Whites worshiping niggerball players

Is this pathetic or what? White heroes have been replaced by niggers dribbling a fucking ball.

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People love their teams bro.

God i sure hate niggers

You're just mad that we breed better niggers than you.

They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

Lmao shut up no one on that team is from maple country faggot.

>muh fantasy league

There's literally not one single Canadian on the team roster. Right now Canada is sucking black foreigner dick.

Less pathetic than whites worshiping an orange nigger

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the crowd is full of poos

chris boucher 2x G MVP you uneducated swine

Yeah little daughter look at the big nigger with the shiny thing he is great we love him. 20 years later....OMG I can’t believe your pregnant with a black baby!? What were you thinking!?

Yes, and its enforced via the normie definition of masculinity. The laziness of past white generations in worshiping sports instead of intelligence and bravery is the initial cause.

oh give us a break. we only get a big sports victory about once every 20 years

lel have you actually zoomed in on that picture? It's probably not even 20% white. It's mostly just asians.


And, surprise surprise, a shooting breaks out, even those NEVER happen in Canada.


A bench player who didn't touch the court. Wow.

How can people even say that about sports teams? At least in the past sports teams typically utilized local players and lads. Now all of them are just rootless company brands. But somehow this gives you a group identity lol.

Sounds like Canada

Toronto needs to be nuked.

It's so sad. Because white people created the game. Black people have ruined it.

>listening to this live on cbc
>buddy breaks up the cheer fest to tell everyone to remain calm
>there was a shooting in the crowd

Was it kino?

Why are white racists so got damn evil?

>picture is full of le 56 mutts

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hol up iz you tellin me dat if i kick da ball i get bling n shit? *smacks lips*

Based and redpilled. Fuck all these boomers and millenials worshipping corporations.

We don't really have many mutts here, they're just pure sandnogs/asians/indians/pakis.

hahaha that *is* pathetic

had to muck through this horde of goblinoids on the way to work. Toronto is a hellhole.

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Place your bets. Race of the shooters today?

People in western Canada are losing their mind over a bunch of crimally insane burger noggers, only because their told that it's the one thing they can take pride in, that is if one of their past times doesn't include sitting on a fist or ranting about infidels or white man.
All I want is a nuke this Christmas!

Glad you're safe then user. Just read kn faceberg, there was a shooting. Two shot, two arrested.

I'm guessing black. It was a woman so likely a domestic or gang related. asians dont go shooting shit and if it was a Muslim there would have been far more shot


Police were blocking the doors to the trains at Union due to overcrowding. Never seen it so packed in my life. But today it really hit me how brown Toronto is. I thought it was hovering around 50/50. But jesus fucking christ bay was flooded with nogs today. Felt like 10 - 20% white.

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Lmao seething Warriors fanboy confirmed

ay yo hol up

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Just imagine how much Leaf vagina was drenched in nigger cum overnight

Hard to say user, hard to say.

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lol, there are barely any whites in that crowd

How is that different from any other day?

>implying we have any actual leaf vaginas in Toronto

What's more pathetic is 90% of the crowd are taking photos with their smartphones.

I never understood this nigger-ball worship, it's fucking ridiculous lmao. The fact we allow them to be paid as much as they are for something as idiotic as kicking around a ball. Very nice.

>knowing anything about niggerball

From my experience its typically only boomers who still care about sportsball.

>Fuckin lazy ass collected welfare for a year and won by accident
>Sometimes good things happen to bad people

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lol.... millenials and zoomers worship that shit. Especially asians.

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I’m actually glad that I was an autist who never liked sports now.

The point of sports is to divert nationalism into something meaningless. It hijacks men's tribal instincts and makes them feel like they're competeing aganist other tribes when in reality they're sitting in front of their TV eating Doritos.

Anyone know what's become of the shooting there? Any info left? The one reporter that was in the same area sounded terrified.

I hope the raptors win every year. Maybe then a lot of this dumb sports shit will transfer to canada

It's bad enough that you guys export nigger music that I have to hear it played 24/7 in all stores and car speakers. Why must you do the same with sports?

That trophy reminds me of (((modern architecture))). Ugly as fuck, but fitting for the animal holding it and the crowd i suppose. Bread and circus loving morons.

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whatever - muh team! go team go!

How is the Raptors victory affecting the general idiots on other issues?

They're all the same every where you go. No nigger is a good nigger.


It was great. Streets were empty and I just cruised home.

Fuck the craps

Also two people got shot

user the streets were empty for cars. Stop being a pleb taking ttc

You realise that ape hoop was invented up here in Canada, right?

nearly every sport is dominated by the blacks

well, except hockey. We all know NHL is racist and keeps blacks out