Whitest Man On Jow Forums AMA

Quick FAQ:


>Criminal Record.

6 Figures; also to add I'm in the medical field.

Live in LA, therefore by default I've had more interracial sex than regular sex.

Yes, you may just lurk and appreciate me.

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.08 jew. Do you stop and pick pennies of the ground?

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Did you actually pay the kikes to take your DNA?

This. He fell for the DNA meme.

>Pole in the West
>I've had more interracial sex than regular sex
Checks out

I'm guessing you're Y-DNA R1a, right?


Gift from friend. She got made me develop an Arab kink... Goddamn, she was so THICC it was criminal.

Still, you do understand that the technology exists that can recreate your DNA from the sample and for example plant it on a crime scene?

> 0.8% jewish


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Don't think he is that important to be worth framing

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more like most slav man on Jow Forums
are you squatting rn?

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You're probably right but paying them to give them the option is cucked beyond belief

Kinda had nightmares last month because I realize that in a parallel universe where I'm female, I'd probably be a Spade Queen since I have Jungle Fever in this universe.


Most of us are the straw and not the needle in the haystacks. I've only taken some Calculus in my life; the government has a team of super-autists that can write code in like 5+ languages. If they come for me and me alone, there'd be nothing I can do but I'm just an average medical worker.

Exactly. I doubt anyone on Jow Forums is.

Blew my mind when I found out why I like flat caps and squatting so much back in high school. That shit's genetic, dude.

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congrats. You will now have a chink butt fucking your clone.

Yeah but I find it tempting to do a test too. To see what percentage I get, I guess it's kind of an ego boost.
I'm afraid I will get the classic 1%African and East Asian ones but I guess most people get them so it's normal?

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wait but i was told that there were 6 gorillion jews that died in the holocaust
how is that possible if theres only 3 million jews in poland

3,000,000 were Polish Jews; the other was
3,000,000 non-Polish Jews (German, Czech, Austrian, etc.)

Are you Romanian by birth?

0.8% Jew
Pick one, and only one.

Picture this scenario: You meet a woman, you go on a date, you don't click. You leave on good terms. The next day police picks you up, you have raped the woman. You DNA was inside her pussy. Because for a small sum of 5000 dollars, 23 and me can provide your date with artificial sperm of her choice. You end up being Tyrone's GF in jail. You paid the kikes for it.

actually you're 99.2% white not 100%.

Still great though.

Im 99.5, but instead of Jew, it's African.

Mother- Both Parents are Romanian and from what I have gathered most were Romanian peasants going back to the time of the Tsar. I had one great grandfather in Moldova which was sent to Siberia to industrialize it.

Father- His Dad was a Romanian whose parents were Romanian and his father was in the Romanian kingsguard

His Mother-Green eyed A member of a Bulgarian aristocracy-esque minority who is the oldest minority in Romania. They are the only Catholic Bulgarians who use the Latin Alphabet.

They are a couple of thousand people who go back all the way to 866 when they were converted by the Vatican to Catholicism and were taught this alphabet by some priests.

His Grandfather- Some Blonde haired blue eyed man, probably a German from Banat.

The only one I am concerned about is my grandmother from my mother's side who although is Romanian does look a little weird in my opinion but I might just be autistic. I would post a picture but I don't want Jow Forums to bully me.

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Why do you need the test then nigga? The test is for Americans who want to pay the jew tax to flaunt muh 2,3 percent irish heritage. I know for a fact where I'm from and who my ancestors are, where they lived and so on. Don't fall for the meme, a test can't tell you what you already know.

But I have my doubts, this is a picture of my grandparents from my mother's side. Does my Grandmother not look a little weird? Are these all European features?

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holy shit, le ancient Nordic man. You're very lucky to not have a Indo-European Y-DNA, it's the most common thing.

>Easten European 93.6%
Lmao what's a pimple on a Polack's ass?

First of all, don't post family pictures online, don't do it
Second of all, your granny looks normal to me, she's definitely not some African descenant or whatever. Contrary to current propaganda there wasn't all that much blacks in Europe 100 years or so ago, even less when you go back. Do you tink there were Africans in Romania in the 1700?

Thank ye.

Alright, I don't have any thoughts about African Ancestry, only about some Tatar Blood. What if she has some Tatar ancestry from the Invasions?

Oh sorry, I must've misunderstood. Even if she has Tatar blood, its either very diluted by now and also there's nothing you can do about it even if it proved to be true. As far as I know present day tatars look white, that's the most important part. Also, the only thing you should fear is being a nigger or a gypsy, everything else is fine in my opinion, as long as you live where you belong. Also I have seen some data about the DNA testing companies using questionable methods to allocate where your ancestors are supposedly from if not straight fabricating it. So every person might get a 1% jewish ancestry for example like OP. There were instances of different results for the same person from different companies or different results for identical twins.

Alright, thanks for the response and time I will delete the image for good measure as you said.
There are no Gypsies in My family so that and nigger blood does not concern me. But Yeah it's as you said even if she had Tatar blood there isn't really a way to know who doesn't. Most ancestry tests I've seen consistently show something around 1% East Asian DNA which comes from the Yakut so the Mongolians/Tatars

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I think they gather tested DNA from verified people in some regions and if you DNA shows similarity to them they just allocate that part to that reason.
That's the simple way of understanding it which I have read in some articles. So yeah Since some Siberian people's have Indo-European roots this might cause the tests to show that Europeans are similar to them and thusly allocate a part of it to Siberia.
Even though it could have been possible that the Siberians themselves had Indo-European admixture instead

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Any legit unkiked company that destroys my dna and results after sending them to me?

That 0.1 asian is prob from ghengis khan

>0.8% Ashkenazi Jew.
Fuck outta here, kike. 1 drop rule.
Get rekt.

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yes,that's how I found it works as well. So it's more like an (((educated))) guess than anything

Just some dumb LA nigger who gave away his DNA

>.8 jewish

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The Missing Link, ladies and gentlemen.

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