Civilization is a disease. It allows individuals who would have died otherwise to survive. Look at fat people...

Civilization is a disease. It allows individuals who would have died otherwise to survive. Look at fat people, this guy would be six feet under if he wasn't living in modern society.

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I like having antibiotics and anime though

People who get fat in this society would be the most successful in nature, efficiency in storing energy allows you to reproduce more frequently, meaning you can spread your genes

True. Imagine what the Romans would've done to this fat pig?

Maybe modern civilizations is the cause.

So would people with type 1 diabetes or extremely shortsighted people or a whole host of people who benefit a lot from civilization but still can contribute a lot as well. Not that I endorse obesity, I hate fat people, but civilization is a good thing in and of itself, it's the question of where you take it.

Without society enabling him that fat guy may well not have even become a fat guy.

More bitching and moaning from betas who had have died if they werent born in the modern age lol

individuals who would have died otherwise also get to contribute to said society. sorry lad, but the leaders of the world are not chad thundercocks but rather weak scrawny nerds

I "like" them too, it doesn't mean it's good for us
Only if he is the king or something. Most fatties are the bottom of the society though, they are weak people who can't control themselves

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Nah, that guy would be healthier since he would move around and shit. I'm from the old part of the country in Europe where we have horses and carts, so yeah.

People without diabetes or glasses is better though

why do you come to Jow Forums?

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He's fat because he is lazy, lazy people would die in primitive society

Better than what?

Skinny people are permanently weak, their most common complaint on /fit is that they don't know how to eat enough. I 100% believe fatties would be optimal in nature.

I mean it's better not to have diabetes, is it not?

Okay, but boogie clearly isn't the optimal man in any other way neither

Sure, but I was saying that there are people who have diabetes (not the late onset obesity one) who would've died in years past but can actually contribute to society now despite their disease, this is an example of how civilization is better for humans.

Eh well, technically yes but more humans isn't really a good thing, them we need more farmland, need to use more oil etc.

Actually he likely never would have been fat in the first place.

That isn't the point at all, the point is that maybe there's a genius like Hawking who would've been dead long since in the olden times who can now make significant contributions. Also capable people who are physically disabled can now be a more useful member of society than a physically fully able bodied nigger with 60 IQ.

>this guy would be six feet under if he wasn't living in modern society
(((modern society))) is why he is fat
we've been fed nothing but lies for the last 50 years
they have posioned us in mentally, emotionally, and especially physically with wrong information about health and nutrition

I was kinda like thinking if society went back to primitivism now
Well we could trade Hawking for smaller and healthier population.

Helthier in what sense? To work in a field? the intelect is the main thing that drives the progress. 10 quadriplegics with 200 IQ at this point in time would advance the society more than 10 000 000 60 IQ apes who are strong as shit. If you want to live off the land in a rural society then sure, not saying there's anything wrong with it, but if you strive towards progress that's hardly the way.

Most scientists aren't quadriplegics though, most of the achieving people are ablebodied. For one you get more shit done faster if you can move. Most people wouldn't even want to be paralyzed, so that's good reason alone to avoid that

the brass bull treatment

I'm not saying any of that. I'm not advocating for a society of invalids. I'm just saying that modern civilization has enabled people to give their best in terms of mental capabillities and that's a big catalyst for further improvement and shouldn't be overlooked

Babby's first shitpost.


lots of blubber apologists in this tread

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Do you have any problems whatsoever? Glasses? Asthma? ADHD? AIDS?

You'd be a failure, too.

You figured out fat people suck, that's it shut this place down lads, we're done here

Okay, but i think the negatives outweight the positives, just look at people in Walmart, that was a rare sight in the past
I do, but i don't like it

You should put your money where your mouth is and expell yourself from the civilization you hate and to realize later, that you are the one who wouldn't survive without it. Survival of the fittest my ass.

> It allows individuals who would have died otherwise to survive.
I agree, schizophrenic inbred kikes would have died.

So would you.
Stop larping as a tough guy, faggot.