>An armed shooter attacks at the Earle Cabell federal courthouse Monday morning in downtown Dallas.
>Law enforcement returned fire and the shooter was hit by gunfire. No officers or citizens were injured.
>Professional Photographer just happened to be there at the right time and get that perfect shot with the shooter doing a perfect pose like that...
>Even a nice reflection on side of building..........
>Wearing 5K in battle rattle but not one officer or citizen was killed...
>This has to be a false flag, to try to do more gun control laws
Dallas Shooting TODAY was a FALSE FLAG! EVIDENCE
Why didn't he kill anybody?
Why was he wearing a mask if he was planning on dying?
Distraction prep against pic related.
Why is he not wearing his sling? Why is he holding a magazine in one hand and a rifle in the other while there is still a magazine in the rifle? Why did he go prone next to a van and just lay there? Too many questions.
Sexual socialism would have prevented this tragedy,
Because he is reloading. Duuuuh.
This toilet of a board will pretend to be retarded about anything long as it allows them to ignore the truth about its inceloid peers.
Smart people don't go on mass shootings
his shoes are untied,
why wasn't he prepared?
looks like someone dressed him, drugged him, then released him and shot him
Mexico is the most dangerous country in the world to live in. Just let that sink in for a second.
All mass shootings that target civilians and are alleged to be perpetrated by a "right winger" are false flags because conservatives are practical and would target more valuable targets.
>lacking any sort of counterargument, the poltard has to resort to typical internet slap fights for his defense
Like what?
those bullets were probably blanks
>was in army
>0 kills, 0 injuries
Nice try hef-be-eye.
Texas nigger. Would be a totally different story in Santa Monica
>when the only notable mass shooting in Texas happened at a gun free military base
Facts. Another thing that strikes me as weird. Mass shooters usually go where there's no guns to shoot back. Guy tried this in Texas? Fuck even coma patients keep a gun under their pillow in Texas.
Trying to shoot your way into a federal building like it’ll be easy and then ending up getting domed by a security guard is about the type of competence I expect from you retards.
>if there's a picture of it, that means it's fake
This thread is a false flag.
That's Samuel Hyde in the picture.
The thread is trying to make it seem like Samuel Hyde shot up another location.
When he's been in jail for over a month in the UK, waiting on extradition to the US for going postal on a police station in Hope, Washington sometime in the early eighties.
Finally a good fucking post
This board is chock full of incel retards and this is what they look like
The Congress minecraft server.
>wearing comms
so heres what happened.
>fbi gets caught snooping and riling people
"shit we need a reason to be snooping around here"
>false flag
"see look! these people are violent crazy faggots. we have a PERFECT reason to be snooping here."
is basically almost always the story. if the body count is too low like this example
whatup agents
Hey im Tim Brown. Just a regular Joe who was making coffee when I heard the gunshots so I filmed a little bit of what was going on. Not too much though. Just a taste.
That's his hair, nazi.
full name samuel clyde
WAIT A SECOND FOLKS. Who is hiding in the corner here. Could that be Tom Fox??
notice in the picture on the right the debris and smoke as a round hits the wall right next to Tom Fox.
who is Charles Whitman ?
at least think of something more plausible agent buttercock
Oh the irony. See >Bzzt. This is falseflag command relaying you instructions. Ok now get shot and die, over.
Truly a great need for comms.
Search warrant time. Prepare your assholes gentleman.
this is the photographer who took the photo
i sent him a few emails, still waiting for him to reply...
What is your point user? No kids or officers were injured at my Highschool when somebody tried shooting up graduation practice.
He looks like a glow in the dark nigger
look at his nose!
Could be big.
Hearing protection is the most valid claim IMO.
There's just really not a lot to work with, compare that color and texture to Surefire's stock? Idk how one would go about that.
I don't think those are completely transparent like your example photo is btw, but hard to tell.
Needs addressed.
Are you able to provide what hearing protection he was found with?
They could be matched to the photo and have this theory tossed aside in an instant, that easily.
today in
>every gun incident that politically disadvantages me is a false flag
i've been following some seriously mentally insane groups of people and more often than not they end up being heavy trump supporters (not to mention huge jesus freaks)
this guy took video as well, after the last few shots ring out
harakiri sudoku already cut a deal when he bought Jow Forums.
>every gun incident that the news reports is 100% real and verified, the media never lies and has no agenda outside of apolitical corporate business and a honest-to-god altruistic concern for the public welfare
I'm sure you like mocking people of different governments/nations of past and present for being tools and cattle following the herd, people whose politics you look down upon. Yet you trust the public media propaganda to an equal if not greater extent, media known to at least be quite adamant in their defense of a neoliberal world order to which right, left, and anything not neoliberal is a threat or a problem that must be done away with.
I think it was just a case of suicide by cop. He chose to shoot at a federal building. no one is that stupid.
keep on huffin, cuck.....eventually your post will make sense
Yes it's my post again!
Why all the gear?
>Wearing 5K in battle rattle but not one officer or citizen was killed...
which fag is missing in /arg/ threads on Jow Forums ?
So he would look like more of a threat and they would shoot to kill.
also he was probably an autist
Hes got a bottom tier AR. He'd be laughed at in /arg/
>That rifle
> He's just some dumb kid that made a poor choice.
I'm pretty sure cops always shoot to kill
Whitman was sixty years ago when America was a high-trust society with a lot less shitskins and he climbed on top of a tower. Try again.
Terrorists dont choose hot targets where they are going to be shot at instantly.
That psycho wanted to die.
It's a courthouse, why is it surprising that there were photographers around? And him wearing body armor isn't going to make him competent or make up for his stupidity. The dude is too fucking dumb to tie his shoelaces and him failing is supposed to be proof that he's a fake? If someone wanted an effective false flag, why would they have decided to go with one where no one dies except the lunatic with the gun? That's not going to move the needle on an issue at all
suicide by police ?
low energy wannbe cop broadcast narration. 1/10
What the fuck are you on again OP?
Why does everything have to have some underlying message when it doesn't?
All I see is a small man syndrome. People think as if their opinions mean fuck all. Everybody yaps and nobody listens, yet you still yap.
I agree with this. They had a major flub with that subpoena needed to clear that up.
worse. i see a vet who was in for 2 minutes and utterly failed to progress as an adult and turned to internet culture and firearms as a way of finding power. today was just a cry for attention that ended up killing him. totally unnecessary y'all
>5K in battle rattle.
It’s a cheap ass DPMS AR and a shitty sitemark red dot with six magazines filled with wal mart ammo. His “armor” is an army surplus flak vest designed for fragmentation, not ballistics. His web gear is air soft tier gear. Dude’s wearing $300.00 max.
Damn, this propaganda rag would probably give me an infection is I tried to use it as asswipe.
The fact that they posted his full name immediately proves it's a setup.
Niggers do this shit? Can't find out or see any images for days.
Muslim does this shit? Didn't even happen really.
But white guy with brand new gear does this?
Front page all day...
Fucking Racists in DC.
>That's not going to move the needle on an issue at all.
>If someone wanted an effective false flag, they would have decided to go with the one where no one dies except the lunatic with the gun?
Look how much their pinning to him in the articles, everything from incel to far right to conspiracy theories to misogyny and everything they dislike. False flag? Not certain, yet not unlikely.
There's always that meme of "hey kid, want to blow up a federal building?" Attacking a federal building is something most of "our guys" know is a bad idea, as well as anything relating to bad optics.
If the media is correct, than this kid either didn't know because he was a newfag to the redpill, or because he somehow miraculously had no way of knowing about the fed-honeypot memes that are some of the first red-pills you take (right next to race realism and the JQ).
But, at least he went to real targets.
No one wears ear protection over your flashhood. You do, however, wear your comms on the outside so you can change your channel/frequency. Usually you'll have the foam or plastic with the wire connecting the two, and it's just easier to keep the protection inside the hood.
This person had an ear unit in.
that's so he can listen to his Linkin Park mp3s
Looks like a training exercise
Ugh, nasty old fag, put that shit back under the bed.
Fucking christ, save me from this captcha hell.
would you accept a coffee from this man?
>>Wearing 5K in battle rattle but not one officer or citizen was killed...
Because no one in the USA has more money than sense...
Need proof they can't win if you go after them as a population? This guy was at the front door.
All that bullshit about "nuking us" if we don't disarm?
This one faggot just proved how fucking weak all of these "officers" really are. They depend on us, not the other way around.
Gloria Vanderbilt died today so they triggered MK Ultraman to pay the blood libel to Moloch. I'm sure Anderson Cooper will be disappointed that they only harvested one life for his mommy.
>be via/dhs/whoever
>call every shooting a false flag to obscure the actual false flags
>have msm demonize anyone who accuses a false flag shooting
>now no one can question the narrative
I saw his post last night on here. At the time I thought he sounded like a Federal Agent because he sounded just like the FBI on infinitychan and it was talking about that exactly. FBI seems up to something nefarious. Get ready for Patriot Act 2 Unconstitutional Surveillance Boogaloo.
ssshhhhh you're not effective here
A reporter at a courthouse??? Who ever heard of such a thing.
Of course it was. The glowniggers are forming the chans because they're upset we caught their (you)s in the 8ch warrant and proved they're glowposting.
Interesting, pleb civilian here so...
Can you illustrate your claims in a photo of a uniformed operative?
Sounds plausible.
If it's true he was using a flak jacket though, maybe his hearing protection WAS outside the hood, as haphazard as his setup was?
>Inb4 this becomes a Michael Bay movie
It was suicide by a glow nigger. He didn't want to kill nobody.
Daily reminder proof has been entered into the public record of glownigger shills posting violent and inflammatory messaging on the Internet.
>ywn be this autistic
>5k in battke rattle
Lol not even close unless you talking about pesos or some other funny money. Literally poorfag set up
Eat shit glownigger
That is a holy elephant
Who cares we have proof of them arming and finding radical terror groups and nothing came of that
>We need to ban all guns right now!
>nothing came of that
Not true, those incidents have irreparably harmed the FBI. Ordinary citizens view them, correctly, as a gestapo. They could find a whole boatload of high crimes but that's not their job. Their job is to shitpost on forums and inflame the locals to violence if they can. It's the same thing STASI did it pubs.