Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand...

Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Germans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only German man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Americans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Italians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a German man a "cuck"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth German man that they are a "cuck"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

Attached: germany.jpg (1920x1200, 521K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck germans

I love you crazy kraut fuckers

Calm down, Ahmed.


Attached: toetet-die-deutschen.jpg (300x201, 65K)

Germany are unpopular because they're completely unfunny. I've never seen a German tell a funny joke ever.

salam aleikum, brothers

>Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Germans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
>bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand
>this community
Where the fuck do you think you are Hans?

Your grammar is a joke

>extension of Bavaria

Look here kraut, I fucking love you but stop your fucking little whiney mouth and get thicker skin and start removing kebab

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why do you care? your not german. germany hasnt had practically any ethnic germans since the end of ww2

was ist ein cowboy ohne pferd? [spoiler]ein sattelschlepper[/spoiler]

scheiß ösiland. sprengts euch weg

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>thicker skin
at least i got skin, unlike you, shlomo


Have sex Hans

I got one for you

"A dog has no nose. How does he smell? Awful!"
-Adolf Hitler

You dont have to be an alt-right pol/ack, you can get help like I did. Now I feel better and have a gf and a job

Attached: Get Help Anons.jpg (2257x1703, 518K)

There there cucky. Your blonde gf is sucking mustafa cock while you are on pol. And you know you like it


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fuck off, agent

You fuckers need to hang that old whore running your government and invoke the spirit of Adolph before I'll respect Krauts again, even your cars and guns arent all that good anymore

>guns aren't that good
Alap, sick quads bruv

And they say we can't shitpost...
Anyways sage and gay.

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Jokes on jew I still have my dickskin

Attached: Denver-airport-murals-Denver-colorado-Denver-airport-Denver-colorado-Denver-9.jpg (640x438, 315K)

You have never seen my drunken friends


>when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth
You talk like a little whiny faggot no wonder people can't stop laughing about us

germans are swarthy.

Attached: swarthy germans.png (646x764, 879K)

The truth has been spoken.

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The world is a little jealous they didn’t have the balls to step up like Germany, and get real about race. My faggot country was so subverted by the time I was growing up, I didn’t really see it coming. I love Germany, but the sheer fact that Angela Merkel is chancellor is all you need to know. In America, Trump is our last decent president, even though he sold out to Israel, somehow the right of the world needs to unite. The lefties always say too many ppl on earth.... I agree...


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Shouldn't you be busy spreading diversity by getting assraped by one of the shitskins you've imported into Europe?

You are all a bunch of sand nigger invaders. FUCK YOU

>spreading diversity by getting ass raped you don’t get kids from ass fucking hence diversity spreading won’t work that way

spreading diversity by getting ass raped
you don’t get kids from ass fucking hence diversity spreading won’t work that way


Attached: krautz.gif (250x188, 3.14M)

>spreading diversity by getting assraped
you don’t get kids from ass fucking hence diversity spreading won’t work that way

Stfu. You’re all fucking leftists.

(((Diversity))) is spread by the importing of the shitskins hans, the assfucking is just because you enjoy it.

Many turks, larpers and immigration background germans are posting with german flag.

I don't really care about Germans getting bullied, but most Polish posters are so toxic and deluded, it is unbelievable

I love Germany. I love its geography. I pray for sanity to return to its citizenry and for Merkel to find its place in Hell.

>>this community
fucking leddit

Attached: hue.jpg (600x315, 16K)

>the assfucking is just because you enjoy it.
i think you’re projecting your secret desires too much

You germans are a bit autistic. I like it.

cry more Hans

it’s also not our fault that those greek gatekeepers keep on sending them all in

Such dir doch bitte eine Schlucht zum reinscheißen du kuhficker


When you quit being the disease of europe, then the bullying will reduce nigger.

Show us your better side, you get criticized by the shit fruit of your labor or that what comes out of your leftist mouth


Wtf, I saw exactly the same thread about Israel posters here like one month ago. Even the text was the same. Maybe I should get off this board for a while.

I recognize the pasta

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>the year is 2013-2014 i forget
>german flags hold some of the highest respect on Jow Forums and Jow Forums
>pretty much shitting on PIIIGS posters all day everyday, especially greece (debnts)
>merkel comes out
>"we want 500000000000000000000000 refugees now"
>any respect germans once had now utterly and irrevocably destroyed in one day
>literally regulated to sweden yes tier

How the mighty have fallen on the emperor seal kebabing forum

We'll always be fine. Everyone knows that. You on the other hand.

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>We'll always be fine
soon enough

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lmao, Ich glaube die worten ist umbringen deinselsbt.
Mein deutsch ist sehr schlecht idk, ich versucht

no no, I just looked it up.
I don't fucking know lmao.

how many real germans are even left in the world? like 10?

You are not in the position of telling anyone to remove shitskins, my dear americlap friend.

Sattelschlepper = saddle dragger = german word for Truck

saddle dragger = cowboy without a horse

It loses a little in translation.

Attached: Karajan.jpg (960x540, 105K)

Halt! Stop! Ich fühle mich gemobbt! Mein Niveau, dein Niveau! Hallo! Abstand!

fuck germans

Nice copy pasta OP it seems there's a load of newfags in this thread

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calling every other european shitskin,undermen-reaction comes-`i am bullied`.funny.

I have nothing bad to say about Germans but clearly this is a bait post right?


/ß/ump for Germany


Leafs deserve more hate.

Don't mock the German sense of humour, it's no laughing matter.