How do you reply?
How do you reply?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you knew this already then why would you call me in for an interview?
Don't toy with me bitch.
Yes, and I'm proud of it. Nobody would give me shit for it here in Eastern Europe.
>what username?
Im black so id just look at them confused.
>asking kike owned, antiwhite, antichristian, prodegeneracy companies for a job
I would show my profile (flashes the nose). Hired at once
Lmao this. She clearly wants the Aryan B.
Does, Sexycampanties6996 do to you?
>the bowl
top quality meme 10/10
Same here.
I've never bought any iranian blood. What is the rest of the address?
>not citing jewish slave ownership to interviewer
Not based black gentleman
No, why do you ask?
Is that a band?
No, I only shit post under the name anonymous. Part of the leet hacker group of course.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
No, I'm turkish you fucking white whore! Now give me job!
we dont hire often at my small software company but i brought someone in once and read aloud some pathetic Jow Forums-tier faggotry they posted publicly on their (also publicly searchable) facebook profile. was pretty hilarious honestly.
Like anyone ever got a job based on an interview. It’s all connections and recruiting. The interview should be a formality. If you’re sending out your resume cold you already lost.
Yes i was harrassed by this cyber nazi on the internet who tried to gas me through the monitor
Oy gevalt it was like anotha Addbloc
It was satire
No, you got the wrong guy. My username is PregnantAnneFrankTentacleRapeFan1488.
Yeah? Show flag.
How did they respond?
Why yes, i am a white nationalist
Yes used it to make fun of nazis
No sorry ma'am I'm jewish.
I always wear my best field tunic to interviews.
I would say of course, but does it mean anything to YOU? Then I would stand up, do the fastest 360 you've ever seen and walk the fuck out of there
nobody would ever ask something like that in a job interview. get a job incels
I can make up stuff too.
> Jewish tactics detected
yes, I't me, I joined Hinduism. wait a minute, are you- are you being cultural insensitive against me? I demand to see your boss.
>The thing is *looks around* I’m a Jew that is investigating the increasing underground white supremacy clans.
>an employer would never ask about your online presence
plumber or manual laborer detected
"cool name. wish I thought of it first but it was already taken so I went with holocoaster2hell".
As an arab i'd just look confused
generally awkward as you can imagine, i didnt make a massive deal of it (i phrased it something like "we have many clients all over the world, how would you respond if they confronted you with this?"). his response wasnt horrible given the circumstances (basically said he'd keep politics separate from work etc) but i dont think ive ever seen a face turn more red. obviously he wasnt getting the job anyway.
>using social media under your real name
and you wonder why you are cattle
See you in court because that shit's illegal to do in Europe.
Oh yeah i should do that to.
Yes, that is the username I was instructed to use while Operation SunnyCunny was in effect. I can't go into detail beyond that but here are my credentials for the 20 years service in the DoD. Why am I even sitting here, I was sent here as your replacement and I'm only here to tell you you have until 9am to clear out.
I like my coffee with 3 sugars by the way.
Why are you still standing there?
1488 is my favorite year. Works everytime
▲ ▲
why was that obvious? You a fag? Or you just like employees who know how to keep their mouth shut.
Yeah, that fir sure happened faggot
This, just tell them that was the year Columbus has a religious awakening and started planning his Maiden Voyage. Say you consider that the birth of the nation, not its founding, but when the Holy concept of it was seeded.
It sounds like it belongs to a man with a very short fuse. A man who has to go to work every day and keep up the masquerade of civility while being just one bad day away from stalking down the halls with a gas powered, semi-automatic carbine, puming round after round into friends and coworkers.
Or maybe you just shouldn't ask me about bullshit you find online? One or the other really
FPBP, /thread. Plausible deniability.
>no I always used "pussycrusher69"
Have sex sweetie
whatever helps you sleep at night little guy. im honestly just grateful facebook/twitter/etc werent a thing when i was growing up so most of the embarrassing online faggotry i participated in will never resurface. its odd to imagine a whole generation of underage dipshits jeopardizing their futures via social media on a daily basis.
Is that an alternative book store and it’s street address?
I’d he dealt well with it and knows to keep things separate then there’s no obvious reason to be excluded from the job from the get-go. But then if you’d decided this and have time to goof around doing non-interviews then it’s a less-than-serious or shitty enterprise regardless.
You’re a cuck.
Wtf would I be doing at an interview?
She is leaving out the part where the guy sued her ass into oblivion and she doesn't have a job now due to it.
How could you tell?
there are plenty of qualified candidates out there that dont post garbage publicly that can become a liability.
>Implying I make accounts on any site to use it
im shitposting at work as we speak, if you dont realize how much time is wasted in white collar jobs you've clearly never held employment as an adult.
>"For me to know, for you to find out."
>*Unzips pants*
Fucking degenerates. It came from a fucking lowlife scum, imagine trying to argue in favor of national socialism or ethnostates and then mixing yourself with a fucking prison gang that fuck each other in the ass
Hitler did nothing
Seig Heil!
This, but unironically
Israel is going to die
Let us make white babbies together.
>Judge: "Does ID: 814812 mean anything to you?
original nazis also fucked each other in the ass though,
>Fighting for your race and your nation
You want to know how I figured out you were a jew?
>Assuming AI can't doxx people by writing style
I would ask her if she heard about Kekistan. Then we would make love (after I had my thot-allergy-pills)
Imagine the smell.
My username has always been GasAllKikes
what for?
and then everyone clapped and Clinton had him commit sudoku.
No, I post as kikeslammer88
>needing a job where you get interviewed
stay pleb
So wait a minute, if I start up a business, can I deny people work for being not racist enough? Can I bring up their facebook accounts and shame them with how they said they like gays or that they are gay etc? If not, why not?
No my usernames are always some variety of meat.
>How do you reply?
"Does massive lawsuit for invasion of privacy mean anything to you?"
"Do you want your so-called private pics of lusty you all over the internet ? Just give me a quick & clean blowjob before I sue you to hell over this privacy thing. Heil Hortler."
Yes, perpetuate the antiwhite system for shekles
"It's pronounced Aryan Blood, Fourteen Eighty-eight"...
I've gone as far as to Wiki a significant person or event related to 1488 but drew a blank
[citation needed]
there must be a mistake,,
my username is glitterprincess2009XD:
And then the interviewee stood up and clapped
Hello le based black man
Ja ja, sieg heil bitch.
Missed by 1 ,
Truly of god this guy is !