Nobody says there was a faggot POTUS

Pete Assfaggit, some nobody I've never heard of, tell the (((media))) there was a queer POTUS. Obviously it was King Nigger.

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fun fact a "butti gieg" is latin for "nigger dick holster"

He is right, James Monroe was gay

I can't help but keep reading Buttigieg as Buttplug.

Or Lincoln

Lincoln was pretty infamously gay

I love American surnames

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what an awful last name

Yeah, that's how I read it. Is this the same faggot who talked about "starting a family bin the White House" or was that someone else?

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>pretty infamously gay
Not sending niggers to Liberia was pretty gay, but other than that how about some proofs. It's not like there are pictures of a tranny FLOTUS floating around the Web.


Buttgiege is so fucking annoying and I really don't give a shit he's a faggot. It's just he's the most smarmy, self-righteous and smug little cunt the democrats have and that's saying something. Constantly yapping and trying to throw shade like a little dog and eager to go balls deep no pun intended into wokism to make up for being a fucking white male.

I'd rather have Chief many-warrens-empty-headed as president than buttgiege.

Buchanan was the first fag president

pronounced butt edge edge

quite regretable

also statistically illiterate obviously, gay diversity hire at mckinsey obvs

there's no way someone with that name wins the presidency without heavy rigging

This here. Buchanan shared a bedroom with his VP and was known as Fancy Nancy in the press. The fagvo was easily out worst president. He did jack shit when half the nation rebeled. He actually pretended it wast happening and refused to in any way address it

Bath House Barry.

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If no president claimed to be a faggot then its pretty insulting to call them one now, no?

And under the basis X% of the population is a faggot? To hell with the sociao norms of that day?

So X% of us population is niggers and women, never seen one of them become president? Its the same mathematical logic the queer used

>... and the 46th President of the United States of America is Pete Buttigieg!
I would roll on the floor with laughter

>Fancy Nancy
That is a very unflattering nickname.

The jews took him out cause he was gonna deport the niggers.

FDR was gay, as well as his “wife” Eleanor.

Lincoln was gay.

He is right we did have our last one with his 1st tranny. Then there was FDR who was a closeted faggot.
>I can't help but keep reading Buttigieg as Buttplug.
Yeah I see it as Buttyplug, and call him Bottypeg. Which I am most willing to bet that is what kids called him throughout his school years whilst receiving his daily swirllies.

He knows about Obama