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Jeez I wonder why we gonna invade the Iran
Joshua Perez
Other urls found in this thread:
Lucas Baker
Attack, yes. Invade, no.
Matthew Ross
Jeez I wonder too.
Aaron Rodriguez
We need new allies. Israel and Saudi Arabia are going to get us all killed.
Adam Diaz
The fact that Operation Ajax means nothing to most people proves that our government has already won.
Tyler Perry
How much oil did you get from Iraq?
How bout Libya?
Why not attack Venezuela instead, easier target, more oil?
There is only one answer to the question.
Owen Smith
Ally with the towelheads, ask them to bring their rapefugees home, stop their retarded attacks and give cheap oil.
Nolan Hernandez
>Why not attack Venezuela instead, easier target, more oil?
its all been spoken for, they sold it before they even pumped it
Ryder Lewis
Who's gonna take it from you?
Michael Reed
Oh yeah, it's about the oil. Not the fact they're not subject to the (((international banking cartel))). Get the fuck out of here you spooky fuck.
Benjamin Clark
>Why not attack Venezuela instead, easier target, more oil?
They have a huge infantry army and it would be considered a major war if the US was to really commit to it. Maduro sold off the majority of his oil reserves anyways, the OP data is outdated. Maduro has been selling off the countries gold, platinum, uranium, and a long list of other reserves held in trust by the govt that he coup'd.
Mason Rodriguez
America really need to bomb the shit of of Canada. Two nukes won't be enough this time.
Eli Kelly
We not gonna invade the Iran or any of those other countries, nigger. We decided in 2016 no more wars for oil/Israel.
Jose Cox
Jews want the historical Aryan sites bombed.
Blake Walker
>Venezuela having bigger infantry than Iran
I see this thread is nothing but glowing praise for Israel's war plan.
Grayson Hernandez
its because of greater israel, not oil.
Grayson Bailey
to stop a terrible regime and restore democracy. Just like we liberated Europe from the NAZI and restored democracy in all those monarchist countries.
Robert Lee
>entire week of "US is going to war with Iran!" threads
yet it took some stupid comments ITT for you to realize Jow Forums is being raided by a letter agency?
Gavin Turner
>muh oil
this is how you know someone is bluepilled and likely european
Adrian Taylor
Iran are not Aryan lmao, they went through 1400 years of Arab Islamic rule
Adam Wood
Yes, it's the first time I've ever argued with CIA niggers. It's a complete shock to me, I never saw it coming until this thread.
Hudson Kelly
for real, the reason we are invading them is the same reason we invaded iraq
The threat of a non-aligned authoritarian country getting nuclear weapons is a big fucking deal - its why they went after saddam with little to no evidence of him actually possessing nukes. His posturing that he did to try and keep regional enemies wary of iraq and his refusal to let the un inspectors investigate his boyhole was enough of a casus belli for dubya to go balls deep
US foreign policy does not want another North Korea esque country in the world, where some shitheap country can sit on nukes and shittalk and sabre rattle w/o there being a way to deal with them via conventional warfare. Nukes are the greatest defensive weapon any country can have, and after what happened to the Ukraine no country is ever going to give them up willingly again
Oliver Edwards
so, you be sayin' day of the rake is next decade or something?
Christopher Gonzalez
I'm getting a melanoma from all that glow, spread your agents a bit.
Jonathan Martin
>hurr durr all deez middle east bad gaiz r just evul and totelly hav no cunnekshunz wit da CIA or MI6...
glow harder
Jackson Morgan
this. plain and simple.
Alexander Rogers
No mention of Israel not even at all?
Jayden Taylor
It's mostly because Iran is a threat to Israel and it's been a while before we've sacrificed some of our troops for the benefit of or Jewish overlords.
Landon Hernandez
Either shilling or braindead. Israel is a massive threat by this logic. They are at constant war with foreign invaders and yet hold an undisclosed nuclear stockpile.
Levi Baker
Does this mean Canada is next?
Lincoln Ross
not to mention they assassinated a sitting US president just for insisting their nuclear plants be oversaw by inspectors
William Fisher
Okay there Dennis, might want to take some time off from the gay sex meth orgies. Anyone with 2 cells to rub know you fucks are FUCKING TRASH... its all lies to get Jews more control and power and kids to rape and eat. FUCK YOU
Jaxon Cruz
canada next
Cameron Cook
Ohh please please please
Jeremiah Walker
Thomas Ortiz
Hahah France. Fucking Ahmed you're too funny
Easton Nelson
Trying that new pic out you got from the Iran based music thread, huh user...nice
Oliver Smith
Isaac Ortiz
today, I've seen two dindus (was in a communist town, because reasons)
so, since the begining of 2019, I've only seen 8 shitskins, total
I still haven't ever seen such things as real zoomalis
rage moar, leafcuck
Thomas Williams
Kino as shit. I love it.
Austin Torres
Thomas Price
This person is talking about the historical sites.
Hudson Ward
>hillary would save us.
Christian Morris
>muh wars for oil
What is this, 2004-era talking points? We're a net exporter you Boomer. The wars are actually about Jewish nepotism
James Perez
Add to you file.
Brayden Diaz
It's not about oil, it's about countries who are enemies of Israel having resources like oil and thus the ability to fight Israel directly or indirectly.
Show your flag Rabbi.
Anthony Price
>Operation Ajax
Julian Nelson
>Still believing the oil meme
That's a good goy
Blake Hughes
>Give sandniggers a big foreign aid package to encourage their own people to come back from Europe and US
>Imams and shit probably change their stance on jihading the west once they're profiting from the west
>Also destroy Israel
Sounds pretty nice desu
Easton Cook
Rake us please. Our lawn is dirty.
Jayden Wood
Soon we Leafs will be Kings of the oil market
Angel Hill
It’s not about seizing the oil user, it’s about controlling the global petroleum market, and yes, there is a difference. The goal is for the (((IMF and affiliated international central banks))) to ensure that all nations buy their oil (OPEC) with the world reserve currency, which at least for now is the USD aka petrol/aircraft carrier dollar.
Ayden Price
This. If it was about oil we’d be paying fuck all for gas prices and such else. It’s all about taking down nations that don’t have jewish banks.
Parker Campbell
Shit, you shills are so bad at this it’s just pathetic. We all know whats up.
Bentley Roberts
Also, if I’m not mistaken, many ancient Sumerian archaeological sites were sadly destroyed in the Iraq war...this shit is depressing.
Ian Rodriguez
For fuck
Aaron Butler
Yes. Lots of collateral damage in the name of "democracy" which really means cartel rule.
Thankfully, written language developed early on for them, so we have lots to look back on.
Ian Gray
This. x6 Gorillion
Cameron White
Adrian Butler
Muh oil is an outdated meme. The US imports less than 20% of their oil, 50% of that from Canada and Mexico. Get with the times dumb fucking boomer. There are many (((reasons))) for military intervention in Iran but oil isn't really one of them.
Austin Allen
Saved. So Syria has been cucked under a kike bank as well?
Jordan Perez
Bingo. It’s not about seizing the oil, it is about controlling all trade of oil under the hegemony of Kike banks.
Jeremiah Hernandez
Why don't we just invade canada?
It's about damn time we did so!
Aaron Cox
Why not just annex Canada?
>They wont put up a fight
>Closer and has more oil
>Has first world infastructure
>International community would thank America for ending the leaf menace
The day of the rake is coming
Daniel Scott
>i-i-it's all about teh oil!!!
Sure thing, Shlomo.
Joshua Rogers
learn to read burger
Ryan Torres
>the fact that Americans got BTFO in Iraq and couldn't get the oil proves that it wasn't about the oil, guys!!
300 IQ posts ITT
Asher Ramirez
The US gets it's oil from, well the U.S. and south america. Europe gets its oil form the mid east. It'd be too inefficient and expensive to ship oil halfway across the world.
when will this meme die
Kevin Morales
The US, UK, and Israel are best pals. Don't you get it? We help them, they help us, (((everyone))) wins! The US is a global machine. It doesn't serve its citizens.
Parker Robinson
Why don't we just invade Canada? They got more oil than Iran and they're closer.
Kayden Clark
>has more oil
Checked and Keked
Asher James
C̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶m̶ The new jewish proxy war will work this time guys trust me.
Justin Flores
Also this.
Henry Nelson
Yeah, really makes you think.
Jayden Taylor
>The Iraq war 20 years ago is the same set off circumstances as Iran in current year
Based smooth brain
Jacob Moore
But Canada would be so much easier....
Gavin Williams
If it was all about oil The US would annex Canada tomorrow afternoon
Parker Adams
Hey YOU stupid FUCKING leafniggers YOU are NEXT
Lucas Taylor
it is not about the oil itself, it is about in what currency it is sold
William Long
Why can't Venezuela and Iran be more like Saudi Arabia?
Henry Wilson
Canada's "oil" isn't oil but some disgusting type of dirty sand that is only profitable to exploit if the alternative is beyond a certain price threshold. Venezuela may have the "largest" reserves of oil on the planet, but it's all buried underneath some giant mountains and is basically inaccessible. Americans get their "cheap oil" by permanently poisoning their land and their children and they do it all so that nigger rappers and basketball players can buy big cars.
Absolutely nothing to do with Iraq where all you have to do is dig a hole in the ground and get endless oil.
Christian Williams
Thank YOU!! Wow, an honest Jew, I never thought I’d see the day(unless you’re part of the 25% or so non Jew population). Now admit your people also want Iran gone because you see them as a rival and likely a road block to the Greater Israel Project.
Samuel Williams
Xavier Morgan
>They are at constant war with foreign invaders
Read that again
Isaac Rodriguez
>lose war for oil
>"w-we weren't even trying to get the oil, guys! The Jews tricked us into going for war so that they could fulfill some ancient prophecy for Moloch"
Kill yourself my man.
Logan Nguyen
Just ask Gaddafi
Angel Brooks
Now post infographic regarding nations without a Rothschilds central bank
Ayden Powell
This is why Gaddafi was taken down by Sarkozy/Clinton.
Gaddafi was going to use Libya’s gold reserve to make a Central African bank instead of the French.
Not Hilldog but Killdog. Deepstate was deep.
Easton Turner
arent iran and china and russia thinking about doing the same thing?
Anthony Brooks
I never said “we” weren’t trying to get control of the oil. What I said was that forcing countries to purchase oil using the USD world reserve currency (this was established with the Brenton Woods Agreement) was and still is the primary goal. USD ensures oil transactions are controlled by (((international central banks))). Clearly, the Iraqis did the smart thing and sabotaged many of their oil fields. Learn to fucking read you God damn leaf.
Josiah Brooks
>I never said “we” weren’t trying to get control of the oil.
Then shut the fuck up.
Daniel Peterson
Michael Gray
Side note: it was the Brenton Woods Agreement and President Nixon making the US petroleum dollar arrangement with Saudi Arabia expanded to OPEC. See this vid if it’s not censored in your country:
Charles Ramirez
Learn to read leaf cunt
Adam Diaz
What if it's about taking down Iran for its oil, and getting rid of a potential enemy, and for placating the sandnigger muslims who threw airplanes into twin towers, and cripping China's plan for the silk road, and so on?
It's often times not just one goal that has to be satisfied, but it can be several at the same time. The more goals are resolved, the better.
Let us hope that Iran manages to hold out long enough to get enough defensive nukes.
Eli Johnson
Isaiah Powell
Somebody gets it. Exactly. Also, greater Israel factors in as well. There is evidence even from independent sources that confirm Iran and Syria do help insurgents fight against US/Israeli forces. Iran is also seen as a threat to (((their ethnostate)))
Cameron Hill