I Used to be a Pol/Ack Alt-Right Person, and Got Help

You Guys can get Help you know. There is Love after Hate. I used to be here all the time, but now after getting help, I have a job and a girlfriend


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Other urls found in this thread:


Wait, so how exactly can I go and get help. Are there organizations I can join?

Yes user, you can go to life after hate organizations. They helped me and now I have a job and a girlfriend, its great!


kys fag
remember to sage

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I like how the assumption is that your life is a mess and that’s why you have respect for authority and a desire for a moral society. Why not do self improvement while still being aware of how the power structure works and who it serves?

wait are you implying you have a plan to do something violent or illegal?

Our hate stems from love. We love the ones who matter, the left "loves" everything thus it means nothing.

Holy fucking samefag sage this shit go back to your tranny discord jesus christ in my days JIDF had standards

I'm implying that your mother is a philistine hooknose that should've got gassed.

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>I'm implying that your mother is a philistine hooknose that should've got gassed.
Jews are people just like me and you user. Why do you want to do violence to jews and people's mothers?

There is another way. I got help here:



>strawmaning this hard
gas yourself

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Fuck you niggerfaggot

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>For nearly two decades, she has been a prominent public speaker and
consultant who has received recognition and awards from the Holocaust
Documentation and Education Center and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL),
among others, for her tireless work to counter violent extremism, reduce
prejudice and build communities of justice.


is a girlfriend and job part of the package?
I can feign liberalism with the best of them

this isnt anything like that. I used to be here all the time. Being a productive and mentally healthy member of society is the best way to go forward. Now I have a girlfren and a Job and I'm genuinely happy. You can be too

Why are you fucking FBI retards so bad at your job?

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>How high profile are we now? Are we being discussed by major government agencies? Do you have any information on how effective we have been in getting the word out? Any suggestions on how we can be better at getting this information to the public?

Your regime is increasingly concerned with its inability to control you, and they are right to be

Come on heeb, I was just starting to have fun. Are you that assblasted?

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>is a girlfriend and job part of the package?
Yes user. As long as you get help and leave here and be like us, fighting for social justice, then the ladies will take notice of how passionate you are and you will get a girlfriend. I promise

>Any suggestions on how we can be better at getting this information to the public?
The whole board is mostly Russian shills who hacked trump into office and its all hate speech designed to be cool and hip by being edgy. All you're doing is helping russia succeed in making you into a hate mongering incel like I once was.

But now I have a good paying job where I can reach out and help others and having a GF is so much better than being here


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But the most important of all,

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>The whole board is mostly Russian shills who hacked trump into office and its all hate speech designed to be cool and hip by being edgy. All you're doing is helping russia succeed in making you into a hate mongering incel like I once was.
Hey retard wanna explain the CIA and Mossad tabs?

>hacked trump into office

NSA told the CIA Niggers to stop hacking the voting machines with fractional votes in favor of Hillary Clinton. Donald J. Trump won fair and square. Also, America and Russia should be allies. The Judeo-Freemasons and the British Israelists and their space nigger friends have done nothing but sabotage the United States since the revolution. Fuck off

Enjoy being a nigger.

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>like almost everyone I knew, I'd been devastated by the 2016 election results
So tolerant and accepting of others


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ITT: niggers and faggots who reply to niggers

the "gay niggers with aids" is the main group to join.

Kek, I thought you had Mensa tabs open too
Do that in your next thread

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I want to believe this is LARP but judging from your search warrant scandal for eightchan I think they're just hiring 70IQ mongs like you to do this work.

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That's just a lunatic conspiracy theory alex jones style

>I got help

You're telling me you live in a universe where all the micscreants, degenerates and darkies have been eliminated? Who helped you?

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Ropeneck yourself and sage

You have to try harder.


Another fake story

>Who helped you?

You can get help here user:


Also start creating habits that you do instead of being on this board. Getting a dog and being responsible for its walks and feeding it are a good star, exercise, consider going back to school or a blue collar job training, join some local clubs where you can be social with others like a wood shop or chess club, start dressing appropriately, get a job, and then you will be good to go to get a girlfriend.

It will change your life for the better

Are you paid by post or hourly?

Reminder to never click unfamiliar links on fucking Jow Forums
Datamining is the least of what might happen

I have jobs and a gf now faggot. 1488

You fucked up. You won't gat any payment today, Scholomo.

Im married with kids and own a house so whats your fucking point shill?

No, im just a regular, was a regular user just like you. I hated certain people, and became "redpilled" but it isolated me from normies who knew nothing about what we know.

I knew if I was going to better my life, I would have to leave here, and at the very least try and be like them. This place is too addictive though like a drug, so i reached out to


and they helped me get my stuff together. Now, yeah, I still am redpilled about things, but all of that lead to hate so I just let it all go and now focus on the betterment and cooperation of society. A job, a gf, a dog, and volunteering at the homeless shelter is a fulfilling life

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Lol kys

Im applying for jobs that maybe I can get to post here and help you guys leave these boards

>Everyone I don't like is Jewish!

Friendly reminder
Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums


You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

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>Become aware of problem
>Enemy propaganda estranges you from people unaware of the problem
>Ignore the problem
>Problem solved

In Russian? Wait is this a serious LARP and not an ironic b8?
oh my god what has this world come to

>I suck cocks: the post

>Wait is this a serious LARP and not an ironic b8?
LOL, we are now metamorphosizing into something yet unknown, something that will even make those who hate us to hate themselves. We are Neo becoming Agent Smith

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Regulars go to CIA and Mossad and then reply to themselves to try and push an agenda?

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And if you look over here you can see the incredible academic rigor which constitutes the Jow Forums worldview
Are you just going to dismiss everything that disagrees with you?
Are you 14 years old and think that is how an adult should act?
How are you a good person with conduct like that?
What would someone who cares about you think about the way you act?
How would you feel is someone treated someone you care about the way you treat other people?
Just because we are on the internet it doesn't mean you have to act like an idiot. You can be a human being

All I can hear from you is the penis stuck in your throat

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>I have the cuckshed out back, the post.

Bro, the feds tried to warn us about MLK and we didnt listen. They are the good guys keeping us safe from this hacking site and making sure all systems are go and that russia doesnt win


I hate niggers and are a radical 1488er my girlfriend loves my Nazi wee wee in her boogie shoot. Kill yourself for being a faggot peace out nigger.

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Bro how do I join CIA posters and how good of a job outlook does it have? I want to redpill these bigots and make dosh at the same time

Yes it’s called the SS

> I used to be a nazi radicalized by the internet through podcasts and youtube
> now I deradicalized myself out of nazism through more internet podcasts and youtube
congrats you atomized lonely bugman nincompoop

Guys definitely DO NOT infiltrate these groups and undermine them. Don't do it.

Jow Forums has done a number on you

Well, make sure you have a high school degree and at the very least an associates. Check out the FBI and CIA websites for lists of positions that you can aim for in order to become a Paid Federal Jow Forums poster in order to help other Anons get out of this sub.

The pension is great and if there is enough of us that get hired, then we can make sure everyone here gets the help they need. We need to make Jow Forums Glow officially and get paid for it

I'm not going to go back to the bluepill, I'm not going to become a normie again. I'd rather die before I have to submit to you fucking jews. I'm going to do whatever it takes to exterminate you rats from the earth, I won't let you hurt my people any longer. I've had enough.

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What points or arguments do you actually have? All I see is a load of bitching from you and the videos you posted

The Left is the future where we will have diversity and permanently get rid of all hate speech. You can still get out of this sub and find help,

Join us at


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You only get about 40k bud

Fuck off fag

kys tranny faggot

I dont work there, but I sure can dream about it. Even 40k posting here all day trying to get you guys to leave Kekistan and become functioning members of society with girlfriends is still 40k more than I was making before I got help over at:


Nice CIA tab! LMFAO

Should recommend that to your friends, the femtrash.

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Why the fuck are you retards responding to this obvious troll? He's not a shill or a fed he's just a bored asshole who thinks he's being funny.

take your meds rabbi

Obvious bait is obvious

kikes did 9/11

glow niggers must hang

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>"When I ran this idea with Jen, she thought it sounded like I was making excuses for them."

ha ha this guy is such a cuck that he has to get approval from his key holder when making his own videos haha

Dose Shaun also have to ask for consent if he's allowed to watch Jen get fucked by their BLACK bull ha ha

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>joined the alt-right
Stopped reading there.

Please understand that you will never change anyone's minds with trite babble about love and hate

>You Guys can get Help you know. There is Love after Hate. I used to be here all the time, but now after getting help, I have a job and a girlfriend
I have a business and a fiancee. Sounds like you have issues you are suppressing through delusion and most likely drug therapy...

>joined the alt-right

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>written by anonymous

sounds legit

breddy gud OP will save pic for future ebin menes

DnC shill.

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>will save pic for future ebin menes

They will help you leave here. Dont hack things anymore, there is another way user

Is this the new shill tactic? I've noticed it more regularly

>Hey guise I used to be real OG moon man but then I changed, you can too! Just ask me how!

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>Just ask me how!

Niggers, injun, and spics kicking in my front door and threatening to kill my family made me the way I am.

Suck my dick, faggot


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You forgot to change your ID, dumb fuck.