Danes will defend this

Danes will defend this.

Attached: nzovxgmrmx431.jpg (1125x1380, 389K)

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=spray painting lawn

that's some next level cuckoldry housing

Is that their welfare housing?

Looks alright, but the bubbles should be more organized and maybe hexagonal and the land between should be farmed.

At least they all look a little different. Need more land though. Say add 50-100 feet out on the radius of each circle.

It looks completely defendable, from a military perspective. Also looks like containment.

100% chance of child autism

Lol wtf is this crap
Danes explain yourself

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Have you seen your own city planning?


>never turn your back on black.

what is wrong here?

Life is like a wheel

that must be pizza town

Most US suburbs give you non-retarded land size and a garage.

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In every bubble

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What the fuck is your problem? That's how the white ethnostate will be structured.

Pic related is apparently normal in America. Absolutely disgusting.

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this is like as if boomers and millennial hipsters did fusion
fucking disgusting

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Based motte and bailey.

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cities skylines?

Sorry your autistic nordic ass can't handle a little chaos. Not everything has to be a perfect grid.

I thought your main complaint was that it was kinda copypasted

I bet 50$ that whoever designer this shit doesn't have a drivers license
but it must be hilarious to see women trying to park in there

So they are training the people to live in the Mars colony domes?

>one neighborhood
>thinks the other 350,000,000 Americans on a piece of land tbe size of western Europe must all be the same

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Americans will defend this.

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Texans will defend this

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Chadsville has pools....

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>the land between should be farmed.
That a deep city leaf right there

*blocks your path*
Step aside, designlets.

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Danish low-level prison?

didn't they lose?

Now this is based


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why are the roads irregular?

What is the thing with danes and fucking circles??

More chadsville

Attached: Screenshot_20190617-155632_Maps.jpg (1437x1583, 1.85M)

All of you who apparently despise suburbs, what's your solution?

Would you rather live in social housing blocks, or what? We can't all have a farm with god knows how many acres of land. Especially not in Denmark, which is a tiny fucking country.

Do you realize that more and more people can afford a house and thus new houses will have to be built?

I don't see a problem with suburbanism or what the fuck it's called.. How/where else should people live?

Clearly a hexagon dude

Fairly sure >50% of non-black Americans live in a suburb.

I'm glad I grew up with a huge yard to play in

I live in a suburb, but it's an old suburb where every house is unique, and the lots are different sizes and shapes with old growth trees...unlike these new mcmansion suburbs

That battle? Yeah. But then we caught their autistic president sleeping before battle in San Jacinto, outside Houston.

>living in a cuck circle

What the fuck is this autism.
Imalaffin. Kek

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Just look at the fucking roads. It's like a giant maze. Imagine being black and walking through all of that just to go to the store and get a pack of skittles.

Thing is, you won't find that in any European city, not even the capitals. Europe has done phenomenal work when it comes to city planning, I suggest you do the same.

Attached: american-town.jpg (1440x720, 241K)

wtf I love denmark now?

I see somebody wants to be different

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That's a fortification.
It's designed so cannons have clear line of sight and are able to protect each other.

I think that style was invented in the Netherlands.

kek, you think individual circles hold feuds with other?


We do but not all of us live in California style suburbs

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shit, I was looking at the outer ring (before the star shape)

Was this designed by some landscaping company? Because they will be rolling in money.

esier to bomb thanks danemark

Yeah, that would also be nice, but the world is just a different place now. We're a lot more people and things have to be quick and cheap, so not a lot of variation.

That being said, I'd never buy or rent a house like OP's pic. I'd rather get a small house on the countryside, but I realize that not everybody can or wants that.

Thats some dystopian ayy lmao type shit. What the fuck

Based motte and bailey.

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Hungry my ass. He wants money for his meth habit

Why would we want to? I just had my German friend here and he was surprised how quiet and green it is in our neighborhoods

And why do you think he ended up on meth?

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This is a fair representation from your pic, Ffafnïr.

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because rich people dont want to live in a shitty grid

Of course Murrimutts are thinking about bombing pure white Europeans.

All suburbs are shit by definition.
If a suburb happened to be nice it would instantly turn into a village.

Because capitalism
>want to buy this partition of land that you'll be responsible for designing and building?
>sure, but in my own vision
>Freedom sized lots.

Why are there no fences in the front or back yards?

>and green it is in our neighborhoods
youtube.com/results?search_query=spray painting lawn


Attached: biggest-sport-in-america.webm (460x460, 1002K)

looks comfy

It's small allotment houses you fucking monkeys, people only stay there in the warm months

> goalposts moved
Good job

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Shit, I'll defend that. Looks comfy as fuck. Just sort them by race and see how each fares.

Because he was stupid enough to think "oh, I can handle it". And ended up an addict like the rest of them

Uh, the one I posted is nice and it's been nice for 60 years. No blacks, large lots, big and old trees, quiet...

Circle packing is totally inefficient, I cannot defend this.

>spraying our lawns
It always blows my mind that Europeans who have never been here seem to think that they know everything about America.

Based street names.

wew you can obtain wizard powers just living there

But I'm right - you will defend it, cause Americans have zero fucking heart. Annoying when Americans criticize Denmark, cause Denmark is a trillion times better than the shithole you live in. Everyone knows it, except you Mutts, haha.

Campus of some sort. Not private housing

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Show me some settler stuff or Tel Aviv

And Europeans who come and visit real American towns?

is there a swastika village somewhere on earth?

completely planned communities depending on automotive transportation with single family houses wrapped in a facade of traditional craftmanship are objectively the preferred housing type of fascism.
take that for what you will.

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10 to 1 of coarse they did but the Mexicans paid a heavy price for that place and got fucked in the ass by the blood lusted Texans soon after.

But why did he want to try it? I bet you, you don't understand, nor care about the social factors behind people starting on meth and opiates. Cause you're American - zero compassion, zero empathy and zero heart. That's just how you are. Horrible people for the most part. Some of you are decent, but most of you are disgustingly fucked up in your sick heads.

You're alright Finnbro, don't go to the sauna tomorrow.

It's where the government farms taxpayers.

What do you mean?

Looks like leaving for work would suck

No point. This country looks like shit.

This looks stupidly inefficient, can Danes not into geometry?

My back yard right now, cuck circle free.

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Austria here ... we have a "Reichsstraße" (Reichstreet) ... get a load of that

Attached: austria.png (1208x1553, 1.81M)

Fill one pod with Niggers and see what happens.

It's Palmanova in Italy.
Basically every European city had walls like that until dynamite made them less effective.

The autistic planner's very own and special legacy.

>the land between should be farmed.

> Michigan
> Hoping the ran and flooding stops long enough to SEE our lawns