White House Endorses "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation

Trump is going to take your guns for posting on Jow Forums.
But he'll trigger those liberals with a tweet so it's okay.

>“Other recommendations include encouraging states to adopt laws permitting “extreme risk protection orders” (ERPOs), which can prevent individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others from possessing or purchasing firearms. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Public Access Line—a critical component of the FBI’s efforts to keep Americans safe—has undergone changes to improve the process for receiving and evaluating tips from the public.”


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Hillary wouldn't have done this!

Whatever it takes to get take this Civil War hot

>But hillary
The ultimate cope

ain't nobody taking shit

Who's the President?

I can legally kill people who try to take my guns.

They are already taking Americans guns.
It will never be a 'mass confiscation', it will be inch by inch over time.
If it was a mass confiscation you are right, that people would literally get up in arms. But when it's picking people off one by one over many years nothing happens.

>New Red Flag Law Has Taken Guns From Six People in Massachusetts

>Only five states have laws to take your gun away when you’re having a breakdown, but that’s about to change post-Parkland.


>White House Endorses "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation

>Colorado’s “red flag” gun bill makes its debut.

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Alaska will ignore any and all gun laws.

Shills cannot counter the fact that Alaska is above federal gun law.



Will you be happy when the entire US is disarmed except for you?
Also do you really believe that they won't get Alaska eventually?

There's this thing called the constitution that is meant to be what the politicians are under.


You can't disarm Alaska.
Bears will eat us.
I spent the last three nights fighting off the same damn bear.
Alaskans also literally have laws on the books that that let us KILL people who try and take our guns because of the wildlife risk.

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the only federal gun law that exists is the 2nd Amendment. All 'state' and 'local' laws are a violation of the 10th.

Of course he is, he is from NYC. I am surprised he has even spilled the idea prior to 2020, but it is not as if the Dems will be any better. Another reason I do not vote for either of the two sides of the Uniparty. These people are both for centralized authority over the people, so they are pretty much Soviets waving the US flag every couple of years for the retards to keep voting them in.
Until we can convince everyone else to start voting for people outside of the Uniparty, we are done for as a nation.

Attached: constitution party.png (660x330, 228K)

most based state

They also legalized fireworks and binary for the next month anywhere in my town.

They won't disarm Alaska any time soon.
But they'll disarm everyone else.

And eventually will come for you.

they who?

Alaska will probably become a seperate country when the US balkanizes over time.

Expect groups like La Raza to take serious political power in the border states soon.

Can't believe people would want to live anywhere else.

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>Bears will eat us.
And wolves

Attached: wolfthing.webm (740x416, 2.63M)

We still sell bump stocks and I can buy 40 different formulations of binary explosives (including Helix and an rdx based compound) from the store off the shelf, no ID shown.

Ide like to see them try, when even children have guns and sometimes fucking carry pipe bombs.

There's a reason I have flak protection for my legs and torso under my plate carrier, everyone and their mother here knows how to make bombs.

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City council :)

Sold all mine to a guy I met on armslist with a burner phone, sorry.

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People at least in this town play a game with repeating co2 bb guns similar to airsoft but with metal projectiles and longer ranges.

Kids often take the co2 container left over and make either single cracker, or sometimes clusterbomb munitions from them.

The kids so far only use them to destroy property, but in a pinch...

>That little flag

Not Hillary, as evidenced by us not being in WWIII or already being disarmed.

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Are there no current lawsuits in motion against confiscation laws?

Had to happen. Nobody is above the future AI overlord. He choose the Jews over the AI. I suspect it will prove painful.

Federal laws are a violation of the 2nd and 10th. State and local laws are a violation of the 2nd and 14th.

Damn that's based
I used to love the 2nd amendment but now that Trump hates it I do too! Based Trump! Based Israel!


same here brother. these pricks wouldnt want to take guns if they had black bears invading homes like we do

>feb 20 2019

Attached: seriously negro.png (701x394, 313K)

Wow that means it doesn't matter any more!
Ignore the red flag laws that are in effect all over the country because this news article is from a few months ago, therefore it can't have any bearing on reality today.