Los Angeles

In a couple of weeks I'm flying out to Los Angeles to meet my girlfriend's family. Is it safe for a white Brit like me? The area her family live in is San Pedro which supposedly has quite a large number of whites (mostly Slavs and Meds) but she says the part her family lives in a community full of Hispanics, including themselves.

Also general tips on shit to do since it seems that I'll be fucking miles from Downtown LA, Hollywood, Venice, Santa Monica and all the usually touristy spots.

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>Is it safe for a white Brit like me?
Are you sure you aren't meeting a boyfriend there?

white neighborhoods are safe

So does San Pedro count as a white neighbourhood? If I get some static from some random cholos will the based Italians, Greeks and Croats have my back there?

You're going to catch typhus from a rat infested street bum.

If you dont believe me, look up Typhus Outbreak in Los Angeles 2019.

Have fun lad

First of all stop dating disgusting spics.
Second outside of the actual city it is mostly safe.
Third there is mostly nothing to do here.

>First of all stop dating disgusting spics.

Trying white girls didn't work for me.

Plus she's University educated, been living in the UK for years.

Disgusting gremlins I can't imagine it.

Stay away from niggers and beaners who can't speak English

Don't leave your hotel after 10.

If at all possible, travel by rail instead of air/driving because LAX is shit and so are the highways.

Attached: Amtrak Coast Starlight.jpg (3300x2088, 2.17M)


She's actually surprisingly tall for a Mexican girl.

>San Pedro

Don't walk over man holes

Gangs will kill you probably.

Can't wait till you see how much a shithole it is

My fellow Anglo. Welcome to America. You already said you have a Latina gf which is nice. There are tons of them here. Good and bad. You will see the fall of Rome here in So Cal.
Have fun but keep your wits about you. A wild nog or two could try and hit on your gf.
My advice would be to get out of LA. Head over to the Orange county area or San Diego. More beans but less nogs and degens. The white areas of So Cal are nice plus worth driving to. You can like it here but LA is a total shit hole. You're better off leaving north or south far away.
I am in the inland empire area and the wilderness here is actually top tier.
Keep your head on a pivot my fren.

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San Pedro right near the port is almost 100% hispanic. It gets whiter and more asian as you go up the hill. You can check out the racial dot map here:
>she says the part her family lives in a community full of Hispanics, including themselves.
they live on the port side, probably closer to sea level.

>Also general tips on shit to do since it seems that I'll be fucking miles from Downtown LA, Hollywood, Venice, Santa Monica and all the usually touristy spots.
you'll have to fight traffic to get to the tourist areas. You can get to the strand in Redondo Beach for a nice walk or dip in the ocean pretty easily. Should should go to Lookout Point Park and the Korean Bell, probably can walk there easily. Couple museums in San Pedro, Fort Macarthur and Maritime Museum also USS Iowa.
You'll have to drive there but there is a great hike down to the sea starting in TRUMP national golf course.

don't start shit with any hispanics, no whites will have your back
t. Redondo Beach bro user

>Have fun but keep your wits about you. A wild nog or two could try and hit on your gf.
bump, not too many of them in San Pedro but if you go north into Carson, North Long Beach, Torrance watch out

Is she Spanish then?

Just be forewarned, Nigel. This is what awaits you. They ALL turn into this at about 35 years of age.

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Based Nigel, taking a beaner away for America

Nope, fully blooded Mexican.

Been living here for over five years.

Nice to see you again, chap!

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What the hell bro you going to make a fart out a couple of beaner kids or something

Was destined to be the greatest city ever once. Now is a spic shithole.

For real. Even the movie business wants out.

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Where is the movie business going to go? Back to NY?

San Pedro is an okay. You can visit the USS Iowa museum ship or areas in Long Beach (like the aquarium).

San Pedro is Mexican as fuck and shitty. However the other side of the peninsula is some of the richest houses in Socal and trump has a gold course there.

Mexican as a race is on a spectrum from short brown goblin to basically Spanish. Mostly California has goblins.

why are you friends with beaners?

you'll be fine

things to do: get some quality mexican food, enjoy the sun, smonk weed

I took a pic from this same bridge you absolute fag

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So close to their child trafficking routes?

>old arc deco street lights, 80+ years old on a bridge that is just as old
>cover it in spic graffiti


Comeback and make and make a thread about how shitty LA is.
t. Commiefornian