2020! Who are you voting for?

Has Jow Forums finally took the blue pill after denouncing Trump?

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even after his collaboration with bibi & israel?

Trump forever, niggas!

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I live in Washington, so I'm not going to waste my time voting. Democrats have this state locked up.

I would only vote for trump because of how much I hate the other side

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No one because i'm not a faggot like you

John Mcafee

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that's not the attitude. all the numbers count.

Trump. Trump is a like loving traitor but Biden is worse.

MAGA 2020!

I lean right and I thought trump would shake things up but he's shown that he's full of empty promises
It's better than a democrat in office that would push the whole diversity/gay bullshit but just barely
The ship is sinking and things are only going to get worse until we burn it down and start over

Drumpf has let us down and betrayed us all. Biden will make things better for white people! I'm a #BidenBidet now.

I live in King County. Like 70% of the people here voted for Clinton. Fucking Clinton. This county is so pozzed, they changed their logo to MLK, even though it was named after a vice president like 150 years ago.

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>not wanting to keep israel funded to postpone diaspora

I don't agree with a lot of his shit, but I'll still vote Trump. The Democratic party is a fucking shit show and needs to reform or break.
>tfw no mainstream Bullmoose party.

He's only done what Israel wanted all along from any Republican president since WW2 and the Balfour declaration. A small country like Israel needs a strong country backing so maybe you won't hear from them for a while now they have Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

ZionDon the Great emporor of Israel


Gaslighting kike thread
Fbi scared

I'd vote for this guy in a heartbeat, but he had no chance in 2016 and probably won't run in 2020.

Trump. Even if the democrats block everything he's trying to do, it's still better than the democrats actively destroying the USA. At least he's the only one who stands up against China, while the EU is corrupted by the chinks from inside.

I don't really give a fuck about those sandniggers and jews in the middle east as long as they don't live in western countries.

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Oh, there's also the Iran thing but that isn't just a Israeli problem.

John supposedly is running in 2020

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This but unironically. Not sure if he’s a glownigger, i think he is. But this is the only logical next level of sensationalism beyond trump

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You modern Europeans are no longer Western in spirit after being (((Americanized))). You are fucking trash in mentality compared to your ancestors. Soon you'll be eating burgers and watching niggers tackle each other at football games too, and you'd have potatofaces like Americans also. You are utter trash now, and I hope you choke on your shitty memes.

Considering Biden is ahead now and Trump lost all of his Rust Belt boys, I'm not voting for anyone.

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Yang Gang

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President Donald Trump!

He wouldn't last a second as he has appeared on RT numerous times, Democrats would eat him for breakfast.

2nd term Trump

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