So now that most millenials are in their 30's how will they cope with the fact that they utterly failed to achieve...

So now that most millenials are in their 30's how will they cope with the fact that they utterly failed to achieve their career and social goals throughout their 20's, they are aging, their health is deterorating, their youth is gone old hobbies like gaming and instathoting is briniging diminishing returns at this point and there's nothing new on the horizon while their job and craeer prospects are a dead end?

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I just started on all that shit

t. 31 and newlywed


Idk, I guess I'll go to Thailand and impregnate a 12 year old.

tfw almost 30, balding, work a meme job, no gf gaining weight, low energy

The game was (((rigged))) from the start:

Cool, glad I'm not alone.

Thinking about kms.

Millennials are gong to be even more pathetic than gen X. They will own nothing and accomplish nothing. Their entire existence will be defined by fighting for proven to fail Marxist ideologies.

Might as well DESU
You're gonna die early anyways. Morality shouldn't concern you.

Something tells me the afterlife won't be much fun either. You might want to hold off on that.

I'm to the point I'd rather do that too

They dont care they are just like Porch monkey niggers. They want food stamps and to sit on their ass and smoke grass

I'm just joking, I wouldn't go lower than 15. I'd take good care of her too, no shame in my game.

Some will kill themselves
Some will kill others
Some will take the hermitpill and fuck off

Play with my kids, fuck my wife, collect my autismbux, repeat.

I'm going to ass fuck the mayor of my town. I've spent the last several years stalking her and memorizing her daily schedule. On June 20th, I'm going to commit an extreme terrorist attack by ass fucking the mayor of my town. I'll forever go down in history as the man who accomplished complete anal revenge against the U.S. government. Then, I'm going to assfuck the mother of the federal agent that has to read this post. I'm going to completely prolapse your mommies ass, you FBI nigger. I repeat, I'm an ISIS terrorist, and on June 20th I will commit an extreme terrorist act by exploding my dick inside Paul M. Nakasone's mother's asshole.

How about suck my dick you dumb fucking bitch

God speed Anal Avenger.

I feel like I'm going to get v& simply by reading this.

>exploding my dick inside Paul M. Nakasone's mother's asshole
There's a sentence I never thought I'd read. Also keks were had.

the culture produced by this miserable lonely failure of a generation will be worse than all the capeshit combined

Seems like a bad idea to announce your plans on the internet beforehand.

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Good thing this manifesto is coherent. The glow niggers won't be able fathom what's going on.

I cope by never having set goals in the first place.

Eh, kinda sucks. But at least I'm not a fag zoomer

By realizing that growing older is a tremendous thing if you're not a degenerate fucking loser. Eat well and stay active and you could be peaking at 50. Old people have more money, more power, and aren't as easily manipulated by mindless trends that trick them into debt and depression. My 20s and teens sucked, I wasn't living my own life I was living this forced consumerist nightmare.

Our cultural obsession with youth is for WOMEN. Don't get caught up in the womanly terror of aging, men age beautifully and gracefully if they decide to take care of their bodies. Millennials are going to be even more selfish then boomers, because once we get older we will realize how much better being older is than being younger. Our obsession with youth is a degenerate, womanly fear instilled in us to pressure us into buying shit we don't need to make us feel "young".

When people told me I looked young, it wasn't a compliment it was an insult. I was a baby faced 20 something and nobody took me seriously because of it. Sure I might drink less now and have a smaller quantity of friends, but this time I actually LIKE my friends because I'm not trying to be someone I'm not for the sake of being cool and "networking".

Aging is liberation, not death. We wake up smarter and stronger then when we go to sleep. We are soaring ever upwards and we need to embrace that and take care of our bodies instead of chasing the illusory spectre of youth. Youth is a materialist invention, there's nothing inherently valuable about being young unless you are a girl looking for a wealthy husband.

summers are the millenial final form desu. Millenials were born unfinished they still remember traces of the old world we merely adopted the internet zoomers werd born in clown world, molded by it

I am the greatest terrorist that has ever lived. When all three inches of my penis enter Melania Trump's asshole, the CIA will hire me as their chief nigger. I'm going to kill so many fucking people. Further, I'm going to kill so many niggers, which aren't people. FBI CAN'T STOP ME. I AM A JEW. There's a black church near me and I'm going to fuck me some cotton picking ass. I have planted explosives in several discrete locations, and will detonate at midnight. Understand? Witness me you filthy gentiles.

> g-getting old is good!
Said fucking nobody ever.
this is the biggest cope I've read today

but niggers fuck your wife, does she have any time for you?

>Old people have more money

This generation won't. It is certain to have debt.

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Same. I lost my job a few days ago because of an accident. Thinking about finishing my 2-year gunsmithing school but I have no motivation because of shit health. I wish I could reverse time and take the classes over again because I was depressed a lot of the time.

The madlad isnt fucking larping. fucking based

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Damn that sucks I hope you find motivation to succeed and get better user

Getting old is literally the point of being alive. There are no bigger winners on this planet then 90 year old grandpas. Old people have been responsible for basically everything that's ever happened in the history of mankind. Our obsession with youth is an inverted perversion of the natural truth that humans are a rising beast. We are better every single day. There's more to life then drinking yourself to death and chasing pussy, and even if that's what you want then being old is great for that too. We are a bunch of materialist degenerates so we can't fathom the idea of getting older and losing our aesthetic prestige, but nobody ever fucking cared about us.

If you genuinely believe that getting old is a bad thing then you are a pathetic idiot. We can't help aging, you're already older then you were when you wrote that post (and smarter because you've read this post). Maybe the (((media))) tells you that getting old is a bad thing, but it's literally the fundamental force of human life. If you are a brainwashed sycophant of youth then I pity you, because you will inevitably lose every thing you hold dear. But if you change your values system and embrace being old, you will begin living for tomorrow instead of chasing yesterday's shadow, and you will be much, much happier then you ever were when you were young. Embrace it, love it. It's coming for you no matter what you do, accept that it is a good thing that makes you stronger. The passage of time is terrifying, but don't let that fear trick you into wasting the time you could be spending to improve your future.

Hey alright

I wish I could just have a normal life. I'm not even thinking about any goals.

go kys

>Paul M. Nakasone's mother
based and checked government raper. good luck user!