terms so I can refute you

>don't want to opress people

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>Race is not a scientific concept.
Full retard right here.
Why don't you compare black DNA with the DNA of whites?

sure, explain why you support the tragedy of david reimer and believe the research of doctor money and want it to happen to all babies. good luck, filth.

There's a better than random chance that people within any defined race will have definable racial characteristics. Thereby race is scientific and can be measured. Better?
You could divide the races by skin color, nationality, culture, hair color, etc. It doesn't really matter how you divide it, but the groups would have observable differences that register at a better than random rate, so I don't see how you could say race isn't scientific.

Never heard of that before so he was sex reassigned without his consent and as a baby? Well I agree that's wrong. You should only get SRS at like 16 and with your consent. Not sure why you think "liberals" (not a liberal btw) want all babies to get srs but ok

dr money is the basis for transgenderism
not knowing about it and yet supporting transgenderism is like being christian and not knowing who jesus is
big yikes from me dog. sounds like u got some reading to do, lib.

The brain is an organ like any other, genetics determine how they develop.

yeah whatever dude got leftist theory to read
could u explain to me how you reached the conclusion that libs "want it to happen to all babies". i hope u dont actually believe that shit and were just shitposting

yeah dude but did u know that genetics can fuck up

Also this chap, you wouldn't have anything like the clout you have without his personal crisis and literal billions backing you up, lad.

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>There are also muscular differences, which is why niggers are faster, but whites stronger
On average yes but whites still have the genes to be just as fast as blacks, possibly even more so. The white high school kid just set a national record for the 100m sprint, beating all blacks before him.

Ghetto hood rats all come from the same alpha nigger who's fucking every negress in the hood and has 20 keeiiids all with his same athletic genes. Go to a buffet in a hood at the first of the month when they get welfare, all the fat black mothers have these NBA clone children that all look related.... because they are....This is why no black kid knows his's also why on average blacks are more athletic than whites. Whites are too busy being mostly monogamous to engage in a survival of the fittest animal game and pop out the most athletically fit kids. But the white race still has the genes for it, they're just expressed less often because it's a numbers game.

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whats ur point exactly? both are hate speech yes, although one is justified and the other not. this is irrelevant however

u dont even know who your prophet is ur not qualified to talk about it
ur simply a cultist

>"Wiemar degeneracy is a hoax"
>makes book that claims that Germany was 'progressive' before the Nazis came into power

Makes you do a big thunk?

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These people are delusional as fuck
Having said that I’d bareback that boipussy till my nuts were drained and my cock a deep dark chocolate color

I've been working with trans people at work to write a new policy. Having spent months talking and learning, I have the following beliefs
>the majority of trans people are not the annoying campaigning type and just want to get on with their lives
>gender dysphoria is very real and extremely painful to those who experience it
>changing your gender expression is fine if it helps you cope with your dysphoria
>there is nothing wrong with taking bioidentical hormones
>bottom surgery is fucking insanity and a fake benis or vagine is nothing more than a disgusting toy
>most of the people who have bottom surgery are narcissistic weirdos who think having a fake benis or vagine will solve all their problems and only get shoutier when it turns out their painful and invasive surgery doesn't fix their brains

Just because you have mediocre intelligence and are overly emotional and unable to be logical doesn't mean you're a woman.

ok then what "means ur a woman"

male brain would not fit in femlae skull right

plus the male brain would not react well with the female hormornes ogran differnces

you wuld either die or be vegtable

How about having two X chromosomes, a uterus, and the ability to naturally produce estradiol in excess of 100 pg/mL? Is that too much to ask?