@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump on ABCNews 6/16/19 (pt1)
>Is-ra-hell PM Bibi unveil Trump Heights 6/16/19
>SoS Pompeo on FoxNewsSun 6/16/19
>SoS Pompeo on FtN 6/16/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 6/16/19
>Happy Birthday Mr President 6/14/19
>ArmyVideo: Army Birthday 6/14/19
>Pres Trump on Health Coverage for Small Biz 6/14/19
>Pres Trump on F&F 6/14/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan meets w/Portuguese DM Cravinho 6/14/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan welcomes Portuguese DM Cravinho 6/14/19
>EnSec Perry on CNBC 6/14/19
>LabSec Acosta on FBN 6/14/19
>DepEnSec Brouillette on Bloomberg 6/14/19
>CEAChair Hassett 6/14/19 (WH) (Bloomberg) (CNBC) (FBN)
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 6/14/19
>Lara Trump on FBN 6/14/19
>DoDVideo: Portuguese DM Visits Pentagon 6/14/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet


All in all, I am in favor of war with Iran, just to see who in last thread was the most right. Many different onions and arguments.

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They re Muslim fanatics who believe that there will be a war in the end times between the Muslims and infidels and that they will liberate Palestine and destroy the cross. Irans world view isnt different than that of isis


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Everyone ready for Trump to bomb an empty building and shills to claim ww3 is imminent like they did with syria?

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Told you guys today would blow people's minds

Why are there so many subhuman shitskins whining ITT lately

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He's probably right, ya know.

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Fuck memeflags

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Of course you are, after all it is for giving more land to Israel and steal some oil from Iran, just like you did with Libya's economy when it tried to become gold based. But not with Venezuela because Russia didnt let you.

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now hand over the rare wolfgrills

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the stuff he says is just so blunt and simple

and stuff everyone already knows who is right wing and just parrots it for lots of money

idk its just very very corny to me

granted i dont mind it atleast its not a girl doing it

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There's not going to be a war with Iran. Trump likes beating you to death with economic and diplomatic leverage instead. Iranians smell and look like Israelis: bad. Someone ought to nuke Israel and Iran because they stink and I can smell them both from here. Plz send air fresheners and slide oil to Mississippi.

But Pompeo and Bolton said a thing! Just like how they said thing against Venezuela! It's happening for real this time!

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>this PP ad

> different onions
> onions
Anyway, there are two types of war
> war of attrition
> war of erradication

Iran has no chance whatsoever if the war is a WWII style total war. Actually it wouldn't last a week if B52 carpet bombing urban areas are not frowned upon.
Now, in case the American President frowns upon ending the war fast it could get ugly but it would escalate very quickly to a total war in case the war got any support at home.

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>Someone ought to nuke Israel
deport all the Jews there and force them to build the third temple then nuke them.

> Venezuela didn't get toppled because Russia
's a bold theory lol

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>Since when

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Winning Big League!

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plus ww3 would end with everyone died.

More sanctions, make Iran earn a war.

>Iran has no chance whatsoever if the war is a WWII style total war
Yeah that’s why you’re not getting a war with Iran then

> steal some oil from Iran
HEY HEY, that's a Trump campaign promise.

> But not with Venezuela because Russia didnt let you.
That's more because Venezuela is so poor nobody really wants to foot the bill to feed them

Washington Post, the official magazine of CIA says war with Iran is unlikely. Sad!

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Good point

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we know that sometimes when there is no war, there are still some people there doing things...making rumblings

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>plus ww3 would end with everyone died.
No it wouldn't? It could be a very fast war, I don't buy the "mutually assured destruction" meme, i truly believe either side can launch a decapitating attack and then a media operation to convince the survivors at the other side to stop resisting.

No. Force them to build it on top of the irradiated ashes and then nuke it again. I want the inbred sandnigger smell gone. They smell worse than niggers and spics. No more inbred sandniggers who hate bacon and cut dicks. I can see their big semitic noses from my house. It's awful. Imagine seeing big fleshy nasal towers in the sky. You don't want this life.

Threadly reminder that pro-Iran shills are a Boltonbots meant to make you support a war with Iran.
Bombing muslims is fun but also expensive especially when their countries "destabilize" and need to be "rebuilt".

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Stay away!

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Thanks for the drink user

yes I too read Clan of the Cave Bear

>people unironically think non-nuclear countries could stand a chance against the US in total war
it's all so tiresome

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The FBI will only be trusted again when we replace everyone in it with former military.

Forget about nuclear, conventional carpet bombing is enough

> sources close to a friend familiar with officials briefed on the President’s dog’s thinking say BLUMPH BAD KIKE
Oh shit better vote for Biden

>but also expensive
Easy, take their oil and don't rebuild it just leave

that's kind of the point i was making

some new to me hats in the store

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WashPoo apparently publishes Bugmen propaganda

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That’s not how you extract oil, sped

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Children of the trough.jpg

and they all look like shit

You're right, a war in Iran could lead to a Islamist theological regime hostile to the west.

The Wapoo supports anyone who hates America.

>I don't buy the "mutually assured destruction" meme
That's because you're a retarded subhuman. Nukes take long enough to travel for other countries to know they're coming, and let theirs fly. Now shut your fat monkey lips while the humans are discussing politics.

Nah, they just need to tell the truth for the first time in decades.

Sloppy job CIA sods!

>and don't rebuild it just leave
Like the US could resist not trying to take over. There's billions to be made for US companies put in charge of that. And in reorganizing their economy around "financial services".
It's all at tax payers' expenses but they don't give a shit.

no, you look like shit

Supreme Court cucked out on the Virginia Ruling.

Opinions all over the place.

Seems like the main problem was Virginia House has no legal standing but the result would have been different if the Virginia Attorney General sued instead?

Thomas and Gorsuch think the Virginia House has no legal standing to sue.

Alito, thinks otherwise, he thinks the Virginia House has legal standing to sue.

So the main problem is a standing issue.

Seems this was a 5-4 decision, so it's a very narrow ruling.

What do you guys think? SCOTUS was arguing if Virginia House has legal standing or not.

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You made a white baby today, right?

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All the competent glowing Africans are dead or senile. All that's left are bronies and plebbitors who can glow brighter than a rave.

>When you're polling at 0%

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>there are people ITT who have a transgender relative
Fuck that shit

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Let the Greeks run it.

Jew on jew violence!

The mind is willing but the body is soft and squishy.

>kike bitch that was salty she’s more irrelevant than him
Who could’ve guessed

Thank goodness I don't.

he's got nowhere to go but out

Why do you come Jow Forums faggots?>

t-that's inhumane

>California is a flaming pile of literal shit.
>Newsom says its the Republicans that are dying
Fucking blind retards.

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That's not very smart

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They deserve one another.

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>greentexting link
how was your first day here faggot

guy on the right havin the big think

>Lots of black conservatives out there who would love an Ivy League education

So glad I don't.
You won't molest my wallet.

Evangelicals activating

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People in downtown Toronto are fleeing from the Raptors victory parade cause someone fired a gun. I wonder what group of enlightened Renaissance thinkers could have done this

that was a good get

Didn't it used to be instantaneous political suicide if you said you'd raise taxes? What happened?

>>guy on the right havin the big think

He has become the chair he is slouched against

3 fat fucks all talking about redistributing our money

Damn. Denzel put on some weight.

Braindead 80-IQ millennial college socialists who think "raise taxes" means "more free stuff for me (and poor black people who will praise me for being one of the good ones)"

Bush tax cuts crashed the economy in 2008 in Democrat canon.

hey user, you didn't build that

>it's real^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
holy shit that's going in the archive

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Kek, who is jewing who here?

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Jews jewing other jews to help their ghetto black pets

The Democrats never revoked those tax cuts, by the way.

Bold move desu.

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It's going all over the place

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