Donald Trump has lost Texas.
Donald Trump has lost Texas
It's over.
Yang will win with over 500 electoral votes, screesnshot this post.
There will be blood
>18 months of this type of thing
>Trump wins popular vote and carries a dozen blue states
>media: we literally never saw it coming
>Trump wins popular vote and carries a dozen blue states
MIGApedes don't know the first thing about politics, this shit is all pro-wrestling to you. You're all nigger tier retarded.
so desperate, OP! the dem party is dead on arrival, they're just slow rolling a the release of info and court cases themselves. they sold out sanders for clinton who is a lifetime criminal. anyone trying to associate with the DNC will wilt away. it'll all start droppin in about a year for maximum impact.
an independent actually has a chance this round, but no one is positioned properly at this point and next year will be too late.
nonono, show that polling methodology
BETO 2020
trump will win, again.