Real question here

If Argentina is white, then why isn't it a first world country?

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Latin America has a thing for theatrical politics that ends up just being a waste of time which would been better spent Jewishly fretting about commerce, like the English are so good at

It used to be a hell of a first world country. But then the asshole of the image came to power.

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They aint white.

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This. Argentina used to be frens with Britain believe it or not. Las Malvinas was never an issue until this retard made it one.

They used to be a first world country until socialists came to the power


Falklands do nothing to do with the decadence of Argentina, actually.

Fuck you fgagotz Juan Peron kept security and peace in Argentina and made it first world tier. He was the Pinochet of Argentina (In the sense of saving it, not politically.) Once he died the country went through fuck tons of coups. Fucking dozens. That's what ruined it. Also his wife was a fucking whore. Also Juan harbored Nazis.

* faggots
Man I'm drunk.

More like eggshell.

>If Argentina is white
It is not. It used to be, but certainly not anymore. There are still "whites" (European descendants) here, such as myself, but we are not the majority in order to call Argentina as a whole a "white country."

>why isn't it a first world country?
It is complicated. There are a lot of factors as to why we are in our current state. Racial demographics may as well be one of them, as we did in fact suffer from a colossal racial and cultural replacement (and we are still undergoing it) in the last decades.

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Reminder, average IQ in Argentina is 96 which is slightly higher than Ireland and Portugal.


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Come on, admit Peron ruined your country.

Why can't they keep the electricity on? The entire country lost electricity yesterday. The entire fucking country!

Not quite. Perón, especially in his first presidency, did a lot for Argentina. He nationalized the central bank, he raised industries from nothing, lowered the levels of unemployment, promoted European migration specially based on racial and cultural ties (thus, we received more Spaniards, French and Italians), etc.
This "Argentina is shit because of Perón" is a meme that needs to die. He did a lot of things wrong, but this country has A LOT of people to blame before Perón.

t. not even a Peronist.

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You should genocide every shitskin you see and rape every white girls you find. You have to fill their bellies with your white seed and burn down every abortion clinics.

>If Argentina is white
It isn't.

>They aint white.
Why are you still posting pictures of that dumb whore?

White race doesn't exist.

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> Argentinias really can't help loving Peron

You're done, guys. I'm sorry.

The only thing that I love about Argentina it's their gastronomy - one of the best. Sorry, I only speak about food on /pols/ I don't know why...

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Can I come?

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I think Menem (such as selling our soil and people to foreign corporations) or Kirchner (such as allowing the entrance of millions upon millions of Latin American immigrants, putting them on welfare and increasing more taxes) did far more to ruin my country than Perón,
Making a man that has been dead for 40 years our scapegoat is just a sign of Argentinean ignorance, intellectual laziness and lack of honesty. Even If he did ruin Argentina, we had more than enough time to move out of it.
Truth is, we are not a first world country because the average Argentinean is filled with mediocrity and corruption.

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Semirelated question: is it true that Argentina is the list shithole South/Latin American country, or does that title go to Uruguay?
It's really bizarre to me that on such a huge landmass with so few borders, there wouldn't be at least a couple of gems amidst all the shit.

Because the fucking yankees are keeping us down.

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Las Malvinas have always been an issue for Argentina, ever since 1833. In fact, the government (military junta) that declared war on the UK over the Malvians was anti-Peronist.

Attached: Argentine-sublieutenant-Marcelo-Llambías-Falklands-War-1982.jpg (622x720, 116K)

*least shithole

Considering its schooling is likely of the "Lat in American quality standard" 96 is impressive.

Menem was the worst. (((Neoliberalism)))

In Argentina there are lots of racists idiots... And yes, they're idiots, because they support socialism, and the raising of govt payroll... They're going to collapse just like Venezuela; or even worst.

>Las Malvinas
Falkland islands. Get it right, Argentine with a proxy.

it's the same reason Russia is a s*** hole even though Russia is white

Easy. It’s not white.

Also.. Jews.

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We aren't wh*toids

What generates their power, and have loony lefties touched the grid?

Argentina just only need to open markets, fuck off govt, fuck off socialism, fuck off racism, fuck off libtards, fuck off feminazis, and everything will be fine, and perfect. Argentina would be another Qatar, but more self-suffitient.

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>scapegoat after 40 years
Oof, and I thought lefties blaming their stubbed toe on King Ralph who has been dead for a decade was bad.

Slavs are different, they may look white phisically but they have subhuman mentality that makes them go violent. Agries are mostly latin/germanic descents who are much wiser subspecies.

Not all whites countries are first world, but first world countries are white.
>What about Asian countries?
Honorary whites, my good sir.

That is false. Nobody in Argentina gave a shit about the islands until nationalist propoganda that started under Peron. I can't find it now but I read a very well cited article about this.
Buenos Aires didn't even control the Patagonia back in 1833.

It was only for 6 hours, no big deal.

No, that was a like a decade ago, the new generations are latin america tier, and it's only getting worse every year, still better than middle east or africa hahaha...

Stop blaming others, you BRAINWASHED IDIOT. You're on economical crisis because your govt spend more than they have... Your govt payroll it's ABSURD!!! You need to restructure your govt - reduce it and make it more efficient - and reduce taxes. If you don't do this, you're going to face the same fate as Venezuela.

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Education has barely to no effect on IQ, it's mostly genetics and eviroment.

Actually, the least shithole is Chile

You should listen Gloria Álvarez - she's Libertarian and she's proposing real alternatives to solve the economical crisis in our countries. Fuck socialism, fuck fascism...

Yes Libertarianism.

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Fuck off memeflaggot, the current gov is full of cuck that love to suck american dick, that's why we're so in debt.

Most of you west of the Urals are European enough.

The current govt is another centrist govt and they keep the huge govt payroll. There are no real solutions in your country - all your politicians support the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST agenda for Latin America. You're fucked UP.

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Oh, really? I have dozens of books sitting in my bookcase next to me that enumerates the policies of Agentina towards the islands, and more especifically, the Beagle Channel throughtout history.
That is indeed correct. But the Malvinas were under Argentina's jurisdiction since 1820, very well documented by American sailor David Jewett.

South American countries can be self-sufficient - they shouldn't need dependent on US market. If your countries are on economical crisis, it's because your fault. Reduce Govt + Reduce Taxes = a prosperous nation.

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>Buenos Aires didn't even control the Patagonia back in 1833.
That is indeed correct. But the Malvinas were under Argentina's jurisdiction since 1820, very well documented by American sailor David Jewett.

It has an effect. Depending on the studies I have seen you can gain quite a few points, single digits ofc. Doesnt mean an IQ in the 80s offers anything, that not what I ment.

There's no difference between ethnic Russians east and west of the Urals

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Ahh yes, government mismanagement causing no reserve capacity even though Argentinas electricity usage has been growing 6% annually.

Percentages m8, far more “white Russians” west of the Urals than east.
The Amur region (east of Urals) has a crapload of white Russians though.


One more time: ethnic Russians are the same whenever they live, and ethnic minorities in Russia aren't ethnic Russians.


Yes, really. I'm sure you can find information in spanish search easier, but look up "peronist propoganda about falklands in education".
The official/legal position is often different to how said issue is perceived in the eyes of the general population - a lot of weird laws/statutes still officially exist on the books in a lot of countries but they are seen as ridiculous and not made a big deal of.
The fact remains that the Argentinian public did not give a solidary fuck about the islands until the nationalist propoganda campaign of Peron, set to the backdrop of a weakened Britain.
More retarded govts produced more propoganda until your retarded leaders finally escalated and lost an unlosable war which now really gave you something to cry about.
Even if you have a government like you do at the moment nothing will ever change really because your people are eternally buttravaged about it.

>jurisdiction in 1820
This point is utterly retarded anyway. They were under control because they had been seized by the Spanish (Argies) from the British BUT they were never ceded, and the colony had failed by the time we returned anyway. They have been occupied by those people for nearly 200 fucking years. Those people consider themselves British (even those of Spanish/Indian descent) and want nothing to do with Argentina, now or ever. This means they can never be Argentinian because they have the right to self determination.

PS. Antarctica is ours, too.

Imagine if the whole of the US lost electricity for 6 hours.

>The fact remains that the Argentinian public did not give a solidary fuck about the islands until the nationalist propoganda campaign of Peron
Agreed, completely. And this is because the population of Argentina up to the mid 20th century were immigrants or first generation immigrants, so nobody identified as "an Argentine." Thus, nobody cared about the country's foreign policy (in fact, many didn't even know Spanish).
This was a great problem for the Argentinean govts, but I won't go into details.

>your people are eternally buttravaged about it.
Meh, Argentines don't care about the islands anymore. Only the chauvinists.
In fact, even in the 80s people didn't care about them either.

No, the islands were ceded by the principle of Uti possidetis iure in 1816. And they were later seized by Argentineans in 1820. In 1825 the UK recognizes Argentina as an independent country. In 1829 Luis Vernet was declared the first Argentine commander of the islands.

Yes, I wasn't disputing that.
Ethnic Russians living in Edmonton are still quite Russian compared to the Somalis living next door.
But there far less of them here, than in European Russia.

Everything is ok, just some bad calculations.

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falklands is actually chilean clay, would you believe it or not

It wasn't the whole country either, just the northern bit and Uruguay (who share an electric grid).

... in fact this reminds me of that time when NE USA and Quebec (who have very integrated grids since Quebec sells so much electricity that way) had a very long black out thanks to a solar flare causing a baby EMP to hit some transformers.
Just no solar flare hit South America, it was just Argentina being retarded with its electrical grid ().

Overall a couple ticks whiter than your average american state

Argentina was part of the 1st world until 1940 give or take. While Japan main transportation were horses or trains. Argentina had subways even before Spain or Catalunya.
The problem with Argentina was they didn't invest hard enough.

Same problem with Venezuela, which in 1950s those fuckers had a growth so huge they didn't know what to do with so much money.

If southamerica becomes first world it would attract niggers and muslims.
This is what actual 4d chess looks like.

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Being white doesn't mean you will be first world, look at Arab countries

Because the truth is germanics and angloshits can only succeed when their environment heavily favours them

For example conquering mud hut living peoples or having access to resources/land that others don’t in the first place

G*rmanoids and Angl*shits are showing their true colours in 2019: behind asians and jews in iq, behind shitskins in work ethic, behind blacks in athleticism, and behind everyone in religion/spirituality

Argentina just needs to get its shit together. I wish it would, I miss Rosario.

Is Argentina a good place to vacation in? I wouldn’t mind taking a trip there in the future.

Both chile and argentina are falklands' clay because they are near it, by your own faggot logic.
The falklands have been british since before either country existed.
get over it

remove brits, import spics

Based kiwi dropping the heavy readpills.


Absolutely, rent a car and drive to Rosario. It's an awesome town a couple of hours outside of Buenos Aires. Lots of history, young people, good food and a casino. Just brush up on your Spanish, not a lot of English speakers down there.


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Hi Dianne

true, the brits literally built our country

its sad that a war promoted by jews on both sides led to animosity

>I miss Rosario.
Just move to Chicago. Pretty much the same kind of shithole


what the fuck.

Don't listen to . He's a faggot that will get you killed. Rosario is a shithole with crime rates somewhere bewtween those of chicago and detroit.
If you want to visit argentina, go to patagonia, specially the bariloche area and tierra del fuego
There's really nothing special about buenos aires, but if you wanna visit it be aware that it has 70s new york levels of crime and stay away from the south and west

no need to panic user, its just a casual insult, i havent been reading your diary

what the fuck

Fuck off porteño, Rosario doesn't have niggers, it's where your country's flag was made and it's comfy as fuck.

I drove a brand new car and walked around Rosario without any problems.


you googled it

I found the nigger.

that thing is not normal here, bong. I don't know about bongland tho.

you're a bad person man.

Don't listen to this asshole. Rosario is a shithole filled with crime. The biggest drug cartels are in there.

>Fuck off porteño, Rosario doesn't have niggers

You are a lying piece of shit. Rosario has neighborhoods filled with niggers, the african and the indian kind not to mention the villas.

Yeah, next you're going to tell him to go beyond pellegrini to take pictures at the siberia